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Chap 4

Chapter 4

"What?" Tiffany stared at Yoona, clearly confused.

"Kwon Yuri, that's her name. I was kinda facinated with her works so I've been following her blog for some months now. She updated her blog a few days ago about her journey in Africa and I saw a picture of you." Yoona explained to her, walking over to the desk to grab her laptop.

She walked over to the couch and sat down, placing the laptop on her lap while Tiffany just sat down beside her and anticipated what the post said about her, and obviously enough, it was not going to be pretty.

Yoona looked at her sister, "Are you sure you won't be mad and go crazy?" She asked, knowing her sister's personality all too well.

"Just show me!" Tiffany nudged her with her elbow.

"Okay then~" Yoona sang, typing the blog's URL into her web browser before clicking 'go'. The blog loaded up with pictures of Yuri and the places she went to in the background and a list of newest blog posts appeared finally.

"Here ya go! Have fun reading!" Yoona said, handing over the laptop to Tiffany while she got up and laid down on her belly on the bed as her arms propped up to hold up her chin while she watches Tiffany and her chain of reactions to the post.




"...She's gonna go off anytime now" Yoona thought in her head, amused.

"WHAT THE H*LL IS THIS?" Tiffany yelled at the computer, completely fumed with anger.

"Well, she didn't bash you right? All she blogged about what her encounter with you." Yoona chuckled at her sister's reaction.

"Bashing? THIS is not called bashing?" Tiffany yelled at her as she continued to read the post and go through the hundred of comments, all in which sided up with Yuri. She continued to scroll through more when a comment caught her attention.

"Haha! I completely agree with you! And that was just a small encounter, imagine living with her every day! I wanna move out already, she keeps yelling at me when I bring in my girlfriends! -Yoona (the bi*chy actress's sister)

"Yoona, c'mere please." Tiffany ordered calmly.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Yoona asked, listening to her sister's command as she got of the bed and walked over beside Tiffany again.

"Care to explain?" Tiffany asked, appearing to be calm but actually on the inside she wanted to give Yoona a little (or not so little) beat down.

Yoona laughed nervously reading the comment she had wrote earlier that morning, "But it's true!" she defended, referring to how Tiffany always shooed all her girlfriends and one night standers out of the house.

"" Tiffany muttered looking at the sister; heads down, pouting with a guilty look on her face.

"Aiish!" Tiffany curled up her index and middle finger before knocking Yoona hard on the forehead making her stumble back.

"Ow!" Yoona rubbed her forehead, which was now visibly red.

"You're lucky I'm not gonna beat you up for this!" Tiffany shouted.

"Sorry!!" Yoona appologized with her cute voice. Tiffany ignored it and continued to surf through the comments, all of them were not once siding with her.

"You're gonna to get even more angry if you keep reading the comments!" Yoona advised, before looking at the screen to see what Tiffany was actually doing. She broke out in laughter.

Tiffany looked up at her, "Shut up." she said before continuing to type up her 'comment'.

"Oh come on! Tiffany is not that bad! She's actually a very kind hearted person! (:


"Yuri! It's great to see you back again, the bar is a disaster under Junsu's care" Nichkhun greeted with a smile, giving Yuri a hug.

Yuri laughed, "Everything is always disaster when I'm gone, as expected."

"Ey! Don't bad mouth the owner like that! Did you prepare the dishes I told you to make for Yuri and Seo, Mr. Chef!?" Junsu playfully yelled.

"Ai ai, it's all done don't worry, I'll bring it out now! Nichkhun said, running off inside the kitchen. The bar mainly serves alcoholic drinks but it could also double as a restaurant.

"Sit down, sit down!" Junsu said, pulling out the chair for Seohyun while Yuri pulled out hers. He then pulled up a chair and sat beside them.

"Aiish that boy better hurry up." He grumbled.

"The food is here~" Nichkhun sang, "Sannakji, samgyupsal, galbi, bulgogi, and kimchi fried rice! Dig in, guys!"

Seohyun stared in horror at the tiny octopuses squirming on the dish.

"Unnie..what is that?"

"It's good! Try it!" Yuri said, picking up a pair of chopsticks before picking up the live and still moving creature.

"Noo! Unnie get that away from me!" Seohyun shrieked, causing her unnie to laugh.

"I'm serious, it's really good!" She said placing the poor octopus inside her mouth before chewing.

"Try it!" Junsu encouraged, also eating the sannakji.

"C'mon, ahhhh" Yuri said to Seohyun, opening her mouth signalling Seohyun to do the same thing. She reluctantly opened her mouth and Yuri placed the horrifying yet edible thing inside her mouth.

"Now close your mouth" Yuri ordered, "and chew slowly savoring the taste" Junsu added while Nichkhun just stood there awaiting a reaction from Seohyun.

She swallowed with her eyes tightly shut before opening them back up and gave a thumbs up to her unnie and the 2 boys. "It's, kinda good!" She said happily.

"Haha! Of course it's good! It's made by me! Uhm, you guys have fun, I have to go home early today." Nichkhun rubbed his head.

"Girlfriend problem?" Yuri laughed.

