Moment of Respite
After a harrowing escape, Kosu and his team trekked a safe distance from the goblin cave, the echoes of battle fading behind them. They finally reached a clearing in the dense forest, a peaceful glade untouched by the chaos they had just fled.
Setting up their tent, the team worked in silence, each of them processing the events of the day. The weight of their encounter hung heavily in the air, but the safety of the forest provided a moment of solace.
As the night deepened, Kosu's team settled into their camp in the quiet glade, the flickering light of their fire casting warm shadows against the surrounding trees. The air was crisp and cool, a welcome relief after the tension of the day.
Kara stirred a pot over the flames, the savory aroma of stew wafting through the air. "This should be ready soon," she said, glancing up with a tired smile. "It's not gourmet, but it'll fill us up."
Elara leaned back against a tree, her eyes scanning the darkness beyond their camp. "I'll take anything that isn't goblin stew at this point," she said with a chuckle, though her tone was laced with lingering tension.
Thrain, sitting on a log, sharpened his axe, the sound of steel against stone a comforting rhythm. "A warm meal and a bit of rest will do us good. We've earned it after today." He looked up, meeting Kosu's gaze. "You did well back there, Kosu. Fighting off the horde while keeping an eye on Kara and Elara... it wasn't easy."
"Thanks," Kosu replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie wash over him. "But we all played our part. I couldn't have held them off without you two."
As they settled in, Kara ladled the stew into bowls, handing them out with a smile. "Here you go—dinner is served! Let's take a moment to enjoy this before we dive back into the chaos tomorrow."
They gathered around the fire, the warmth enveloping them. As they ate, the exhaustion of the day began to lift, replaced by a comforting sense of normalcy.
After the team has rest for a while, Kosu retrieved the handheld communication device from his pack. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before activating it. The familiar static crackled to life, and he could almost feel Sakura's presence on the other end.
"Kosu, is that you?" her voice crackled through the device.
"It's me, Sakura," he replied, relief washing over him at the sound of her voice. "We made it out of the cave. But what we found... it's worse than we thought."
He reported the details of the machine they had encountered, the grotesque fusion of metal and biology, and the horde of goblins it produced. As he spoke, he could hear Sakura's breath hitch, a clear indication of her concern.
"That's incredible. And terrifying," she finally said, her tone serious. "I'm glad you're safe. You did well to disable that machine. It could have wreaked havoc if left unchecked."
"Thanks," Kosu said, a sense of pride swelling in him despite the gravity of their encounter. "We need to replenish our supplies before we continue exploring, though. We're running low on rations and healing potions."
"Agreed," Sakura acknowledged. "But please be careful. I'll see to it that a supply caravan is sent your way. In the meantime, make sure you rest and regroup."
Kosu hesitated, a weight settling in his stomach. "Sakura, have you heard anything about Thorn? We haven't seen him or his team since our last report."
A heavy silence followed, and Kosu's heart sink. "We... we found some of Thorn's teammates," Sakura finally replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "They were in serious condition. They said Thorn had met someone he knew—someone from his past—and that they were ambushed. The rest of the team was wiped out, and Thorn's whereabouts are still unknown."
Kosu's mind raced, images of Thorn flashing through his thoughts. Thorn was always the bravest among them, unyielding in the face of danger. "Do you know who it was? Did they say anything more?"
"They didn't know," Sakura said softly. "But it's clear Thorn tried to help, and it cost him everything. I'm so sorry, Kosu."
A heavy silence enveloped the group as Kosu processed the news. Thorn was more than just a senior at work, Kosu has seen him as a figure. The thought of losing him was unbearable.
"We can't go back," Kosu said suddenly, his voice firm with resolve. "If Thorn is still out there, I want to keep searching. We're already in this dungeon, and there's a chance we could find him if we don't leave."
"But Kosu—" Elara started, concern etched on her face.
"No," Kosu interrupted, shaking his head. "I can't abandon him. We've already seen how dangerous this place is. If we leave now, we might lose our only chance to find him. We have to continue exploring."
Thrain nodded, his expression serious. "I'm with you, Kosu. If there's a chance to find Thorn, we should take it."
Kara looked between them, weighing the options. "If we're going to do this, we need to be strategic. We should rest up now, and then scout for any signs of Thorn's presence in the dungeon."
"Agreed," Kosu said, feeling the fire of determination ignite within him. "Let's set up watches and get some rest. We'll resume our search at first light."
As night descended, the stars twinkled overhead, a stark contrast to the tumult of emotions swirling within Kosu. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger, but the thought of Thorn drove him forward. They would find him, no matter the cost.
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