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18. Morality IV

Peter takes a deep breath, glancing around the familiar space. 

_ You sure you want to do this ?

Tony's voice brings him back to his sense. 

_ If you don't want to, I can sort it out. 

Peter shakes his head gently. His face is covered but Tony knows what kind of face he has under that. It's only 3 days after the Spider Hunting occured, and Peter just surprisingly appears in his lab wearing his original red and blue suit. Tony's half glad but also half worry about his intention. 

_ Can you call them to the living room ? I don't like the meeting room so much. 

Because it's the Avengers' facility, and he's not one of them. Tony thinks about it for a bit but then has to respect the kid's choice. 

_ Ok, we didn't think you want to meet us that quickly. 

Clint drops himself on the couch, followed by everyone. Let's just say, things got worst from that day. 

_ No dipshieet, I just want to see you suffer. 

Tony's leaning on the bar's counter, observing the team. Their conscience would be crushed, harsh. 

They then see a familiar figure stands in front of them. Tony can acknowledge how worried Bruce, Rhodey and Wanda are, he tries to signal them to calm down. The young hero faces them with his back, he nervously takes of his mask, staring at his mentor. Gaining back his determination thanks to Tony's firm look, he turns back to face the team. 

They are too shocked to even gasp. Their child, the one they all care about, the one they adore the most.. But they've hurt him, with their own hands. Their Peter is Spiderman. They all feel guilty, looking at those scarred eyes, the cheerful and happy Peter was no longer there. 

_ Petie ! 

Wanda impatiently runs and gives him a tight hug, making the kid smile softly and return her hug. 

_ I'm sorry for making you worried. For making all of you worried. 

He looks up, eyeing the rest with soreness. 

_ You could've told us Pete !?? I hurt you !!! 

Natasha stands up and clenches toughly, but not at him, at herself.

_ Oh my goodness.. This is the worst thing ever.. 

_ Who else knew !??

Peter patiently waits for the adults to express their shock, then he continues. 

_ I wasn't ready to let you guys know back then, mostly because I was scared. I didn't want you guys to be involved in any trouble and it seemed like people who gotten close to me always end up getting hurt. I don't want that. But now Fury wants me, I don't want my problem becoming yours so I will talk with him. 

The young hero sternly says, making them surprise with his maturity. 

_ But that wasn't the only thing you wanted to say right ?

Tony suspiciously asks. He pulls out his phone and puts on multiple hologram screens, showing maps with dots. 

_ You've been busy, young bug. At least 5 locations/day, continuously for 2 weeks. What are you up to ?

Peter lets out a small sigh and taps something on his wirst. He slides up all the information he has found on the holo screen. The team is stuned by the things Peter shown them that they all stand up and move closer to see it. 

_ That base I destroyed wasn't just a normal illegal weapon development, they created holographic scene by using drones. Those drones are weaponized and be able to cause full damage. It didn't feel that real when I first encountered the illusion, but that attack, you can tell they were highly programmed. All you need is sitting behind a computer and your scenario does everything for you, even killing. 

_ That's why he can vanish just like that. 

Tony's deep in his thoughts, focusing on the drone's information. 

_ Exactly. I tried to track them down but there were too many. In just 1 night, they've already expanded their business. 

_ Buyers ?

Natasha asks, which makes Peter nod in agreement. 

_ Guess who.

Peter zooms the map that he's noted. The dots make Bucky wince in doubt. 

_ Hydra. 

_ That's why they can upscale and expand their holographic technology that quick. Finance was their only problem but now, with the buyer, they can do everything just by their mind. 

_ Can you estimate the number ?

_ 2.000 drones, at least. But like every bee hive has their queen, take that down and the rest are useless. 

_ I guess it's not your own fight anymore, Peter. 

Steve says while focusing at the Hydra's base location. 

_ You make me surprise, kid. 

Tony states when he saw a photo of Quentin Beck on the screen. It was captured yesterday. 

_ You found him but decided not to kill him ?

The rest were shocked at Tony's words, except for Peter who calmly looks down at his wirst. 

_ .. May gave me a present, for my 17th birthday. She wasted til the last minutes of her life, taking care of me.. She deserved to have a better life, to do what she wanted but she sacrificed it for me. 

His eyes get a bit teary when mentioned his aunt. 

_ What Beck wanted me to do and who he wanted me to become, I won't tag along with his poorly organized game. Yes, my hatred towards him is enough for me to tear him into pieces.. but my appreciation for May is greater than that. I don't want her effort of raising me, go to waste. 

Everyone fells in silent after listening to Peter. They can sense how strong May's death affected him, the kid was forced to grow up. 

_ I'll talk to Fury. Everyone get ready. 

Steve breaks the silent, places his hand on the young hero's shoulder. 

Peter stares strongly at the screen in front of him, Quentin Beck. His hands unconsciously clench hard. 

_ Your arms alright Pete ?

Natasha slowly approaches him. 

_ Super healing, always brand new. 

Peter shrugs and smiles at her, telling how sorry he is to attack them that night. 

_ This, means we can spar together in the gym and I can teach your some moves. You need to learn how to block those attacks, Pete. 

_ Let's see if there's any break in my schedule, Natlie. 

His playfulness makes Nat slip out a small chuckle. Luckily, the kid hasn't changed so much. 


