Chapter one: A longing reunion, part 2
Continue with our story. The Gingergang is getting close to the Faerie Kingdom then a familiar voice spoken.
Silverbell cookie: Halt! Who's goes there!
Gingerbrave: Silverbell cookie, long time no see
Silverbell: Gingerbrave!? It's been so long, how have you been
Gingerbrave: I'm good, it's so good to see you!
Silverbell: It's good to see you too. Oh! Strawberry cookie, Wizard's good you guys again too and uhh...
Gingerbrave: Oh! I almost forgot, Silverbell cookie let me introduce you to our friends Chilli Pepper cookie and Custard cookie III
Custard cookie III: A pleasure to meet you loyal supject
Chilli Pepper cookie: Sup
Silverbell cookie: It's a pleasure to meet you too
Silverbell cookie: What's bring you here Gingerbrave?
Gingerbrave: Oh, we're here to give White Lily cookie the invitation for the upcoming Council meeting
Silverbell cookie: Is that so. Very well then, follow me.
Right after that, Silverbell cookie welcomed the gang in to the Faerie kingdom and lead them to where White Lily cookie residing.
Silverbell cookie: White Lily cookie' room is right this way.
Custard cookie III: Whoa! So this is the fablelous Faerie kingdom. Is't more extraordinary than I imagined.
Chilli Pepper cookie: This place is so "Shiny".
Wizard cookie: Chilli Pepper cookie behave yourself, we are here with noble intension not with greedy desires.
Chilli Pepper cookie: Psh! Whatever, your not the boss of me.
Silverbell cookie: We're here!
Knock knock
Silverbell cookie: White Lily cookie, are you in here? Gingerbrave and his friends is here to see you.
Strawberry cookie: No respond. Maybe she's not in her room.
Silverbell cookie: I guess. Or, she might be in the libary.
Wizard cookie: Then we must go to the Faerie Libary at once, I also want to go the libary to borrowed some books there too.
Gingerbrave: Haha! Then let's go everyone, to the libary.
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