5. Don't do what I would do
_ Hey Happy !!
_ Hi kid, you have 5 minutes to ramble about your day.
Happy groans at Peter' cheerful attitude. He doesn't hate the kid, actually Happy likes him but that optimist annoys him some- no, everytime. The kid used to talk for the whole ride and before it causes Happy to smash this millions car on the street, he made the '5 minutes' rule. Then, the rest of the ride can be in peace and Happy can enjoy his Bach' playlist.
_ Hi everyone, is everything good ? You need my support in anything ?
Peter stops by the intern floor, greeting all of his co-workers and taking his design with him. Most people are growing fond of Peter so it's such a delight to see him occasionally.
_ I just sent you my coding for the security system. May check it for me before I turn it in Petey ?
Rosie said with a very gentle tone, she's an Aussie with light yellow hair and she adores Peter the most. She buys him food all the time.
_ Sure thing Daisie, will be done in 10 minutes.
Peter smiles and grabs a bag of donuts from Rosie. Good thing about being Spiderman, he doesn't have to give a dang about his weight. Best thing ever !!
_ I am obviously a Chrysanthemum indicum, not a daisy. Daisy is white, my hair is clearly yellow, Poodle boy.
_ Not a chance Daisie. If you think you can make me say that, you're dreaming.
Rosie rolls her eyes looking at the boy slowly gets further away from her. But then, he immediately pokes his head around the open door.
_ Hey, Poodle is adorable !!!!
_ Bye bye Peter/ Bye boy/ See ya/ Thanks Peter/....
_ Hi Mr.Stark, I have donuts !! Hi Dr.Banner, you want some ?
Peter ran to the lab and oh, never forget to share donuts.
_ Ah, our Poodle boy is here.
Tony grins at the boy and starts his teasing.
_ Are you seriously stalking me again ? Doesn't the SI' policy allow interns to have their privacy ?
Peter lets out the softest whine with his baby voice. Well, it's his only defense against the olders.
_ Not with Tony told Friday to record everything you do in the Tower. I'll have a donut, the classic one, thank you Pete. And call me Bruce.
Bruce deeply sympathizes with the young boy. He still doesn't know why his friend is so overprotective with Peter, totally not Tony Stark's style. Yes the boy is adorable and everyone like him but he's a teenager, they all do stupid reckless things. Ohhh, that's why.. But little do we know, Bruce unconsciously did the same
_ Arg, you let white dust fly everywhere Jolly Green !!
Tony dusts off the powder sugar from the machine that Bruce has been working on, glancing at the mouthful-of-donut man.
_ The no-food rule needs to be effectuated, my friend.
_ .. Umm.. Mr.Stark ? I have a donut with red white and blue sprinkles here, do you want it ?
Few seconds later, we find 2 growups and a young boy sitting on the entrance's step, munching their donuts. And Dum-E just spins like crazy, trying to clean ( or you could say: blow ) the powder sugar everywhere.
_ You're on cleaning duty today, kid.
_ Tones, the Ambassador wants to talk to you. Oh, you're here Peter ?
The 3 all turn and look at where the voice came from, then James Rhodes aka War Machine appeared to walk in.
_ Hi Mr. Rhodes !!
_ Hi Peter, haven't seen you for ages huh ?
Rhodey could only see the kid for a few time but obviously he likes him. Normally, he wouldn't have faith in anyone that Tony brought in, but this kid is harmless and Pepper trusts him, so Rhodey joins in the 'Peter's squad' too. He didn't spend much time at the Tower recently, mostly because he had been on a mission in Mexico and at the meantime, working with the government about the 'missing' half of the Avengers. They really gave him a dreadful hassle.
Peter and Rhodey quickly give each other a hug then Rhodey pats his fluffy curl a bit.
_ Only 'Rhodey' is fine, kid. Wait, didn't Pepper tell you to wear protective gears when you're in the lab ?
Rhodey shoots his glare straight at Tony.
_ Well, the lab's rules never did effectuate. Tony broke every single one of them.
Bruce holding a spanner points at Tony too.
_ Hey ! I.am.offended. Why is it always Tony !, Tony ?, Me ? The kid breaks something but there you go, the "Tony, what did you do ?!" spilt out !?
The billionaire looks at his 2 best friends with the most betrayed expression ever. Tony still doesn't realize that Peter basically follows everything he did and which result in him experiencing countless heart attacks. Combining chemicals for fun, building a machine just to mix his hot cocoa which he forgot to control its strength and NO STOP BUTTON involved, the best must be when he tried to upgrade Dum-E with laser shooter and a fire gun arm. Of course it happened without any protective gears !
Bruce and Rhodey haven't known about Spiderman and Tony respects the kid's choice. Peter will tell them, one day, but he's not ready yet. So obviously, a normal 15 years ago kid in the lab without any protection is at their highest concern. Peter already got many bruises, cuts and burns from his works in the lab, which Bruce took care all of his injuries.
_ You will be right if you set a good example for Peter. Which at this moment, you don't. Tony, I first met him when he was smashing vibranium with his hammer, without any protection.
Rhodey tries to be reason with him while crossing his arms. Such a drama queen, that Goat Beardy guy.
_ He shot Peter while the kid was holding a magnetic shield to see if it worked the other day though.
Bruce looks up from his work and raises his eyebrow at Tony and Peter.
Now Tony genuinely has to think about how reckless this kid can be. Yes, the kid did that one thing he was told not to about the Big Robot Bird, ignored his mentor and put himself in danger numerous times, almost drown, toasted, he STUCK to an invisible plane and FLEW up to thousands of meters IN HIS HOODIE !! Oh dear, what have he done. The kid is following his foot step !!!
_ Recall our very first talk kid ?
_ .. in my room ?
_ No no, the later one.
_ The airport ?
_.. Nooo
_ Then it's not our very first talk Mr.Stark.
_ In the car, kid. In.the.car.
_ Ohhh, that !! Well you didn't make it super clear.
_ Don't do what wouldn't do, and definitely don't do what I would do. That, is the rule applying from now.
End chap.
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