chapter 4
Hey guys this chapter 4
I hope you guys like it
Let start
⚠ : Oh yeah ! In this au frisk can talk and open their eyes but most of the time they used sign language to speak to everyone of them
Okay enough with joking around
I will let you read
Sans p.o.v
Great what was that now
" Sans i think we should check what was that ? "
Yeah, let go frisk
Then we both go down to see mine other version is here ( some version of sans, you will meet the rest later ). What the heck are they doing here ? I thought they were suppost to be in their au's
" Sans why are there a lot of version of you here ? "
I d-don't know frisky
" You know something don't you sans? And don't you dare fricking lying to me sans "
Sans au's ( except sans )
Where are we ? Isn't this classic au, what are we doing here
Then we heard
" Sans why are there a lot of you
here ? "
That voice is frisk, welp is classic frisk but anyways it was a great too see her again
Then we heard frisk said
" You know something don't you sans? And don't you dare fricking lying to me sans "
Yep sharp as always ( all sans included classic )
Pause a little for me okay ?
Here are the sans dat fell to classic au
Blue ( underswap )
Red ( underfell )
G!sans ( ecotale )
Killer ( killertale )
Dust ( dusttale )
Outer ( outertale )
That all
The other sansest, you will meet later ---------------------------------------------------------
Au p.o.v
After a while of explanation for frisk about the timelines and Au stuff and bassicly there are more of them and each path we take or act will make a new timeline.
Frisk p.o.v
So you telling me that the whole timelines and au stuff that you once told me were real and you didn't bother to tell us any of this ?
" Am sorry frisk... I didn't want to drag you and everyone here in to this kind of stuff "
No is fine ! Just next time don't make me scare like that okay ?
Then i start to hug sans and kiss his cheek. Now he were blushing a lot like a blueberry
Au p.o.v
But what frisk didn't knew the other skeletons were very jelly over the classic version of them. Why were they jelly over classic
Because it remind them their frisk and they also jello because it was unfair for them to survive the crew world without their love.
But don't worry mine little one ( AKA : Au's sans ). Soon you all will be with little frisk
Aly and the gang : * oh boy this isn't gonna end well for them, welp hope they survive the creater on their own
Good luck for them *
Au p.o.v
Soon frisk start talking to other version of sans but what she didn't kmow that that she have make them falling for her VERY hard.
Then suddenly undyne come in and told him about the new but before she can do that she see there were a lot sans
So undyne take out her weapon and ready attack the other version of sans. Then she see that classic and frisk were also there so she come and grab them to her and tell them that they have some explanation to do right now but then frisk told that sans and frisk didn't now anything about it.
Undyne p.o.v
When i walk in to the skeletons brother house and about to tell him the new that we will going to the beach next week then suddenly i see a bunch of sans version and welp and you know what happen
Welp should i trust mine bestie . Of course i do, she will never lie to me. ( me: or could she ? ) them i told her that i believes in her
Frisk p.o.v
Thank god she believes me or else i will have to lie another one and i hating lying to mine friends. Anyways then i keep telling to mineself to calm down and let tell alphys about this and she could fix it.
Then i look at the sans and they give me the look that frisk, go agree with her so we won't be able to spill more
Then i told her * sure, we will go *
After she left, we look at each other letting out a sign knowing that she is gone. And they will have a meeting with alphys this week.
Great just great
When is time for bed, they beg me to sleep with them so i agree with them and we fall asleep
That all bye guys see yall in the next chapter.
Bye bye
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