Chap 1
Chapter 1
"Oh, Tiffany! uhm..Ms. Hwang...your phone is ringing!" The hairstylist said, pointing to the vibrating object on the table. Tiffany fluttered her eyes open and reached her hands out to grab the phone, taking a look at the caller ID before slamming the phone back down.
The hairstylist flinched at the noise, but got back behind Tiffany and continued working on her hair, it would be best if she kept quiet for now.
The phone vibrated again, the material of the phone created a loud noise when it vibrated against the wooden table. Tiffany reached out for the phone once more and stared at the caller ID for quite a while before she finally picked up the call.
"What do you want Siwon?!" She yelled onto the phone with much agitation.
"Where are you?" Siwon asked, clearly ignoring the tone and attitude she was giving him.
"I'm anywhere but near YOU." She yelled at him.
"Baby, stop acting like this to me." He cooed, making her scoff from disgust,
"I'm not your baby so stop calling me that."
Siwon laughed, "Our parents had agreed already, and sooner or later you'll belong to me, anyway."
"Yeah, you wish. Like hell am I going to marry you." She scoffed again, "Say what you want to say before I hang up on you."
"Ouch, why? You don't like talking to me? Anywho," he paused for a second, his tone serious now, "My parents want to know a bit about you so they set up a time for dinner on Monday, they were wondering when you're going to come back to Korea."
"I'm still busy filming."
"Yeah I know that. But after you finish with filming, come home right away."
"Why? I don't want to go with your family, and clearly I don't want to see your face either."
"Look, we better set things straight between you and me. Your dad was the one that made the offer to my dad to joint both their companies together and get you to marry me, and what can I say? I'm just a good son taking orders from him to marry you, it's not liked I wished to."
"Then don't. Go tell him that you don't want to marry me then."
"—And why would I need to do that?"
"You don't love me, and I don't love you. Why marry someone you don't love?" Tiffany spoke calmly.
"Well, if I marry you, I wouldn't have to pay money to have sex with those whores you know?"
"Go f*ck yourself." She riposted, hanging up the call.
"Is that Mr. Choi again?"
"If it wasn't him who do you think it was to make me this angry?" She said, falling back onto her chair, she bent over and reached for the paper fan, using it to keep herself minimally cool from the blazing heat of the sun. It was especially worst for her because she had to wear a long dress for her role.
"What's going on with you and Mr. Choi? You guys seem to not get along well?" The stylist asked casually, bending down in front of Tiffany to pick up the jewels used for the decorations of the hair.
Tiffany glared at her, "Just mind your own business and finish up, it's hot outside, and I feel like I'm melting, all because of you taking too long to do my goddamn hair."
"Sorry..." The stylist mumbled.
"Okay let's start filming now everybody! Tiffany, you ready?" The director yelled out as he began to take his place behind the camera.
Tiffany dragged herself off the chair and walked up to the director.
"Can't we use a fake set or something back home? Why do we have to film out here where the temperature is over 100 degrees? You want me to get a freaking sunburn don't you?" Tiffany complained to him, using the sleeve of her dress to dab away the small specks of sweat on her forehead and placed her hands above her head to cover herself from the sun.
"A real location will look more authentic, plus we're out here already so why are you complaining now? All you have to do is film a few more scenes before we call it a wrap for today. So just do it for me okay? For the success of the movie!"
"Yeah, let's all watch how this movie will flop." Tiffany said, laughing before getting into her places.
"If this movie flop, you're the one in it anyway, bi*ch. I should have hired Yoon Eun Hye for the role instead of a nitpicky twat like you" The director spat to himself while getting the cameras ready.
"Places everyone!" The set manager announced to the extras.
The director walked up to Tiffany and began giving her instructions for the scene, "In this scene, Tiffany, you are being chased by your dad's men. They'll corner you up by the door to the tomb. You will then frantically open the door to escape inside."
"Ready?" He asked, running back to his place.
Tiffany nodded.
"Seo, can you read this?" Yuri asked, taking a image capture of the wall filled with ancient Egyptian symbols and pictures.
"Oh you mean hieroglyphs? I studied a bit of it but haven't quite understand it all yet." Seohyun rubbed her head.
