15. Morality I
Warning : May's Death
*I love May so much but her death is a way for Peter to grow up and wisely choose his path. It broke my heart when I first saw No Way Home, that Peter's all alone but it's crucial for his growth. And don't worry, he will not be alone in this book of mine.
_ Hey man, need some help ? It seems like you do.
Peter calmly drops himself upside-down from the celling. Taking down a whole base of illegal weapon development sounds interesting to celebrate his 17th birthday. He's been tracking them for 2 hours now and it looks like they are using hologram technology to create an attack with weaponized drones. Cool.
_ Come on guys, can we just talk. Have you tried the lastest menu from Delmar's Deli ? Quite dry. The classic still does the best, to me.
He growls annoyingly at those drones firing at him. When it seems like the wall couldn't hold it anymore, he throws a distraction and manages to destroy all those drones. Yes, he did get shoot but mostly scratches.
_ That's it, run the program right now !!! Kill that freak before the Avengers stick their nose to us !!
A guy yells out as most of his drones getting smashed. Peter bets he's the leader.
_ But we have not finished yet !! There's too many false.
The guy in the chair frightening responds, taps crazily on his keyboard.
Suddenly the rest of the drones fly over and surround Spiderman, but they're not firing. Then, the whole base changes into an infinite dark space. Peter couldn't see anything of the attacks and got some hard hits.
_ It's ok, you got this.
He inhales deeply and tries to recall the whole base's structure. Karen was offline due to the strong electric wave right when he broke into the place. All the columns have formed in his memory so he uses the invisible attacks from the drones to break every single one. The whole base collapses but Peter still tries to look if there's anyone left under the dust but all he found is smashed drones.
_ Last week was a car parking lot and today is a whole building. That Spider is seriously something.
Clint comments while looking at the news "Villain or Vigilante ? Spiderman destroyed a building but no purpose was found."
_ You know him right Tony ? Who is he ?
Natasha turns and asks Tony, who frowns worryingly at the news. She hardly heard Tony mention about that guy, other than Civil war, she hasn't met him at all.
_ Nope, I don't know his face. But he's a nice hero. He takes care of the little ones.
Tony shakes his head and continues to drink his coffee.
_ Randomly destroyed a building isn't a nice move, is it ?
Steve says but still focus on his newspaper.
_ I don't think he can stay away from Fury's radar much longer. The more damage he creates, the more risky it gets. With those news, it's only a matter of time for him to become a villain in people's eyes.
Natasha states. She does have a point. Nick Fury has been watching Spiderman and trying to extract his information from Tony but no process were found. He's quite pissed with the fact that TV' news had more data about Spiderman than SHIELD.
_ If he can lift a whole building, he gets to decide his own life. Now excuse me when I have better things to do than gossiping.
Tony flicks his hand when goes up to his lab.
_ Kid, you alright ?
Tony's kinda mad when Peter doesn't turn on the face-time, the kid must be injured badly.
_ Heyyy Mr.Stark, I'm fine. Little scratches but I'm alive !!
His voice sounds normal, but it seems like he's in the middle of doing something.
_ Come here now. Bruce will take care of you.
_ I'm serious, this is nothingg. I'm good !!
_.. I'll send Bubba. Do not say no to me.
Tony can hear a short sigh from the other end.
_ Finee. Oh I have to tell you about what I found today, it was insane !!
The kid's normal self comes back, making Tony slightly grins.
_ Alright. See ya tomorrow, kid.
After sending Bubba to help Peter, Tony sits on his table and thinks for a bit, about Natasha's words. She's not wrong. Peter once told him that he and Ned had hacked into every data base to delete all the information about Spiderman, they even created a chip to automatically delete every CCTV footages of Spiderman if he ever got caught, to protect Peter's identity. But that could never stop Fury to look for him. That patch guy is seriously a boy band' members hunter.
_ Still nothing ?
_ Nope, we've been searching for hours and all we have is stupid news on Youtube.
_ Guess we'll have to go for the old-fashion way.
The man stands up with a small metal ball in his hands, which covered in bandage.
_ You take care of the buyer, I'll find our little friend.
