chapter. .....
Can u read my other storys? Or the first 5 people to comment will get their storys named in my next chapter
He put a hand out. It was freezing. Like mine...."I'm Jack. How bout you?" He asked friendly. "I'm Elizabeth but call me Elsa. Because it is my real name. ..... " he laughed ag my joke. "What are you doing in the forest Elza?" He said my name wrong. Uggggg! I pulled an arow out. "Wow! I'm only human! ' " i laughed at his word choice. "Funny but I'm hunting. " i thought about what i had said " you can't tell anyone! " i looked at him. "I will not..."my eyes went up."if you go on a date with me?" I nodded. Haha on him the people were chosen tomorrow and i new this guy had a few in for him. Something bout Jack having 45 peices of paper with his name on them.
"Date tonight at 7:00?" Crap tonight? "Wait why are you out here?!?!?" I asked. He rubbed the back on his neck. "I live out hear." Nobody lived out side the fence. "Lier! Nobody can live out hear exept. ...." my exept was if they had no family or where kick out of their district. "I am not on the board. I was never born... died in my mom's stomach. " the capital believed that? " i asked. "Nope i just ran away and someone died my hair silver and gave me new clothes when ever i needed them" now i felt bad.
I walked up to him and pulled him into a hug.
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