"That's alright." Yuri chuckled, continuing to roam around the tomb, taking pictures of anything she can find. Finally she stopped and hung the camera back around her neck. She walked towards one of the walls and began to study it.
"Amazing isn't it? The ancient Egyptians did all of this, built tons of pyramids without any help of technology or fancy equipments." Seohyun smiled, looking through her handbook. "KV62 was discovered by Howard Carter, in 1922. I love Mr. Carter! He's like one of the archaeologists that I admired greatly!" She said happily.
Yuri stared oddly at the suddenly-hyper girl, "KV62? Is that some code name?"
Seohyun nodded vigorously, "Yup, KV is the abbreviation for 'Valley of the Kings' and the number is to designate individual tombs in the Valley."
"Oh I see, I see." Yuri chuckled, "So what did you have to do in here again?"
"Pick up some artifacts before the filming directors mess up everything, but—," Seohyun paused to look around her, "but I guess there's nothing to pick up, I don't know why the guys told me to come here for." She sighed.
"Hey! At least I got my photos right? I think I'll go and head back to the hotel, get online and upload these to my blog." Yuri smiled widely, looking through the wonderful pictures she had taken.
"No Unnie! You're not coming back to the hotel so soon, I want you to go sightseeing with me around Cairo!" She pouted, "It's like our last day here before we go back to Korea."
Yuri laughed, "Fine, I won't. I get to take pictures right?"
"You can take pictures or anything you want!" Seohyun said, linking arms with Yuri and both of them head out of the mazed-confines of the tomb.
"So where are going now?"
"To this souq in Cairo!" Seohyun raised both of her hands in joy.
"To the..what?" Yuri asked in confusion.
"To Khan el-Khalili, it's a souq...which is kind of like small markets and stuff? Like a bazaar! Yep that's it! A bazaar!"
Yuri winced before chuckling uneasily, "Isn't that the place to multiple terrorists' attacks in the past?"
Seohyun nodded her head, "Yup, but don't worry Unnie, security and stuff are stricter now around the area so you don't have to worry. My archaeologist friend went there before and told me to visit this restaurant when it's my turn to come here, and I just have to go try out the kebabs and Kusharis."
Yuri sighed. She didn't want to ruin her dongsaeng's mood. "Okay, I guess I'm pretty hungry right now anyways."
"So you'll go?"
"Does it look like I have a choice?" Yuri chuckled, before she looked around warily, "Are we like...trapped in here? I still don't see the entrance yet..oh wait I think this is it!" She waved to Seohyun was who across from where she was. Seohyun quickly came over and helped her push out the entrance.
"CUT CUT CUT!" The director yelled, seemingly furious. "Who are these two?" He asked the people around him as he glared at Yuri and Seohyun.
"The guys told me you we're going to film until later this evening! I'm the archaeologist responsible for collecting the artifacts before you all come up and mess things up!" Seohyun angrily yelled at him.
The director chuckled, handing Seohyun some kind of warrant papers "Take a look at this, kid. It says we can film here anytime we want. So please get out so we can finish filming the last scenes for the movie."
"Take it easy, we were leaving anyway." Yuri said as she drags Seohyun away from the director to avoid further troubles.
"15 minute break everyone!" The director announced to everyone.
"What happens if they mess everything up in there?" Seohyun pouted.
"Seohyun, take it easy, they won't mess anything up, if they do they'll have to pay for it anyways. Let's go to the souq you wanted to go to." Yuri smiled.
"Unnie!" Seohyun hoarsely whispered.
"Yeah?" Yuri whispered back, not knowing why Seohyun is whispering all of a sudden.
"That's Tiffany Hwang!" Seohyun pointed to the figure sitting in the shades with a fan blowing at her.
"Tiffany who?"
"Hwang! Unnie, how can you not know her? She's like one of the top actresses in Korea!"
"I don't watch a lot of movies so I don't really care for these people."
"I do! She's like my idol! Can we go get an autograph and a photograph?"
"Do you think she'll give you one?"
Seohyun nodded, "Please?"
Yuri sighed, "Fine, let's go."
Seohyun's eyes was lit up when she saw her idol in person and up close.
"Hi Ms. Hwang!" She quickly bowed,
"I'm your biggest fan back in Korea, can I please have your autograph and a photo taken with you?" Seohyun asked with both of her hands clasped together.