Peter rushes in his favorite sandwich place in Queens, Delmar's Deli. While waiting for his go-to meal, Peter feels quite odd like someone's watching him, but when he turns at the source of his tingle, it's just an empty chair. Maybe he's overreacting due to his lack of sleep these days. Mr.Delmar's voice wakes him from his thoughts, Peter returns a small smile at him and sprints out of there. School ended sooner than usual so he decided to take a short patrol before his internship at the Tower.
_ I think I got him. He's heading to the train turn. Narrow the CCTVs down to that area.
A man with a hat and sunglass talks to his phone while following the kid.
_ Got him, he's in a small alley next to the bakery. You sure that he's Spiderman ? This skinny punny kid ?
_ Don't loose him, he fits the physical analysis the most.
The man cautiously walks into the alley, but not long for him to realise.
_ What do you mean ?? I'm watching the footage for the whole time, he hasn't left there. He's in the alley !!
Filled with rage, he yells and throws punches repeatedly at the rubbish bin. Until something got his eyes.
_ Bingo.
The man laughs madly, pulling clothes, books out of the backbag till he found something looking like an ID.
_ Peter Parker.
_ Hi Mr. Stark, can I take a shower before we start. I smell like a garbage exposure now..
_ Kid, what did I say about calling while swinging ?
_ No, it was actually about texting while swinging. My eyes are still on the front.
_ Urg, I'll prepare your clothes.
_ Thanks Mr.Stark, will be there in 3 minutes.
Peter silently lands at the highest floor of the Tower, then goes straight to the bathroom 'cause he's stink, like a fermented stingray. Should have thought about it before putting the sloppy sweeter on.
_ Hi Pete, you want some cupcakes ?
Bucky asks with a huge cupcake tower in his hands. This, took him 4 hours to finish.
_ I haven't had dessert so why not !
The kid joyfully responds. He's not hungry, but he wants it. Half way through his second cupcake, Peter once again, has that odd feeling. He panicly turns around to search for the source but couldn't seem to find it. His action startles the adults a bit.
_ Peter what's wrong ?
But no response from the kid. He trembly pulls out his phone and calls someone. They couldn't hear from the other side but they can tell how terrified the kid is. He's shaking.
_ Hi May ! Are you at work ?
_ Oh cool, great... Yes I'm in the Tower.
_ .. Um... May.. is there anyone with you right now ..? Like.. someone you never met before?
_ .. I-is he sitting in the security camera's zone ?
Peter rushes to Bubba and opens the holographic screen, hacking to see the footage at the shelter. His pupils expands widely, looking at the familiar man on the screen. He then, glances at the Avengers who filled with concerns in their eyes. They all scream when the boy runs back to the door.
_ PETER !!!
Peter can hear his heart beating like crazy. He presses the elevator and races to the lab. He grabs a clock-like on his working table and it releases his Iron Spidey suit. Right when Tony reaches the lab, Peter has already flown out of the building.
_ Friday, detect his route !!
" I can't Boss. The suite hasn't completed so I haven't connected to its system yet. I couldn't track him by security footage either "
_ FIND MAY !!!
Peter in his normal self races in the shelter to reach May's office.
_ Hi Pete ? What happens with your call earlier ?
He then sees that man, the one appearing at the basement yesterday night, sitting in front of his aunt. He turns and gives him a smile.
_ Oh, this is Mr. Quentin Beck, who has just become a sponsor of our shelter.
May cheerfully stands up and walks toward her niece, but right when she reaches the kid, she slowly faints into his arms.
_ MAY !! MAY !! Can you hear me !??
_ Oh don't worry Mr. Parker. She seemed lack of sleep so I tried to help her.
Beck walks around and holds up a picture of May and Peter on her desk. Glaring at the boy with rage filled his eyes, he's enjoying this so much.
_ What.did.you.do.to.her.
Peter clenches his teeth while May's in his lap.
_ Your aunt is surely a living definition of virtuousness. And you, seem like you had it from her.
He takes out a small glass bottle, smirking wickedly at the boy.
_ Why don't we put that in a test, Spiderman ?
A loud explosion occurs.
End chap.
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