_Vampire's love_[chapter 4]
"What is this thing?"
Minki curiously checking the weird device Aaron just brought home.
"It's called camera. It can take picture of you very quickly instead of hours of painting."
"Really? Human really like to come up with interesting idea, huh?"
"But why did you bring it here?" – Dongho still didn't get the idea.
"Taking the picture, of course. All five of us."
"We see each other everyday, why bother taking a picture?" – Minhyun said. He still couldn't understand Aaron's thought.
Aaron had never been human, so maybe that's why he always tend to deeply curious about human's things. Last time, he spent days talking about how a human guy invented a crystal ball which can light up the whole room.
"Sound fun. Let's do it, guys." – Jonghyun seem to be even more excited than Aaron. The others had no choice since their leader also approved to this so-called "taking picture" thing.
One by one was forced to gathered around the sofa in the middle of the living room.
"They said it gonna take a while so make sure all of you stay still."
"Ok, ok, just hurry up!"
The bright light flared up with a small explosing sound. Their images were inprinted on the film together.
Minhyun sitting in the dark room. His eyes staring out of the closed window. The curtain has prevents all of the sunlight from getting inside the room, leaving the room in complete darkness.
"Still awake?" – Minki walks in without a knock, but Minhyun seem to be used to it that he doesn't startled at all.
"You're also awake."
"I'm bored."
Minki jumps on Minhyun's bed and rolls around like a kid.
"Hey, have you shower yet? I just change the sheet."
"Come on, it've been hundred of years and you're still a clean freak."
"And you're still a noisy kid."
"I'm not a kid!"
Minki's easily got angry by being called a kid and it's make Minhyun bursts out of laugh.
It's just take a minute till Minhyun's bed become a mess but he doesn't mind. Somehow seeing Minki being noisy and playful make Minhyun feels nostalgic.
"How was your trip?"
"Huh? Ah, the trip. It was fun. We went to Jonghyun's old house. It've been centuries so his house was already gone and human built up a game center on that land. Jonghyun was extremely happy about it. You have to see his face when he tried to play everything in that place."
"I can imagine it."
"And you know, Dongho's house still there. But there're human living in now. Dongho was totally pissed off."
"It's good you guys still have a place to visit."
"Hey, I was in a cave, remember?"
They all known about each other's past and Minki understand really well why Minhyun's mood suddenly down by hearing about the others "house".
"This is your house. Ours house!" – Minki determine. – "And we're family, isn't that enough?"
Minhyun becomes silent and the atmostphere also becomes intense. Minki gets off the bed and gets close to him.
"Unless you want that human."
"We've been together for centuries and how long have you know him? A decade or what?"
"We will be together till the last day of time and that human will be gone as time goes by."
"I'm happy right now."
"Was it the reason you stop taking fresh blood?"
"You need you join our hunt tonight or you gonna die before that human does."
"Uhm..." – Jaehwan feels a bit nervous walking side by side with Aaron.
"What? If you want to say something, just say it."
Aaron smiles carefreely.
"You're a vampire, right?"
"Of course I am."
"But you..."
Jaehwan confusingly looks over the vampire who carefreely walking under the sunlight.
"I'm not like the others."
"What do you mean?"
"I was born as a vampire. Unlike them, I has the pure bloodline in my vein and that gave me some more specific abilities."
"So, you can't be killed by sunlight?"
"And even the Cross. Don't mention the garlics, that's just a nonsense story made up by idiots."
"Actually... I don't know that much about vampire..."
"But you're with Minhyun, right? He's a vampire. Don't know about vampire also mean that you don't know anything about him."
"Minhyun-hyung is Minhyun-hyung. I knows him."
"Well..." – Aaron suddenly stops and faces Jaehwan – "Do you know what can kill him?"
"I knows. Sunlight. He can get burnt."
"What else?"
"You know what else can endangerous his life?" – Aaron doesn't let Jaehwan has his time to think of the answer – "You."
"I don't unders..."
A girl's voice interrupt their conversation.
"Jaehwan oppa, long time no see."
"Ji Yoon?"
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