Chap 8: Confess
Hermione walked down through the dark corridor towards the Gryffindor common room. Her hearts was still pounding after his unexpected reaction at the library. Partially, she wanted to protest, yes, she'd tried to protest. But the feeling of being in the arms of that Slytherin guy made her completely lose her mind. Besides, he even kissed her! So embarrassing! Hermione slid her hand over her mouth to wipe out the sweetness still remaining on her lips after that kiss. No, she would not let this happen again. If she and him was still completely conscious, all of this would be really insane. It was unbelievable!
Hermione threw herself on the cushy bed in the Gryffindor dormitory. It was too tired for today. Perhaps she was just dreaming, tomorrow when she woke up, everything would be fine, she and him would confront against each other like before. That thought made it easy for Hermione to fall into a deep sleep.
The next morning, the warm rays of sunshine was dancing outside the window made Hermione completely awake. At least she had consoled herself that he was an abominable person, he was Harry's enemy, anyway.
Harry was sitting by the window in the common room, looking far away, relishing the cool breeze of the early morning. He soon realised that she was walking downstairs so he smiled brightly. She also smiled back to him, glad that perhaps Harry didn't know anything that happened yesterday in the library.
- Hi, Hermione, good morning.
- Good morning, Harry.
- Today is so wonderful, isn't it? The weather is beautiful and all classes are closed. Nothing can ruin my Saturday.
Hermione suddenly glanced at him.
- Harry, looks like you have taken some sip of Felix Felicis. You kept smiling since we met each other.
She saw him looking at her, and smiled. A smiled that mixed with surprise and anxiety.
- Although I have no idea about the thing called Felix Felicis, but don't worry Hermione, I just simply feel that today is great for watching the sunset. How do you think? This afternoon, when the sun is about to set, under the oak tree at the corner of the lake. I'll wait. - Harry said quickly, then waved goodbye to her to join with Neville, Cedric and Wood.
Hermione was still surprised. Harry left so quickly that she hadn't got a chance to reply. Hermione told herself that perhaps a sunset walk would be good for her mood, too. She decided to go to the library after lunch, although the memories came back rather hesitantly. She bitterly thought about that unexpected kiss ...
No way!
Hermione gently shook her thick brown hair. She quickly turned her attention to the book "The Witch of all times", which was so striking with reddish cover and golden letters. Hermione suddenly realised that it was the book that Draco had taken down and handed to her, but she didn't have a chance to read it.
Just because he took this book down , she would never read it? That makes no sense! She decided to ignore everything. She sat down on the wooden chair, her hand gently flipped the red cover, rubbing each page with a little too much excitement that usual.
The afternoon quickly passed when the sunlight outside the window gradually set.
The appointment with Harry ...
Hermione left the unfinished book and hurried out of the library. Walking down the corridor to the outside garden, she accidentally passed through the talking Slytherins. Hermione didn't care much about them and they also didn't show any attitude that they'd seen her. But not everyone. There was one person who saw that chestnut hair. He suddenly stood up and ran behind her.
- Draco, where are you going? - Goyle stopped laughing and asked him.
- It's none of your business.
Draco huffed, turned his head over and gave Goyle a scornful look. Left the bewildered people behind, he followed Hermione subconsciously. Just seeing her figure made his heart pounded. But Draco's heart twisted when he remembered the kiss last night. Hermione must have been very upset. She still had not accepted him. He would apologise to her, like a real man. He wanted to say sorry.
And, soon, she would change, she would love him back. Draco Malfoy had always succeeded and now he more and more could not fail. The hope lighted up in Draco's heart like the ray of summer sunlight when he was following her to the courtyard.
- Harry!
Hermione waved her hand and smiled to Harry. He turned his head over, their eyes met each other's.
Draco, unfortunately, saw everything. He felt like his mood was just fallen to the ground. He quickly ran out of hopes, as quick and quietly as it came. What? Having a date in the sunset? No way! Hiding behind a sturdy stone pillar nearby, he hoped that they were just having a little walk and would return soon. And after that he could apologise to Hermione.
- Hermione.
Harry suddenly said. There was something very certain, and clear in his voice.
- What's wrong, Harry?
- The weather today is so good, isn't it? I ... well, no, I mean ... We ... we have known each other for quite a long time.
Harry hesitated:
- Do you feel that this relationship ...
- I see it's getting very cold, Harry, do you want to go ...
Seemed like Hermione had read something in Harry's eyes. Before Hermione finished her sentence, Harry took off his jacket and gently wrapped it around her body. But it seemed that he was a bit rough. She followed that momentum and fell straight into his outstretched arms. He gently hugged her. Their eyes met again. But Hermione quickly pushed him and straightened up. Harry also immediately turned away, avoiding her gaze.
- Thank you, I was so hurried that I've forgotten to bring a jacket with.
- No problem, actually, there is a more important thing that I want to tell you, Hermione.
It was really obvious that Harry was still gentle and polite to Hermione, but Draco's stamina seemed about to reach it's limit. He seized the wand in his cloak pocket. An unpleasant feeling aroused that he wanted to go straight out there and curse Harry. What? That Scar-Headed didn't have a right to hug his girl like that. Draco Malfoy could not accept that! Hermione, you are mine, always! Harry Potter could never ...
- Oh Harry, please.
Hermione said after a moment of silence that caused Draco's attention.
- Please don't talk about that, okay? I beg you.
