[TauHali] Haunt me, love me
*Including unsuitable words and scenes for children below 16.
*Grammar mistakes and shortage of vocab but ignore them as you please (yet if you don't mind, pls correct me).
Taufan was a normal eighteen-year-old teenager with a normal family, went to a normal school, and lived a normal life.
... That, except for his abnormal ability of clairvoyance. More specifically, seeing ghosts.
Ever since Taufan was born, he had been able to see spirits. Luckily, at that time, his psychic power wasn't strong enough for him that he could only view some of his family relatives and stare at them. As he grew older and gain a better understanding of the surrounding world, he realized that not everyone had the same perspective as he did and that not every being he saw was alive. And although he might not perform so well in some subjects at school, he was smart enough to know that he should keep this a secret. Either people would assume he was crazy and lock him down in an asylum, or try to make him a necromancer, something like that.
He wasn't afraid of them, albeit the overly creepy appearance of some, but interacting with them in any way would not be a good idea. He had watched a plethora of horror movies, and they had taught him to avoid that lonely girl in the wood with a rope around her neck or the half-bodied guy on the other side of the road.
Nope, Taufan here ain't gonna risk his life, his family, and his friend just because of some dumb curiosity about the spiritual realm.
And yet his mind refused to collaborate. His ability grew with him. Then, he was not only able to see but hear, touch, communicate, and fuck them as well.
Yes, I said 'fuck'.
Taufan, who had sworn to never fuck with psychic shits, had fucked a ghost. Literally.
He rolled his eyes to the ghost lying next to him. Despite the room's dimness, he could see pale skin peppered with scarlet dots.
Over a year ago, he accidentally hit somebody while wandering to the skate park. Unfortunately, that "somebody" was not anybody at all.
Taufan was unlucky enough to come across a ghost.
At the same time, however, he was lucky enough that the ghost wasn't vicious, which was why he hasn't ended up dying like those American idiots in horror movies. The ghost still haunted him tho. Seeing spirits seemed to always be an intoxicating topic, attracted even the dead one.
"The ghost", whose name was Halilintar, was the strangest spirit Taufan had ever met.
Halilintar was handsome, and he didn't have any sign showing that he had died. Usually, spirits would have several differences comparing to the living. But Halilintar? No blood, no rotten meat, no missing limp, no wounds, nothing. Even his skin, though pale and cold, still looked very much alive, more like it belonged to somebody hadn't left their house for an entire year than that of a corpse. However, Halilintar was able to twist himself, changing and performing the most horrific, most dreadful and gruesome scenarios one could ever imagine. His psychic energy was so powerful, more than that of demons.
Taufan remembered there was this one time when he saw a demon ran away from Halilintar in panic.
He didn't know what his lover had gone through nor how he had died, but he assumed it must have been extreme agony. Only by that could one usual spirit gain such power. Halilintar didn't have any recollection either. He knew for sure he used to live, but he couldn't recall his previous life nor how that life left him.
Despite feeling sorry for his lover, Taufan was glad. Were such a pessimist like Halilintar to remember, his pain and grudge could be immeasurable.
Since Hali could not reminisce any memories, which meant he had nothing to fulfill in order to reincarnate, he was trapped in the living world. Honestly, at some point, it would be better than eternal suffering.
Halilintar's silhouette suddenly got blurrier in Taufan's view, more ghostly as he was supposed to be, as if only a blink of an eye, he would be gone, forever.
But he wasn't.
Taufan hugged him tighter.
They were friends. Then they were lovers. Two lovey-dovey just spent their first night together. Taufan had no idea how this relationship turned out and he didn't give a fuck either. He was happy to love and be loved. Even when that loved one was dead.
"Oh! Sorry, did I wake you- OUCH!!!"
Even when that loved one was dead, grumpy, cocky, and a walking bag of violence.
"I don't breathe anymore but if you keep squeezing me like that I'd die again."
Taufan pouted. Like a scaredy-cat, he snuggled up against Halilintar's chest.
He was warm.
"But it dark en me scare en me cen't sweep~"
"... You have literally seen ghosts your entire life. And you've just had sex with me, a ghost?!"
"But it's still scawy!"
The ghost was about to throw another complaint when he sighed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. The action made Taufan chuckle, knowing beneath that fierce appearance, Halilintar owned such a nice lovely caring soft kind soul. He was just too shy to show that.
"Talking 'bout sex, you can still get hard after all, isn't that lovely?" The blue-eyed teenager looked up, facing his ghost with a mischievous smile.
Halilintar smacked him.
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