Tiffany sleepily opened up her eyes and took her sunglasses off before staring at Seohyun, then moving her eyes to glare at Yuri.
"No." She answered bluntly and placed her sunglasses back on, closing her eyes again to continue the nap she was taking.
"Wh..what?" Seohyun's voice trembled at the rejection. Yuri quickly pulled Seohyun back and assured her with a pat on the shoulders.
"She's your biggest fan, it won't take much of your nap time to sign her an autograph and a take picture."
Tiffany took her sunglasses off and glared at Yuri, "I don't sign or take pictures with fans when I'm at a filming set."
"All you have to do is pick up a pen and write your name on her notebook, is that so hard to ask?"
"Unnie, let's just go and not create any trouble..." Seohyun sighed, her eyes were red from the fact that her idol just rejected her and now her Unnie was trying to help her.
"I'm not creating any trouble, why can't she not be ignorant and just sign you the autograph!"
"What are you? Some kind of paparazzi? Stop bugging me and go."
Yuri flabbergasted at the statement, "What does being a paparazzi have to do with all of this? JUST GIVE HER THE DAMN AUTOGRAPH IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?"
"It's okay Unnie! I don't want it anymore! Let's go!" Seohyun hoarsely whispered to her.
"See? She doesn't want it anymore, now go and stop bothering me."
"You know what? Yeah, I am a paparazzi." Yuri took hold of her camera that was hung around her neck and quickly turned the viewfinder on and took quick snap shots of Tiffany.
"What the hell are you doing?" Tiffany said as she tries to block her pictures from being taken, "Leave! SECURITY!" She yelled and two buff guys quickly ran after Yuri, Seohyun already left her behind when she saw the two guys.
"Watch!" Yuri said to Tiffany while running away from the guards, "I'll sell pictures to every news magazine and tell them how much of a bi*ch you are in real life!"
Tiffany clenched her teeth and quickly bent over to pick up a small, heavy, fake gold nugget (used for the treasures) and ran after Yuri, throwing the nugget. "YEAH!" She yelled when Yuri grunted in pain at the object that struck her in the back.
"Mother f—" Yuri grumbled as she placed on hand behind her back and rubbed it while continuing to run. She looked back and found that the guards have already stopped running after her and was now returning back to their posts.
"Get in the car Unnie!" Seohyun said, driving the small jeep over to the panting Yuri.
"What were you doing? Why didn't you catch her and smash her camera or something?"
"Ms. Hwang, it's over 100 degrees, we're wearing these uniforms and look at us! We're already sweating trying to catch her."
"I don't care! I want the camera back!"
"Well, it's too late now. They already left." He pointed to the jeep driving away.
"Fine, whatever. Once I see those articles on the magazines, I'll sue them for defaming me!"
"Unnie...what was that all about?"
"Me trying to get you an autograph from that bi*chy actress."
"You didn't have to do that, I don't want it anymore."
"But I saw how said you looked and like...yeahh.."
"It's okay, now that I know what she is really like, I don't want to be her fan anymore."
Yuri smiled and placed her hand on Seohyun's shoulders, "Good, 'cause you shouldn't be a fan of anyone that doesn't appreciate their fans, she threw a rock at me and it freaking hurts." Yuri rubbed her back.
"I'm sorry for causing you to go through this..."
"It's alright, but I'm really tired now, can I just go back to the hotel and chill?"
"But today is our last day in Egypt before going back to Korea tomorrow..." Seohyun sighed, "Okay, I'll call up the guys and go with them, so wait, did you really take pictures of her?"
"Why? You still you want it don't you?"
"...Well, she is a really good actress." Seohyun shyly confessed.
"I was just bluffing her, I didn't take any pictures nor was I planning to waste time by telling everyone how bi*chy she was just then."
Yuri laid down peacefully on her back on the poolside lounge chairs of the InterContinental City Stars hotel, the afternoon was still sunny and she can finally do what she wanted to do. She took out her laptop, took out the memory card of her camera and plugged it into her laptop. She pulled up Mozilla Firefox and went to her photoblog,
She clicked on the 'update' button and began uploading pictures of her adventure in Zimbabwe and recently the tomb in Egypt.
The first picture showed Seohyun's nervousness as she crossed through the rocks of the 'Devil's Pool.' She began typing up her captions.
