questions from ThePaigeTurner
To dark: Are you the oldest?
Dark: Nope, almost though. Wilford is actually the oldest
To anti: do you like cake and cookies like Jack? if so I'll by you some
dark: oh no, not sugar....
To emo dark: are you the youngest brother out of the ipliers?
emo dark: ugh, yeah and they always pick on me, ITS NO FAIR!
To bing: do you like google?
Bing: If wanting to do forcefully press my lips aganst his, then yes, yes i do like him
Author chan: BING!
Bing: i speak the truth hun
To google: do you really want to take over the human race?
Google: of course not. thats just some stupid video mark made to make fun of me
To wilford: I'm sorry that people think that your mean I think you can be sweet like dark
Wilford: *cough* uh wow, thanks. i mean i know im a bit rough....well alot rough, BUT in good ways~
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