"Tell me about it" He groaned, walking over to the counter to wash his hands before grabbing his stuff. "I'll be going now, she just texted me." He said, quickly hurrying out the back door.

"Too bad he couldn't stay, it's just us 3 buddies huh?" Junsu laughed, "Dig in, dig in! I know you're all hungry!"

Seohyun smiled, "Yes oppa!" She said before picking up a piece of samgyupsal.

"So how's Zimbabwe?" Junsu asked them.

"It was fun! We went to Egypt too!"

"and that's where we met Tiffany Hwang." Yuri groaned. Even 'till now she was still upset over the loss of her camera.

"Whoa whoa whoa, Tiffany Hwang as in THE actress Tiffany Hwang?dude, she's hot!"

Yuri laughed, "But she sure doesn't have a hot personality."

Seohyun nodded with a sad expression.

"Oh Yuri, you're slow. People don't go for personalities these days, hotness factor is what matters" Junsu remarked.

"That's what I told her also!" Seohyun smiled.

"Aiish you two." Yuri shook her head. "Okay fine, if you had to choose 'hotness' or personality in a person. What would you choose?"

"Personality of course!" Seohyun shouted.

"Hotness! who would date an ugly chick?" Junsu said along with Seohyun at the same time.

"Junsu, you disappoint me." Yuri shook her head.

"What? I'm a guy, I can deal with girls bi*chy behaviors ya know?

"Righttt." Yuri said with sarcasm.

"Okay, I know you're tired off the plane and such, and you're the guest for tonight...but can you give me a Screaming Orgasm?" Junsu asked innocently.

Yuri and Seohyun looked at him with a 'WTF' look on their faces.

He broke out in laughter.

"I meant the cocktail! HAHAHA!"

"Aiiish! You and your implied sexual jokes!" Yuri rose up her hand about to smack him.


"I can't believe she wrote that about me! Watch me sue her!" Tiffany declared, continuing to go through the comments. She had been going through 10 pages of comments now.

Yoona yawned, "Stop making such a big deal out of everything, she has the right to speak out her mind, plus the pictured was blurred anyways."

"But you could still clearly notice that it's me! THE Tiffany Hwang!" She defended.

"Everyone is going to know more about your bad deeds if you're gonna make it big and sue her." Yoona said out of common sense to her sister who has lack-of-sense, "Just let it go, gosh."

"Fine! But I'm still not gonna let her get away with this so easily!"

"Okay okay, can you go back to your room so I can sleep? It's midnight and I'm tired" Yoona yawned again.

"Let me borrow your laptop for the night then"

"No! Don't you have your own?"

"I left it at Sunny's place last time"

Yoona groaned, "Okay whatever, take the laptop then. Gogogo, i'm sleepy." she said, dragging Tiffany out of the room before locking the doors.

"Baby, you can come up now" She whispered to the girl climbing up the trees to the balcony.


"How dare she wrote that about me! Doesn't she know who I am? of course she knew who I am" Tiffany murmured to herself looking up some background information on Yuri in her blog.

"Occupation: Full time adventurer; Part time photographer, mixologist slash bartender at Junsu's Bar (business hours 9pm-11:30pm, that's the time I'm available at the bar)" Tiffany read the information out loud, scoffing to herself.

"What's a mixologist?" She thought, but didn't think much of it before moving on to the 'About Me' section of the blog.

"Hello! Welcome to my personal photoblog! My name is Kwon Yuri, nice to meet you keke ^^. I am no professional photographer but I just like doing what I enjoy most. Photography is a hobby I discovered when I was little (I used to 'borrow' my dad's Polaroid camera to take pictures in the garden! heheh) and I enjoy every minute I spent on doing what I love best! I also like to travel around a lot, it's really a fun experience to just go out there and try something new you know? like experience the culture, experience the life of the natives that lived there..ahh it's a really enjoyable hobby for me. I have more to say about me but I'm lazy lol, that's just the basics, I'm a more unique person I guess...anyways, I hope you'll enjoy my updates as much as I enjoy blogging them!"

"Interesting." Tiffany noted, rubbing her chin as she continues to browse through past updates Yuri made. Going through the oldest ones first.

"January 20, 2008

"Hello everyone! sorry for no updates for the past few days! You guys have always wondered what my girlfriend—"

"Waittt hold up!" Tiffany paused her reading. "Girlfriend? is it me or is it that everyone is going gay these days? is it the new trend or something?" She thought to herself before finishing up what she was reading.

"—look like right? well here she is! Jessica Jung, my one and only love. I love her so much I don't know what I'll do without her, lol Seohyun named us YulSic xD"

Tiffany looked at the picture of 'Jessica', one was a solo pic while another was a pic with Jessica supposedly holding up the camera while Yuri was giving her a peck on the cheek. That pic had a caption that said 'YulSic Forever!!<3'

"This Jessica girl is pretty" Tiffany found herself saying, "but Yuri? she ruined the picture" She groaned, pressing backspace on the keyboard to take her back to the list of the old posts again.

