10. A team
_ Is he good ?
Tony turns his head to look at Peter who has been typing for hours.
_ I still got loads of improvements to make. Should have thought of it before I tried to fit multiple functions in her. And oh, he's a she now. She told me she wants to be a girl yesterday, and I let her decide.
Peter chuckles a bit which make Tony roll his eyes and go back focusing on his works. The kid has been working on his robot for a week and it's getting harder to drag him out of the lab now. It's either Pepper with her crossed arms or Tony with his 'grounded' thread, and of course May's stern voice.
_ We'll have lunch in 30 minutes. Don't be late, you'll have Pep's words for that.
_ Yeah, yeah, of course.
Tony narrows his eyes, why does he know this tone so well ? The 'I'm not even listening but will answer for fun'. If then, he would just have to trail the kid out himself. So he did.
_ Hey, Mr.Stark.. can I give my latest gadget to Ms.Romanoff ? The one I made for her.
Peter asks while swirling his spaghetti. He hasn't done with his robot yet but at least he's done with the implements he wanted to give the Avengers, if they're willing to take..
_ You made what ? For who ???
Tony almost yells loud. Out of all people, he made weapons for the most deadly assassin ??
_ You made what for me, Pete ?
Natasha comes toward where the kid is, with Steve, Clint, Wanda, Sam and Bruce far behind.
_ Hi Ms.Romanoff !!
Peter jumps out of his seat, leaving Tony confusingly sort out the input.
_ I've made new feature for you to use in battle. Of course if you want to try..
Natasha grins softly to the boy. She, like everybody else naturally adores Peter so much. They only had a few conversations in the pass week, mostly when he finally surrendered with Pepper and Tony trying to get him out of the lab for food and fresh air, which didn't last for long. 10 minutes is the longest time they can keep him staying out of the lab.
_ My question is your total sleep of this week ? Surpass 20 ?
She asks while receiving a clock-like device which wraps around her wrist right when she touches it. Natasha then looks at the boy for answer and explanation.
_ Almost.
Peter shrugs which makes both Natasha and Tony frown.
_ So this is a suit protector which I'm working on. It will first go through a quick scan and come up with physical informations like strength, speed, enhanced skills, also analyze weaknesses, bla bla. Then create a gravity layer around your body, you can see it as an full-body invisible tights. It can absorb and decrease up to 80% the force that your body taken and your wrist which now has a shield will be able to detect attacks in order to stop it automatically. If you hold the protector on your wrist directly to the bullet route, it can totally block it. I'm trying to improve so that it can be bullet-proofed entirely.
Peter enthusiastically explains his invention. If he wasn't making his robot at the time, this would be the hardest thing he has ever built.
_ Peter, you made this ?
Bruce says in awe. He goes up next to Nat and observes the device. This kid is amazing !
_ He has kept it as a little 'secret project' of him. Didn't even let me help.
Tony whines irritatedly but can't deny the fact that this is a very good idea.
_ How can his small head be stuffed by all of that brain ?
_ Nah, he's 15, he will grow.
_ You reckon there will be more for us ?
Sam, Steve and Clint mutter to each other at the back, completely forget why did the kid make implement for Natasha in the first place.
_ Don't worry Mr. Barton, after improvements I will make enough for everybody.
Thanks to his super-hearing, Peter can easily catch up the conversation.
_ Then I will go on for trials and come back with a review. Steve, mind giving me some punches ?
Natasha smiles with admiration to the boy. So this is what he's been doing since that first night they talked. He made this, sacrificed his sleep because of the injuries they had that day. He wants to minimize every injuries as much as possible.
_ Oh.. um.. can I come too ? For thoroughly evaluation and accurate adjustment.
Natasha looks at his excitement and she doesn't want to disappoint him, so she glances at Tony.
_ I'll go too.
Tony raises his eyebrows defeatedly when Peter uses his puppy eyes filled with expectation. Well, he'll be there too, so what's the deal !?
_ How is our Android ?
Tony starts while walking beside Bruce.
_ There's some errors in his neuron, maybe due to the large impact at the Hydra's base. He's in the consolidation now, I'll have to run lots of scans to find out what's wrong.
_ Don't worry my child, I'll be there with you.
Bruce then gives him the 'Of course you will, or else, our friendship is over' look.
They all enter the Coumpound' trainning room which twice the size of a soccer field and filled with everything they need for training combat. Peter quietly left out a 'woah' when he went in, this is the first time he's been in the Avengers' facility and it is freaking awesome !!
_ And you, who declined my offer.
Tony whispers to Peter, making sure no one hears it.
_ I thought it was a test !! But yeah, I would still decline.
Peter chuckles cheekily. When Natasha goes to her position, Peter with his Stark-pad checks out her physical informations on the screen.
_ Ok, let's start off gently. Please don't get hurt.
'Cause that will be the opposite of his intention.
Natasha and Steve starts sparring like they always do, which irritates her a lot.
_ Come on Steve, I have supplement. If you keep doing your cat's scratches, I will ask Bucky for real test.
_ You'll regret it, Romanoff.
_ I am a woman with her words, Rogers.
