I. Overview on recruitment
II. Human resource recruitment
III. Selecting candidates
IV. Integrating new employees into organization environment
1. Working more hours.
2. Outwork contract
3. Hire in more employees from others
4. Hire temperate employees
I. Overview of recruitment
Once an organization identifies its human resource
needs through employment planning, it can begin
recruiting candidates for actual or anticipated vacancies.
1. Definition of recruitment
A process of seeking, attracting possible candidates from different sources, and evaluating them based on job requirements to select right candidates, matching Job requirements.
2. Recruiting Goals
Øð recruiting provides information that will attract a significant pool of qualified candidates and discourage unqualified ones from applying
Øð recruiters promote the organization to prospective applicants
3. Recruiting requirements
" Business strategy oriented
" Matching Job requirements
" Good ethics and loyalty
4. Factors that affect recruiting efforts
Øð organizational objectives
Øð organizational size
Øð employment conditions in the area
Øð effectiveness of past recruiting efforts
Øð working conditions, salary, and benefits offered
Øð organizational growth or decline
5. Constraints on recruiting efforts
o organization s image
o job attractiveness
o internal organizational policies
o government policy and laws
o recruiting costs
6. Recruiting models
" Recruiting once,
long term employment
" Contracting recruiting,
Contracting employment
Recruiting once, long term employment
" encourage loyalty
" create stable
" create inactiveness,
" lack of competitive,
" lack of creative
Contract recruiting
" create competitive, activeness, creativeness
" create tiredness
" lack of loyalty
6. Recruiting process
- Recruiting preparation
" Build up recruiting program
" Fulfill job description
" Build up recruitment indicators
" Define recruiting committee
" Prepare necessary documents and equipments
- Recruiting
- Selecting
- Integrating new employees in organization environment
II. HR recruitment
1. Definition
A process of attracting possible candidates from different sources coming to apply for the jobs
2. Recruiting Sources
" Internal searches
" Employees referrals
" External searches
" Online and alternative
III. Selecting applicants
1. Definition
A process a considering, evaluating candidates by indicators from attracted people in order to select the best candidates for vacant jobs.
2. Selecting standards
- Ethics
- Professional skills
- Communication skills
- Leader skills (managers)
- Experiences
- Health
Selecting processes:
" Study candidate s documents
" Preliminary interview
" Test necessary knowledge
" In deep interview
" Check information
" Health test
" Tested in work
" Make employees in decision
3.1. Study candidates documents
o The documents may include:
- Applicant letter: The applicant write by him self or fulfill available form
- CV
- Health care certification
- Related certification
- Purposes of study candidate's:
- Select CV
- Mark unclear information to re-check
3.2. Preliminary interview
- First time meet the candidates
- Preliminary evaluation: knowledge; smart, characteristics; conformation,&
- Interviewer needs: polite, kid-glove, creating friendly atmosphere
3.3. Multiple choice testing
- Apply different possible psychological techniques to evaluate candidates on intelligence, knowledge, skills, characteristics.
- Objectives: to find out task performance ability and characteristics of each candidate to distribute task appropriately
- Testing methods: Writing, oral, machinery
III. Selecting candidates
3.3. Knowledge testing
" Test general knowledge
" Test psychology, characteristics
" IQ
" Test attitude, professional skills
" Technical skills
" Organizing skills
" Mentality and awareness skills
" Test ambition, hobby
" &
3.4. In deep interview
" Objectives: Add more information, evaluate behavior, attitude, professional skills
" Employment committee: Head of personnel dept, director/ vice director, direct employee managers,&
" Interview methods: by standard forms or non standard forms.
Committee interview
Stressful interview
Case/situation interview
Individual interview and group interview
Some possible questions
1. Could you introduce your selves?
2. Why did you leave?
3. What are your strength points?
4. What are your weak points?
5. What do you know about my company?
6. Why do you want to work at my company?
7. Why we should employ you for the position?
8. What were your good point at your old job?
9. What are your motive power to work?
10. What is your most working environment?
11. Why do you apply for the job?
12. When you are stress due to work, what should you do?
13. What will you be after 5 yrs, 10 yrs?
Excelling at the Interview
Suggestions for making your interviews as an applicant successful:
1. do some homework on the company
2. get a good night s rest the night before
3. dress appropriately
4. arrive for the interview a few minutes early
5. use a firm handshake
6. maintain good eye contact
7. take the opportunity to have practice interviews
8. thank the interviewer in person, and send a thank-you note
III. Selecting candidates
3.5. Check candidate information
- Old candidates' teachers, directors, colleagues.
- Main checks: the accurate of information on: position, salary, relation with others, organization regulations implementation, reasons to leave out, strengthen and weakness of candidates.&
3.6. Physical/medical exam, drug test, etc
3.7. Pre employment testing
3.8. Employment decision
IV. Integrate new employees into organization environment
1. Objective
- Help new employees integrate in organization
- Provide information on tasks and expectation.
- Avoid mistakes and save time.
- Create good impression on organization.
2. Integration periods
First period: general integration
" Overview on organization
" Policies, procedures and regulations
" Machinery and equipments
" Work safety
CEOs can
" welcome employees
" provide a vision for the company
" introduce company culture
" convey that the company cares about employees
" allay some new employees anxieties
- Second period: professional program
" Functions of functional departments
" Missions and responsibilities for the job
" Policies, procedures, regulations of each functional department.
" Visit divisions and sub divisions
" Introduction to colleagues
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