Shocking discover
Kosu then took Jinpei's hand and led him out of the hospital. "Let's go to the Adventurer's Guild and see if anyone there can help us," he said.
Kosu quickly contacted Sakura, telling her about Jinpei's strange condition. Sakura asks Kosu to bring Jinpei and let the guild experts examine it thoroughly.
Kosu and Jinpei quickly went to the Adventurer's Guild to request their assistance in figuring out what was happening with Jinpei's magic particle levels. With the help of the guild's researchers and magical experts, they delved into the root cause of Jinpei's condition.
What they found was shocking. Jinpei's magic particle wavelength was remarkably similar to that of a dungeon's heart. This was a rare phenomenon that had only been observed a few times in the past, and it carried with it potentially catastrophic consequences.
As they delved deeper into the research, they discovered that dungeon hearts could be drawn to those with similar wavelengths, and that such a connection could be incredibly dangerous. If Jinpei's connection to the dungeon's heart became too strong, he could become a target for monsters and other creatures drawn to the heart's power. Worse yet, he could become a dungeon himself, with all the power and danger that entailed.
Kosu and Sakura knew they had to act fast to prevent any harm from coming to Jinpei. They contacted the Adventurer's Guild's top experts in dungeon-related matters, including the enigmatic and reclusive dungeon explorer, Ryota. Together, they devised a plan to monitor Jinpei's condition and prevent any further connection to the dungeon's heart.
Ryota was known as one of the most enigmatic and reclusive dungeon explorers of the Adventurer's Guild. He rarely socialized with others and spent most of his time poring over books and studying old maps. But when Kosu approached him about Jinpei's case, he showed a surprising interest.
"I've heard of cases like this before," Ryota said, his voice low and serious. "It's rare, but it's not unheard of. There are some people who, for whatever reason, are born with a resonance that's similar to a dungeon's heart."
Kosu and Sakura exchanged a glance, both intrigued by Ryota's words.
"What does that mean exactly?" Sakura asked.
"It means that Jinpei's body is somehow attuned to the dungeon's magic," Ryota explained. "It's like he's part of the dungeon itself. And that's why he's been releasing so many magic particles lately. The dungeon's heart is trying to communicate with him."
Kosu leaned forward, his eyes narrowed. "Communicate with him? What do you mean?"
Ryota hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I don't know exactly. But there are stories of adventurers who have formed a special bond with dungeons, almost like a partnership. It's said that they can communicate with each other on a deeper level, and that the dungeon will even lend them its power in times of need."
Sakura frowned. "But if that's true, why haven't we heard of it before? Why isn't it more common?"
"Because it's rare," Ryota said simply. "And because most people who have that kind of resonance never even realize it. They just think they're unusually lucky or talented. But Jinpei's case is different. His resonance is so strong that it's can cause him physical harm, yet he still in stable condition right now. There must be something interesting here."
Kosu nodded, his expression serious. "Then we'll help him. We'll figure it out together."
The three of them then rummaged through the Adventurer's Guild's vast database and library, determined to find any information that could shed light on Jinpei's condition. After hours of researching, Ryota finally found a record of a similar case that occurred decades ago.
The case involved a young adventurer who had unknowingly bonded with a dungeon's heart, just like Jinpei. However, unlike Jinpei's stable condition, the adventurer's bond with the dungeon's heart gradually consumed him until he became a monster himself.
Ryota quickly gathered Kosu and Sakura to share his findings. The group realized the severity of the situation and the potential danger that Jinpei could face if his bond with the dungeon's heart were to worsen.
After discussing the matter, they decided to seek out a renowned magic researcher who specialized in dungeon's hearts. They hoped that he could provide more insight into Jinpei's condition and possibly find a way to sever the bond between Jinpei and the dungeon's heart.
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