Natasha flips and throws a punch in her opponent's jaw, and Steve does not like being punched in the jaw.
_ Oooh... please tell me that it is not intentional..
Peter' eyes open widely at what he just saw.
_ Nope, it's personal now. She utterly wakes up the beast now, your little lego will be fully tested kid, congraz.
Tony smirks looking at one soldier and one assassin run toward each other.
Thanks to Natasha's temptation, Steve has been able to throw full strength. She dodges most of the punches but not his deadly elbow in her nose.
_ Are you ok ??
Peter runs to her side and holds her up.
_ Yes, I think it works Pete. Doesn't hurt like shieet anymore.
Natasha sneers which makes Steve roll his eyes and mumble "language".
Peter relieves that she doesn't bleed, thanks goodness that it works.
_ Do you want to test the bullet-proof too ?
Clint says while preparing his arrows, he's ready to join the fun. Then out of nowhere, he aims right at Natasha's left shoulder and shoots. When she has came back her sense, the arrow were lying at her feet. It was the protector reacts to harms by using its shield on her wrist to block it. The whole room went in silent.
_ It works.. the automatic weapon detection works !!! YESS !!!!!!
Peter screams so happy that he can't help but jumping around, which makes everyone else smile fondly to the boy.
_ Ok, ok, I can do more. The arrow's speed was 190m/s and it took 0.2s for the protector to be activated, but bullet's average speed is 340m/s so it needs to react faster. It's fine, I can do it, narrow it down to 0.05, pfff, yeah. No !! What am I thinking !!! How can I narrow it more than that !!!!
It seems like 18 hours of sleep in the whole week finally hits Peter now. He crazily taps on his S-pad and ignores the Avengers' presence at the moment.
_ Kid, KID ! Relaxxxxx, you have succeeded your first step ! Breatheeeeee.
Tony holds Peter shoulders and makes a consistent eye contact with him, trying to calm him down. Well, he is experienced for this.
_ You good ?
The kid rapidly breathes then gives his mentor a nod.
_ It was very good. You did a good job. Now let me help you with the improvements.
Tony sternly says, giving the 'I won't take no as an answer' look.
_ Yes Pete, I'm grateful for what you did for us, you don't want us to get hurt I understand that. But you have to let us help. Don't take things all by yourself.
Bruce confronts straight at Peter's low self-esteem.
_ I.. I'm sorry. It just.. I reckon I can do more.. I don't want to regret for things that I'm capable of.
Peter holds out a bitter smile, to the point everyone in the room except Tony and Bruce wondering what did he go through to have that thought in mind.
Tony and Bruce fells in silent after hearing the young boy. They understand the responsibilities that Peter has to carry, so much that they're afraid it may break him someday. They tried to share and help him with everything they could, but Peter always declined, every single one of them. The boy's seen himself as a hassle and tried not to bother anyone, so he secretly holds everything as his own. His insecurity is so high, that he's terrified of losing the people he loves, that they might get hurt if they get involved in.
_ I really don't want to see anyone in pain.. Not because of me.
_ No, no Pete. Look, we're fine. We're here with you.
Bruce went and gave him a hug when the young boy' eyes got teary. It will be hard for them to realize the amount of appreciation Peter has. He used to have nothing, no one, a punny kid with a broken phone and computer made out of junks, no parents, no friends, bullies that picked on him everyday. But then, he has his aunt, Ned, MJ, powers of a hero, even Tony Stark appears in his life and change it forever. There're already enough bad things happened that were his obligation, Peter tries to embrace every person mattered to him. Spiderman was given to him, he is Spiderman, so he protects who he cares.
_ As much as you don't want us to be injured, we don't want you to be reckless and thoughtless with your health either.
Natasha caresses his fluffy curls with her 'mother' tone. This child is way more than his appearance.
_ We are a team, Bambino. You care for us and we concern about you. You can always ask for help, and I'm willing to support you. Heard me ?
Tony waited till Bruce let go of the kid, then comes up and pats his shoulder. Now he really has to work with the kid's bottom hit self-esteem immediately. He still remembers the first time they talked, in Peter's room," When you can do the things that I can, but you don't and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." the kid impacts Tony more than he thinks he does.
_ Alright, I hope you can collect yourself 'cause there is an unfinished spaghetti plate needing to be explained, and Pep would love to listen.
Peter sniffs a bit and lets out an adorable giggle. He rubs his red eyes then turns to the rest.
_ I'm sorry for making you worried. And.. um, thank you.
_ He's a great kid, Tony,
Steve looks at Peter and Bruce's figures fading away. Tony just shrugs.
_ And not to forget the fact that you call us, a team.
Clint smirkingly slaps the brunette's back.
_ Shut it, Katniss.
Tony groans. This bird's still annoying as ever.
_ That means I can hang out with the kid often ?
_ Ohh, I want to play with him too.
Natasha glances at Tony with a gentle grin on her face, and Wanda cheerfully agrees with her offer. He takes a quick gaze at everyone but stops when he meets Steve's eyes.
_ .. If he wants to.
That's right, they're a team now.
End chap.
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