After Sapphire was kidnapped by Tom's Death Eaters and taken to the Malfoy estate
she kept running away but was caught by the Death Eaters
tom was very angry but couldn't yell because she was his wife
Him furious when he learned that Sapphire had been captured by his Death Eaters. He had hoped to have her stay put, but she was too clever for that. He clenched his fists, his jaw tight with anger.
"You're mine," Tom hissed, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards him. "You belong to me, and you will do as I say."
kid, talk to me properly, i'm older than you ,Sapphire slaps him
Tom rolled his eyes at her
"You may be older than me, but you're still mine. And I won't tolerate your smartass attitude."
Anna's angry said different ruby eyes glance Tom
Tom's eyes darkened as he looked into hers. He could see the hate in her eyes, and it made his heart race. He knew that she despised him, and he relished it.
"You hate me," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "I can see it in your eyes. But that won't change anything. You're mine, and I will do whatever it takes to make you submit."
she said in an emotionless voice before swinging the Diffindo curse at tom
"watch your words before i kill you"
Tom's eyes widened as she cast the cutting curse at him. He quickly raised his wand, blocking the spell with a shield charm.
"You're playing a dangerous game, princess," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But I like a little danger."
She quickly ran back to Avery
Tom watched as she ran away, his expression darkening. He knew he couldn't let her get away, but she was too fast. He quickly sent a few Death Eaters after her, hoping to intercept her.
"Get her!" he yelled, his voice filled with fury. "Don't let her escape!"
2 hours later him was really wrong to challenge Sapphire , his little wife, who was disappearing in Avery mansion
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