- But I don't want to postpone this anymore, I don't want us to be only friends!
Harry suddenly raised his voice, there was something that was angry, and arrogant in his voice, which Draco very hated.
- Isn't our friendship still beautiful?
Hermione said. But seemed like Draco didn't hear that. Maybe he did, but he didn't understand the meaning of it.
- Yes, it's very beautiful, but I don't want it to be like that. Hermione, I like you, very like you. I have had a crush on you since we first met each other at the Hogwarts Express. And I ...
Draco left. He couldn't hear anything more. And he didn't want to, never ever. His heart pounded, because of anger, because of disappointment , because of the hatred that rose up again. His fear had come, it had become true. But he still could not believe , he didn't want to believe.
Did you know, Hermione? I really hoped a lot, I hoped that after I apologised, you will forgive me about that unexpected kiss. And, perhaps you will appreciate it, you will have a little ... Maybe you will see how brilliant I am, my greatness, not the evil and hateful image through the eyes of Harry Potter.
So that was what you have always thought? Always thought that I'm evil, make trouble with your best friend every time, always have a desire for potions and Dark Arts. Isn't there anything nice about me in your eyes? Nothing could make your heart beat, nothing could make you flutter? Why did you choose him? Because Harry Potter is very wonderful? Very famous ? He's more famous than me, yes, I don't deny that. But is he better than me? Since when did you begin to like him, Hermione? Since when did I become not having any position on your heart?
Please give me an answer, Hermione Granger!
Since when has Draco Malfoy become an embarrassingly weak person like this? Because of you...
The grey eyes wet with tears. He was really desperate, angry, and hateful. Meanwhile, unfortunately, he saw Goyle passing by. He made him really offensive - laughing out loud, trudging down the corridor and seemed to had just gulped down all the delicious foods in the Great Hall.
- Why are you appearing in front of me at this moment? While I'm angry, you laugh, while I'm crying, you're happy because you've just eaten. Do you understand what am I thinking, Goyle?
- What...
But Goyle no longer had a chance to continue. Draco could not bear it anymore, he rushed in and punched Goyle. He did not even take out his wand.
- Draco ... Stop. It. Now.
But he did not listen. Goyle was bigger than him, but he was completely useless when his stomach was bloated with foods. His eyes and his arms were punched until bruised. Goyle had pushed Draco several times causing him bumping hard to the wall. He rushed in again. His left hand was torn a long trail, red blood trickled down his cloak.
But he didn't care, his mind only had Hermione.
- Draco!
He still ignored him.
- Are you crazy, Draco! Stop it!
He finally let go of Goyle. He stepped back and gasped, his heart pounded hard. Looking at him scornfully, Draco turned and walk away:
- Go away Goyle, don't let me see your face today.
Now he was left alone, desperate, angry, and vengeful ...
Hermione ...
Why? Don't you know that I'm willing to be harsh with all the other girls? I become weak in front of you, because I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to se you cry . I could do everything on this earth to be able to hold you tight in my arms. But you didn't accept them. You hate me, and I've ignored it, I didn't care . I thought that soon you would love me back, and now you in love with Harry Potter, and then you two will become a couple? And I will be left back behind, my life will become meaningless. I'm willing to do everything for you ...
And now, you left me. You chose him ...
Harry Potter ...
You stole her from me ...
You took my everything ...
When you stole my glory, I said nothing. And when you stole everyone's attention, I even did nothing.
But when you stole Hermione ... This feud, I'll pay in full!
However, Harry himself wasn't sure if he had any mood to conquer Draco after that afternoon...
- Hermione, you've helped me a lot, always be with me when I was in trouble, when I was most desperate . I just thought that, maybe we could ...
- No, we could not, Harry! Our friendship is beautiful and I love that. I don't want ...
- If so, do anything you want. But I just want to ask, a last question. Did you have feelings with someone else?
Harry said after a moment of frightening silence.
Hermione glanced at Harry. His face and lips are all white. And his eyes ... But she shivered and turned away. Will she ever forget that face of Harry?
- No, I'm not, definitely not!
Hermione answered clearly, with a bit of anger, pathetic in her voice.
- Alright! So why?
- Really, Harry, I like you than anyone else here, as a friend, but ...
- But you still don't accept me!
- Oh, Harry, our friendship was still very beautiful.
Hermione said quietly, her face full of tears. She couldn't stand this anymore.
- I don't want a friendship, I want your love but you don't give it to me. I hope that someday you could ...
- Harry, I could not! You've ruin everything ...
Hermione said desperately, wiping away the tears on her cheeks and then ran away quickly.
After a scary moment of silence, Harry finally realised the truth. The first confession was not as he imagined. Not romantic, not great at all.
But tearful.
The sun was shimmering at the other side of the lake. Sunset is the time when the yellow and orange rays of sunlight fade away. Sunset is the sign of the permanent closure of the day. Sunset tinged the scenery around him a colour of sadness. It was beautiful, but also very sad. Hermione had left. And he was now alone. Sitting down on a tree, he sobbed.
To be continued ...
Thực ra tớ chưa muốn đăng chương này đâu vì vốn nó chưa xong, song tớ quyết định đăng nó vì tớ sẽ đăng chap 9 và không muốn mạch bị rối loạn. Chúng tớ sẽ cập nhật nếu trans xong bản này nhé.
Đây có lẽ là chap tiếng Anh cuối cùng của house ...
© Wizards's house.
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