chapter 3
Well here is chapter 3
Listen to this while reading and put them on loop mode so you can listen to them repeated over and over to the end of the chapter ( don't play the song yet )
Hope you guys like it
Enjoy OwO
Author p.o.v
Sans and frisk were getting ready to go to bed. Then suddenly sans have a dream
Welp more like a nightmare to be honest with cha
Sans p.o.v ( play the song )
Where am i ?
Wait am in the jugdement hall
Wait is that frisk ?Why are we in the jugdement hall ?
" Frisky do you kn- "
Frisk suddenly attack me then i realise her eyes were red like chara eyes then it hit me she being control by chara. Which mean this a genocide rount great here come the brat
Chara: Come back here comedian
Sans : yeah no
Chara : how do you always in this frisking game
Sans : I don know Chara maybe you just suck
Chara: RRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
We will come back for a min
The next day
What a weird dream i never had that before
Why do i feel like everythimg gonna change today
" Hey sans get ready we are going shoppin- " frisk said
I just have jinx mineself don't i
That all bye guys
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