_Vampire's love_[chapter 2]
"This country surely has changed a lot." – Aaron sighs while walking on the crowded street – "The last time we were here, every street was almost empty at 6p.m."
"Are you talking about over half of century ago?" – Minhyun giggling at his childish complain. It've been such a long time since they walked together like this.
"It's just a few decades. Don't make thing so serious."
The five stops at the corner of the street. The street is so crowded and they got tired of hunddling among so many people, not to mention all those cars dashing around.
Dongho got a couple of soda and gives Minhyun one of them. The others look at him and wondering.
"What about us?" – Minki asks.
"I only have two hands. Go get it yourself."
Dongho points at the vendine machine which is a few meters away from them. Their attention doesn't about those can of soda but unconciously drawed to a girl standing near the machine.
The girl is quite pretty. She talking on her phone and laugh carefreely, unaware of those eyes that are watching over her. She bought somes sodas and juices, then left while chatting about other random stuffs.
She left a crowded street and made a turn to a small alley. It's seem that she want to take a shortcut to her house.
When she gets to a deserted street which is away from all the crowded and noisy street, she says on her phone.
"It's almost there. I'll call you back when I get home, ok?" – then she hangs up her phone.
She walks on a street which has almost no one passing by and still doesn't notices a group of guys approching her.
"Hey, pretty girl!"
A voice of a man surprises her. She turns back to meet a group of insolent thugs standing behind her.
"You're alone?" – one of the guys talks to her with a pervert smirk on his face – "We are kinda boring. Would you mind accompany us?"
The girl got so scared that she is all shaking and doesn't know what to do. She tries to run away but one of them is faster and blocking her way. Another one violently grabs her arm and pulls her close to him. She screams in fear but no one come and it's just make them laugh.
"Come on. Just go with us and we won't hurt you."
When the girl starts giving all hope, there's a voice, coming from the dark sky.
"Who is it?" – one of the thugs looks around but he can finds no one, not even a single shadow can be seen on the street.
"Two." – the voice continues.
"If you want to do something stupid, you better shows your face."
"If we find you, you're dead."
The thugs clearly feel something isn't right but they're just can't decribe it. They look at each other in confusion and none of them can say anything.
The black smoke suddenly appears around then along with the squeak sound. They looks up as the sound was coming from above them. The night sky is cover with a huge flock of bats. They fly around in order and then gathers with the black smoke on the ground. The bats and the smoke seem to be blending in and turn into a shape of five man.
"Perfect! Then we'll have enough blood to share!" – Aaron giggling.
Not only the supernatural thing just happened before their eyes, but also the look of those five is enough to make the human thugs shilver. Their mantueu are as dark as the night. Their eyes flare up an usual light, stand out in the darkness.
One of the tries to run away, but Dongho suddenly appear right in front of him.
"We are kinda boring. Would you mind accompany us?" – he says, with an annoyed voice – "Creatures as despicable as you only worth for one thing."
Dongho grabs the man and viciously bites his neck.
The others scream in terror as they are taken down one by one. Only one still standing as Minhyun hasn't move an inch. The man get too scared of what happening and seem to have lost his mind. He tries to do the most stupid thing he can. Attacking Minhyun.
He rushes toward Minhyun as if it is the only way out and rises his fist toward him.
Minhyun can easily avoids an predicable punch of a horrifying man but he got lost in his own thought an unaware of his surrounding. The punch hits him in the face. It was too weak to do him any harm but it was enough to draw some attention.
"What an idiot!" – Minki sighs.
The man is hold down on the ground. His arm is twisted and bend all the way to the back. The man cries out in angony as Dongho break his arm in half.
"How dare you..."
"Stop!" – Minhyun prevents Dongho from killing the man – "I'm ok."
"You're not!" – Dongho grabs the man's neck and shows it before Minhyun – "You thought we wouldn't notice? You need fresh blood."
"Dongho's right." – Jonghyun wipes off the blood on his lips – "You're weakening. You can't keep drinking "that" blood anymore."
"Minhyun, do as Jonghyun said and takes this blood. You know you need it."
"I won't drink it. Not anymore!" – Minhyun said and disappears in an instant.
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