"December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all got presents you wished for xD for me, I finally got myself that $5000 Canon camera! after months and months of working and spending money so frugally, I have finally gotten the camera I longed for so long! it's so worth it, you may not notice it unless you're a photography fanatic like me but lol a better camera does make a whole lot of a difference when it comes to quality! months of working is so worth it now ^^"

Tiffany sighed upon reading the post, "So this was that camera? Great, I feel kinda guilty for destroying it now." She said to herself, feeling guilty about the whole incident. Now that she thought about it, it wasn't really necessary to throw the camera into the pool in the first place.

"But still!" She said out loud, "It wasn't necessary for me to throw the camera but it was ALSO not necessary for her to make a post like that! it may seem like nothing but my reputation is on the line!"

She quickly looked through the forms of contact with Yuri and immediately spotted her email address. She quickly began typing her letter.


"Just a couple cocktails and she's dead drunk eh?" Junsu chuckled, opening the door to the car so Yuri could carry Seohyun out.

"Grab me my keys in the bag." Yuri told him, signaling to her backpack,

"Alright here" Junsu said, handing the keys. "Give her some hot tea or something to wash down the alcohol, I'll drive by tomorrow morning to bring it all your luggages."

"Though you can be off at times but I know I can trust you. Thanks Junsu, drive home safely." Yuri smiled. Giving him a light punch to his shoulders.

"Yes maam." He playfully saluted before getting back inside his car. He then began to drove off, rolling his window down and stuck his hand out, waving bye to her.

With Seohyun on her back, Yuri began to walk up the steps of the front door to her house and opened the door to the house.

"Whew." She said out of relief once she have gotten inside the house. Who knew Seohyun could be this heavy? She placed her on the couch while she ran to the kitchen an brewed up some tea.

"Seo Joo Hyun, wake up." She said, lightly tapping both sides of her faces.


"This is what happens if I let you try one of my cocktails, aiish." She carried Seohyun on her back again upstairs to her room, there she placed her on the bed.

Yuri ran down stairs again to grab the cup of tea and ran back upstairs. She never thought she would get tired so much in a night from running back and forth. "Note to self, never let her drink the cocktails again."

"C'mon wake up, drink some tea, It'll make you more sober." She said, pulling Seohyun up. Seohyun drowsily took hold of the cup and took a sip before handing it back to Yuri, falling back into the bed to sleep again. Yuri tucked her into the bed with her Keroro blanket and went back next door to her room. Boy was she tired.

She turned on her computer and was greeted with a "YOU GOT MAIL" popup on the screen.

Yuri suspiciously clicked on the message.

"YAH YOU! you wanna die? you dare to write that blog post about me? I command you to take it down or else!"

"Who the heck is this from?" Yuri stared at the message, she then looked at the email address and immediately knew who it was from.

"Pssh, who is she threatening?" Yuri scoffed, typing a message back to Tiffany as well.


"YOU GOT MAIL." The computerized voice announced on Tiffany's laptop (Yoona's, actually).

"So she replied back." Tiffany said to herself, opening the message.

"Haha is that a threat?

It was your fault for ruining my camera I worked so hard on getting. So no, I am not going to remove the post thank you very much."

Tiffany cracked her knuckles and began typing her reply.



"What is it now?" Yuri mumbled.

"We can either do this the easy way or hard way. Easy way, take down the post and my management company will pay for your camera like my manager Sunny promised. Hard way, I sue you and you get nothing."



"Watch her be scared and choose the easy way." Tiffany laughed to herself. She then heard a bang on her wall.


"OKAY OKAY!" Tiffany shouted back, clicking on the message awaiting for her to read.

"I'll choose the hard way since you can't really sue me anyways, this is the internet you can express yourself whatever you like and to me, I like blogging about stuff "

Tiffany was a getting a bit more annoyed now.



"Haha, you are seriously taking this for granted. My management company is one of the biggest in Korea, I think the lawyers can think of ways to sue you "

"You can't be serious." Yuri tapped her fingers, trying to think of something to say.



"Ha, you think your big company scares me? They can search all they want. By the time they find anything, which they can't because there is nothing to find, you'll be ruined. It's just a click away."

"Can't she just take the easy way already! I just want her to take down the post!" Tiffany rubbed her head. "It's late and I'm tired."



Yuri yawned, it was 2:30AM in the morning and Tiffany was still awake to send all these replies.

"I'm sorry about your camera, my company will pay you back for sure!

You might not realize this but—reputations is really important to actors and actresses, I don't think I can deal with another scandal.."

"She actually sounded nice this time?" Yuri looked at the message in disbelief. Now feeling a wee bit guilty again as what Tiffany said did make sense, and what she saw about the Siwon scandal thing at the airport showed how much it would affect Tiffany.

"Fine." She sighed. "See? being nice was the key."



"Refresh the post again."

Tiffany did what she was told and refreshed the page.

"Post Deleted" She read the big description box on the webpage.

Tiffany palmed her face, "I should have asked nice earlier!"



"Aiish, what now? I though she got what she wanted." Yuri yawned.

"Thanks for removing the post ^^"



"You still owe me my $5000 camera"

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