The team splited up, one aimed at Hydra, the other destroyed the drones. But not long for Peter, Tony, Wanda, Hulk and Rhodey being trapped in the holographic illusion. They were all injured badly. Because they couldn't see the drones so they can only fire all over the place but there were so many drones, the illusion wouldn't disappeared. Wanda groaned while shielding them in front of the drones' bullet rain, for the third times !! They won't be able to hold on any longer if this keeps happening. Peter then turns and asks Wanda. 

_ Can you shield them any longer ? I will clear the way, focus on the glitches and take it down !!

Peter fills up his web fluid and eyeing for the route. 

_ Kid !! What's your plan !!??

Tony panicly grabs his arm. He won't risk the let him head straight to the fire. 

_ .. Well.. um.. I have this thing called Peter's tingle, May made fun of it all the time. And I hope it works !!!!

 Peter rapidly says, Wanda couldn't hold any much longer. 

_ You have to trust me !!!

Tony's eyes expand widely at the kid but quickly soften up. He nods firmly. 

_ I always trust you kid. 

Peter closes his eyes, exhales deeply then races out of the shield. His eyes are closed but he can feel every movements around him. With his Peter's tingle in its highest alarm, Peter managed to break down the main chain of drones, causing the illusion to glitch. 

_ HULK !! SMASH !!!!

Peter yells as he attached several drones with his taser web and blew them up. The rest that heard his signal spread out to destroy the drones. He once again tries to sense Beck's presence. 

_ There you are. 

But the more he goes toward Beck, the more damage the drones create. He groans painfully covering the deep wound on his stomach. He's drenched. Suddenly he hears some gun shots and a few drones, that were aiming at him, being taken down. 

_ Hi Spideyboy !! Need power boost ?

The freaky guy in red and black suit appears from nowhere, again. Peter narrows his eyes to realise behind him is the rest of team. They all rush in to take cover for the young hero.

_ They were lost in the base but luckily, I have a platinum certification in tour guiding !! 

The guy opens his arms widely, tending to give the shorter one a hug, then a drone shots him in the shoulder. 

_ SHIEET !! 

_ Language !!

Steve never missed a chance to say that. 

_ Oh shut it old man. Last time I saw you, you were trying so hard to find a way out, TO THE BATHROOM. 

_ DP !!!

Peter shouts at the guy. After meeting for the first time in a very special way, they worked together for a few cases and the boy found he's quite interesting and a fun companion to have while patrolling. It's true that the young kind-hearted hero doesn't like his killing but Deadpool has agreed on Peter's offer, "Reconsidering before deciding on killing". Which don't tell our adorable Petey that DP never truly want to consider the offer. 

_ I'm back I'm back !! You seriously need to work with your temper, Webs. 

Deadpool says while loading up his guns. 

_ Let's kick some asses. 

He covers for the younger to enter the main zone, which causing a few holes in his body. Peter heavily breathes as cuts and wounds are increasing. He uses the drones to jump out of the illusion zone and lands right at Beck, breaks the controller on his wrist. All the drones have been stopped. 

_ It's over Beck. 

_ Oh Peter, such a naive, aren't you ?

Peter growls tiredly, forgetting to dodge the bullet when it hits his side. Beck then, takes the opportunity to pinch the kid down and throw punches. Peter knows he's too worned out but that guy's face triggers him so much. He inhales deeply and holds his breath, flips back to pinch him down and returns all of his attacks. 

_ Look at you Parker, drowning in your aunt's sanity. 

Beck coughes and spits out the blood in his mouth, staring mockingly at the rageful boy. 

_ I told you before, did you remember ? It's your morality, kills either you or the one you love. You think you can live up with your virtuousness ?? Oh please, EVERYTHING YOU DO, SLAUGHTER EVERYONE YOU LOVE. 

Peter couldn't control his rampage and throws his punches at the guy under him. His eyes are distorted with rage.


Natasha screams as his fist aiming at Beck gets higher. Peter throws his last punch to finish. 

They all runs to find rubble lay everywhere. His fist is landing only a few inches away from Beck's face, the cement under it is completely shattered. 

_ No Beck, my morality keeps me going. 

Peter clenches his teeth. His eyes showed the sign of wanting to kill him but his fist stopped. Peter suffers to get up, leaving the man with disbelief behind his back. 

_ .. Can I.. leave him to you ?

The young hero wobbly approaches the rest. Steve looks at the boy's reddish eyes and gently nods. Peter clenches his teeth, trembly walks toward the rest. 

_ Woah woah, easy Spideypoo. Need your DP's booster ?

Deadpool carefully holds the young hero when he hunches to cover his wound. Peter can feel the weak of his legs, his wound in the stomach keeps on bleeding causing some dizziness. 

_ You're bleeding too much, you gonna lose your consciousness Pe-ohwehoheee, S-Spiderman. 

Bruce quickly says but then notices the unknown guy next to him, secret identity yall. Luckily, Deadpool wasn't very focus on him, he's trying to hold Peter as gently as possible. 

_ Yeah.. it makes sense.. 

The boy heavily breathes, having a hard time to keep his eyes open. 

A gun shot happens. 

The team turns back in shock, seeing Peter's holding something beside him, in the air, with his startle eyes at the front and Deadpool with one hand helping him but the other hand has pulled out his katana to point at the same direction. When Peter trembly turns to face the air, the illusion fades to reveal Beck with his gun aiming at the boy. 

_ That's it Prince Dastan. Your movie sucks. 

Deadpool growls under his deep voice, moving the sharp blade right at the bad guy's neck. Ooohh, this meat will be the dead of him. 

End chap. 

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