~Chapter 1~
So another Jungri book since I'm a Jungri trash😂 I really hope this ship become real like i wanted it to happen badly.
Yeri's POV
"So! Who is your crush?" I said looking at Sae Ron and she is now blushing hard. Sae Ron is my best friend. We first met in 10th grade and for some reason, we get along with each other very well. That's how we became best friend. We also have couple stuff. Now that she has someone she likes I kinda jealous because I don't want her to be taken away from me. I'm selfish, I know. And I'm straight by the way.
"I can't tell you now," She answered.
"Aigoo! My girl is falling in love now," I pinched her cheeks.
"Aish! Kim Yerim! Just wait till the day you like someone and I'll make fun of you like what you did to me now" She looked like a tomato now, guess it was from her blushing and the anger.
"I'm waiting for that day to come" I gave her a wink.
"Let's go" We hurried to get in the class as the school bell rang.
Sae Ron class and mine are right next to each other. Even though I wanna be in the same class as her, this is still good I guess.
I entered the classroom and it was really noisy. The teacher is probably late. A moment later the teacher entered and everyone remained silent. We are having Chemistry now and yep there is an unspoken hatred between me and chemistry. It was a real boring lesson until someone comes in late.
"Sorry miss! I'm late!" We all turned our head to the door to see who is it and all the girls start to fangirling. Oh..Jeon Jungkook? He is the most popular guy in this school if I'm not wrong. I heard girls talking about him a lot. Well yeah, I agree that he looked pretty attractive, but still.
"Ah it's ok dear!" She said giving him a smile. Damn that was way too easy to let him go. But it's none of my business as long as it has nothing relate to me I'll be fine with it.
"Can you please sit next to Yeri right over there," the teacher said pointing at the seat next to mine and I almost choke on my saliva. The girls just give me death stares. What is it? And I don't want to sit next to anyone. I've been sitting alone for 3 years now. I may sound like a loner but trust me I'm good on my own and I do have a very good social life. I'm not a nerd or something after all.
"Wait, what!? Why me?" I asked in disbelief.
"No question, please get in your seat Jungkook," the teacher cut me off.
He walked slowly to my place and didn't say anything to me. Respect much? Geez! Then he sat down and we didn't say anything for the rest of the lesson.
*During the break*
Ok. Why is everyone coming to MY desk? Because of fucking Jungkook. And I can't go out to see Sae Ron. First, I'm sitting right next to the wall, second, I'm sitting inside so if I want to go I have to pass Jungkook, and third, the fangirls just gathered all around here so mission impossible.
I guess I gotta be nice and ask him to move.
"Excuse me!" He turned his head to my direction "Can you move, I want to go out," I asked him nicely, I think it's nice enough for such person like him.
"What if I don't want to?," He answered.
"What is so difficult about that, it's not that hard I just wanna go! C'mon" I started to lose my patience and he just shrugged his shoulders. Is he being a bitch now! How can girls like him? Like seriously there are many other boys with a better personality than him, not as good looking but still.
"Jungkook!" I shouted.
"Did you not learn how to act nice to people before? First, don't call my name when we are not even close, second, did your parents teach you how to say the magic word when you want to ask for something? I guess not, lemme teach you then."
He started to sounds like a kindergarten teacher. He tried to make his voice sounds as feminine as possible "So..when you want to ask for something, kid. You gotta say 'please' in the nicest way so that the person will help you"
Oh. What the actual fuck does he want?
"Ok fine. Can you PLEASE move!" my self-esteem just drop to -1394040320101... and I really hate that.
"Jerk," I said it to myself, but loud on purpose.
"I can hear that!"
"Oops I said it too loud," I said sarcastically and stick out my tongue. Yeah so mature I know.
*School ended*
"SAE RON!" I waved her from a distance and she ran over my place. We are on the second floor of the school building.
"OMG they have basketball club today!" she screamed and fangirling at the same time.
"Who?" I asked in curious.
"MY OPPA! AGH!" Ok! Chill girl, is that how you will act when you like someone too much? Nevermind. I don't know how that feels like so I have no right to judge.
"Bruh," i said giving her the do-I-look-like-I-care face.
"I gotta take pics of my sexy oppa so go home by yourself today Ok?" she said and took out her phone.
"Wth! You are leaving me alone just because of that? Ya! Kim Sae Ron!" I shouted and stumbled my feet angrily.
I gotta find out who that guy is.
I know this is a little boring but I already have plans for it so don't worry. Please vote, share and comment🙆 Saranghae❤
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