6. The Beatles' reunion
_ So you're saying, they apologised and wanted to come back for a happy ever after ?
_ No Tony, I said they would come back if the contract' regulations being reconsidered.
Rhodey sighs after explaning for the fifth times. This is what he had to work with for 2 months. The rest that didn't follow the accords technically still are a part of SHIELD, and the government of every country needs the organization to avoid any crisis either from the world or out. As a matter of fact, SHIELD can easily find them but they're waiting for the ministry to bring the organization up on the ground again, when they have eyes and hands everywhere.
_ SHIELD is taking this opportunity to gain its access and empowerment of the hidden ground again, that's Hydra I meant.
_ Great, now Jack Sparrow wants his pirates back.
_ There're enough people who want to take this earth down, to rule and to destroy. We - the outstanding people with gifts are the only one who can stand against them. The war between us is meaningless Tony, you know it.
_ I didn't start it.
_ And I don't want it to be continued. Look, I hate what they did, specially to you. We'll keep our tension up.
Tony flicks the pen in his hand away. He's angry, confused, bewildered. A part of him saw them as betrayers, but the rest of him miss the old Avengers. Rage causes people to lose their mind, and Tony understands it more than anyone. But deep down, still, he doesn't believe himself could forgive them for everything.
_ At least I don't have to use a pair of spare legs. Need upgrades, honey bear ?
_ Nope, Peter already offered to do it. You're out, big brain.
_ Friday, I didn't agree we would have one eyed Willy here in my Tower ?
Tony groans while heading to his lab 'cause by his surprise, a full black leather appears from nowhere - the one he didn't want to welcome.
_ Childcare makes the newlywed dad grumpy, don't you Stark ?
Fury slowly walks around his lab, observing all of the inventions and choose to lay his eyes at a picture of Tony and Peter. That's when Peter blowed up the lab for the first time, no injuries but it got the boy's hair stick up everywhere and face's begrimed in smoke, so obviously and immediately Tony held up his phone, took a picture with his finger pointed at the boy.
_ I assume major Rhodes has talked to you about the upcoming idea. The universe is bigger than we thought, Stark. I need you, all of you.
_ Didn't give me a choice then. So why bother with this pointless conversation.
_ For preparation, Stark. They will stay at the Compound and the Tower, so what I'm trying to phrase is that please, don't give them the basement or the garage to sleep in.
_ Noted. Don't tempt me, Elle Driver.
Tony smirks at the guy and sweeps all the junks out of his working table. He expands the blueprint and starts to analyze the power core.
_ New lego ?
_ This piece of lego here decides our safety insurance at this infrastructure, Nicky. Friday, kick him out.
Tony glances at the black silhouette till completely out of his sight. He then, has to contain himself for not encountering any panic attack.
" Boss, Peter is here " - Friday
_ Mr.Stark !! You wouldn't believe what I just found !! The formula finally works, all we need is a little touch and-
Peter rushed in with a great of excitement, but his tweets instantly drop when he saw his mentor.
_ Are you ok ? You don't look every good ?
Tony quickly recovered his self and tried not to keep an extending eye contact with the boy.
_ Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Pff, why would I not !? Where were we, firewall right ?
Peter gently puts his Stark phone down on the table.
_ Would you want something to eat ? I mean, we're way ahead schedule and it'll be done by Sunday. Should we take a little break ?
_ ... Stark Raving Hazelnuts ?
_ Erm.. I prefer Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge.
_ Traitor..
Peter laughs contentiously while reaching for the older's shoulder and pulling him out of the lab.
_ I will have yours if you watch Star Wars with me.
_ Do I even have a choice.
Tony whimpers.
_ Nope, you're stuck with me Mr.Stark, willing or not.
Peter spreads his smile widely.
_ .. I'm glad, kid.
Tony breathes softly, and he means it.
When they got to the lobby, Pepper was wandering around the kitchen as if she wanted to find something.
_ Tony ? What's wrong ?
She tilts her head when she saw the two coming out of the elevator. Tony would never be here at this hour, specially when Peter's here.
_ We decide to take a break and watch a movie.
Peter said which makes Pepper looks at him then at Tony, with skepticism. It took her years to be able to drag Tony out of his lab but Peter only took months ?
_ Now that is something I couldn't do.
_ Urg, honey bee, we watched Mary Poppins the other night AND I made you pancake.
Tony defends himself and walks by his fiancé.
_ I'll make you something. You need a rest, Tony.
Pepper sweetly strokes his shoulder and gives him a quick kiss.
_ Anything full-fat please, hun. I gave up with the dairy-free, gluten-free term, me and the kid will have ice-cream.
Tony fondles her hair elaborately with his eyes on hers. That short moment causes them forget about the boy's existence. And Peter just stands there, which he did think that he wasn't suppose to.
_ ... U-um.. I-I'll take care of the movie.. c-come when you're ready..
That made the couple let out a small chuckle.
_ So, what happens ? Your little distracting trick can work with Peter but not me, Tony.
Tony knew he couldn't hide anything from Pepper.
_ I'm just .. grateful that you're here, hun.
A bit broke, a bit lost, hurtful and appreciation are the words to describe Tony' eyes. 'Cause they never lie.
_ Oh, Tony.
Pepper pulls him into a hug. She acknowledged his pain, the sufferings he'd been through. That is the reason why they broke up last time, when she couldn't stand seeing him bury himself in the armour which will kill him one day. But that's also the reason she decided to stay with him, by his side. After Civil War, his condition got worst, he couldn't sleep and encountered major panic attacks. He ended up locking himself in the lab, enhancing all of his suit based on his failure in the fight. That's when Pepper knew she had to stay with him, 'cause she's all he got now. She won't be able to stand if anything happens to him..
_ I'm here Tony, I'm here..
Pepper softly murmurs.
_ You're not alone, Tony. I'm here, so is Rhodes, Bruce, and Peter. Peter is here with you.
Tony slightly turns to see the boy sitting on the couch, in front of the TV pausing at the Star Wars poster, maybe texting with his friends.
_ After the movie hun, we have a lot to talk about.
End chap.
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