"This is my dongsaeng Seohyun, isn't she pretty? Anyways, this is her crossing the rocks of the Devil's Pool in Zimbabwe. She really didn't want to go in the first place but after hours of convincing her back home in Korea, she went with me. More like I went with her because she was on her way to Zimbabwe for some archaeological digs in the Great Zimbabwe ruins and I just hitched a plane with her so I can take pictures of the great sceneries for you guys kekeke.
The second picture showed Yuri smiling at the camera with a peace sign.
"Kekeke, say 'cheese', this is me all wet swimming in the natural pool, under the cut will be 40 or so pictures of the natural wonders of the Victoria Falls! You can also see what's underneath the fall, very cool right? It was nerve wrecking for Seohyun because she thought I was going to fall over the falls, but don't worry. The natural barracades blocked me from doing so ^^, The feeling was wonderful, I advise you to visit the falls at least once in your lifetime! Maybe with a special someone? My special someone is gone, but at least I had my pretty dongsaeng with me ^^
Yuri focused her eyes away from the laptop and began to stretch her arms, enjoying the pleasant feelings of the quiet and peaceful hotel before getting back to update her blog.
She started to upload pictures of the Great Zimbabwe ruins and showed many pictures of Seohyun and other archeologists digging for artifacts and pictures of the wildlife that still exists.
"They are hard working right? This is Seohyun and her co workers digging up the remaining artifacts so they can study it. I'm lucky to have her as a dongsaeng because whenever she goes anywhere, I can follow her ^^ Under the cut will be 50 high quality photos of the scenery, they make good wallpapers also, I'm actually using one for my laptop right now keke
And finally she uploaded the pictures she had taken at the tomb earlier today.
"This is the KV62 tomb of King Tut, say..what? KV62? Confusing right? I was too until Seohyun explained to me what that was, she said KV stood for Valley of the Kings and that 62 is just a designated number to identify the tomb. The tomb structure is very cool as you can see from the pictures I uploaded, the fact that ancient Egyptians didn't have any technology to build any of this made me have great respect for them ^^ People these days are lazy and all they want to use is machineries? Haha, well, that's all for the photos I have right now. Me and Seohyun is coming back to Korea soon, and I have plans to go diving in the Great Barrier reef, maybe this time with my special someone and not just my dongsaeng anymore."
Yuri looked through the photos of her camera and noticed the pictures of Tiffany, "What the?" She muttered to herself, surprised. However that surprised face turned into a smirk when she began to upload the pictures onto her laptop and went into Paint. Using the airbrush tool, she managed to brush out the eyes (so that people won't know who Tiffany is even though it's obvious that it is THE Tiffany Hwang) and uploaded it onto her blog.
"This is ___ ____, can you figure out who she is? ;D, don't be fooled by her, she's not really who you think she is. My dongsaeng, Seohyun asked her for a small favor but she denied it, what gives? All Seohyun wanted was an autograph. This particular person called me a paparazzi, which I AM NOT, and I feel insulted that she said that to me. She also called the guards on me and threw a rock that struck my back, It still hurts..." Yuri stopped her typing when she noticed a pair of eyes glaring at her.
"YOU! The paparazzi!" Tiffany yelled her.
"What are you doing here! Are you stalking me to my hotel?!"
Yuri laughed, "Why would I waste time stalking you? I'm staying at this hotel too."
Tiffany scoffed, "Like you paparazzis have the money to afford this place, but oh wait. Maybe they want you to stay here so that you can stalk me around right? Yeah!" She glanced at the camera Yuri was holding.
"Give me your camera! You took my photos earlier! Delete it now!" Tiffany grabbed for the camera but Yuri held it tight, "I don't have any of your pictures, get away from me!"
"No! You said that you were going to tell everyone how bi*chy I was back there!"
"OH, so you admit it now?"
Tiffany's face reddened from the slip up, "Shut up, give me your camera! If you go tell those magazines stuff about me, I'll sue you for de-FAMING ME!" Tiffany managed to snatch away the camera and tossed it into the pool before clapping her hands in accomplishment. Yuri's jaws opened wide and she her clenched her fist before continuing what she was typing earlier.
"My five thousand dollar camera!" Yuri shrieked as she quickly jumped into the pool to fish out her baby.
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