Chapter 4 - A Poor Child or A Liar
Megatron left without looking back. He meant it when he said Forbidden had made him disappointed. Megatron let her do whatever she wants as long as she would never intend to stab him in his back. He trusted her implicitly but what has just happened. She broke her limits. He opened the door as Soundwave was standing silently aside. Megatron passed over Soundwave after had stared at him a little while. Soundwave watched his Lord's shape till it was out of view.
The door opened again, Soundwave appeared, but this time he went in without hesitate. The faint Forbidden Child emerged, she was trying to stand up but failed. Her legs were still trembling non-stop. She couldn't figure out the reason for that, it was clearly just her neck was hurt. Maybe because of the fear, maybe she did feel fear.
Her bare optics fully burst with suppressed anger. Soundwave stepped close to her, she noticed him immediately.
"What do you want?" Forbidden said feeling like to be annoyed.
She could guess Soundwave would say nothing and it was correct, but she couldn't predict that he got himself close enough to Forbidden, kneeled down to her side then gave his left long slim arm behind her back. Forbidden knew what the meaning of this act. It hasn't happened since Lord Megatron prohibited her from joining the war. Forbidden managed to push his arm away.
"I'm fine, I can walk by my own," she said in a touchy tone.
Soundwave did not let Forbidden say or react anything more, easily carried her in one arm heading to the medbay. "You won't listen to me, will you?" She yelled, which immediately caused the pain in her throat making her scowled. It seemed her voice - creating device was broken a little bit.
This was like the old time, when Forbidden was one of the strongest gladiators of Kaon, when she was one of the proud Decepticon soldiers of Lord Megatron and still participated in the war, when she got too much injuries for herself to handle, Soundwave always be there and did the job. He would never leave Forbidden alone in the battlefield, so did Megatron. Yet how about now? Things must change. Everyone is changing even her but... Forbidden looked at Soundwave. <He's still himself all along>, jealousy crossed her thoughts. It is good to be unchanged so not need to worry about getting used to all changes. She modified her tone to avoid making her inner throat worse when she was talking, "Did you read my mind then tell Megatron?"
Soundwave shook his head ,,Answer: I can't read your mind,,
"Ah..., right, because of my helmet... So, it means... he found out by himself?"
Soundwave nodded.
"When?" She sided her head.
[By all my respect, Lord Megatron, it is Forbidden Child] - Soundwave replayed, it was the voice of the office worker who once accused her.
"Megatron believed immediately just after hearing that con's accusation? That's hurt really really bad, my Lord," at first Forbidden giggled in frustration, but in the end she depressed her voice in each word in anger.
,,Answer: And everything was too perfect for you. Conclusion: It was your fault,, Soundwave said using his familiar sonar tone.
Forbidden wriggled and jumped out of his arm. She landed then paced forwards after leaving a statement to Soundwave: "That's why I'm angry."
X x X
Megatron stood alone while stared at his hand. The one had grabbed Forbidden's neck and almost killed her. He still remembered the pain and despair filling her optics. He still remembered the cracking sound from her neck as he crushed it. Megatron was mad at her several times, yes, but he hasn't harmed her because of it before. Yet look at what he did. This is the first time and maybe it won't be the last.
Being a Lord seems to be boring and lonely...
Forbidden's voice suddenly echoed in his head. I will be here with you in case you want someone to play with, Soundwave... is fine, but he... You've known him already.
Megatron narrowed his red optics.
I still always stand by you no matter what. I won't never leave you even all the worlds are against you. That is my promise of honor, my Lord.
It was her voice again, clearer, louder, more memorable and more... unforgivable! Forbidden promised and she has broken it.
"You are a liar." He frowned angrily and the red light from his optics brighten in the darkness.
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