Chap 6
Chapter 6
"Oh, and here's your check." Sunny said, handing her the neatly folded check.
Yuri smiled and opened it up, the pink check had a Hello Kitty background laced with a light pattern of pink flowers around border, but the most important thing was that the amount was the amount she was expecting.
"Pay to the order of: Kwon Yuri, five thousand dollars and 00/100 cents.
For: Because I broke her camera.
Signed by Hwang Miyoung Tiffany"
"Her name is Miyoung?"
"That's her Korean name, but she preferred not to use it." Sunny explained.
"I can see why." Yuri chuckled.
"But anyway, you got the check so it's all good now right?"
"I guess so." Yuri said placing the check inside her jean's front pocket.
"So that means all the grudge against her is gone and you two will start all over..?"
"Uh yeah, we'll see about that. I'm only doing this for the tickets you know—"
"Who knows? you might return from the concert as best buds!"
"Rightt..." Yuri laughed.
"Now I have to persuade her to go with you." Sunny smiled brightly as she exited the room to the main office.
"Oh joy"
"Wait here for a moment please." Sunny told Yuri, who then sat on the couch while Sunny ran over to Tiffany and brought her inside the room she was having a conversation earlier with Yuri.
"What is it that you need me up here!?" Tiffany demanded, crossing her arms.
"Well, what did I tell you over the phone?" Sunny asked back.
"You said you found a friend for me..—wait! hold up, don't tell me that friend you found is HER!" Tiffany pointed out to the door, where Yuri is supposedly outside of.
"EXACTLY!" Sunny clapped her hands.
"Why her?" Tiffany whined.
"Because she's a good person. You need to have a social life, you can't just stay at home all the time and not have any friends."
Tiffany scoffed, "For your information, I do have friends, lots of them too."
"Uh huh, friends who use your fame to satisfy their own selfish needs." Sunny retorted, but realized she sounded a little bit harsh. But then again, the truth always hurts.
"..oh, yeah, thanks a lot Sunny. Thanks for bringing me down." Tiffany said softly, turning her body away from Sunny.
"I'm not trying to bring you down.." Sunny walked over to her and turned her body around to face her as she placed both of her hands on Tiffany's shoulders. "I just think that Yuri would be a great friend, for one thing, she didn't know who you are at first right? that means that she wouldn't use your fame for her own selfish needs either."
"How are you so sure? you only met her 2-3 times?" Tiffany retorted, crossing her arms once again.
"I pulled a all-nighter last night reading through her blog entries. She's passionate, and if you actually spent time to read through all of them then you would have known that too."
"Actually...uh I did read a bit." Tiffany confessed.
"—anddd? what do you think of her?"
"She's okay I guess.."
"That's great! so guess what? you two are gonna spend a day together today!"
"Wait what?" Tiffany quickly asked, bewildered.
"Yuri did some research about you on the Internet, she found out that you liked Jason Mraz too, like her so she bought 2 VIP tickets to his concert tonight, and guess who she agreed to take to the concert~" Sunny sang, harmlessly twisting the facts behind the possession of the concert tickets.
Tiffany gasped, "I wanted to buy tickets but they were sold out! how did she manage to get it?"
"She knew a friend, who knew a friend, who knew another friend that worked in the concert venue." Sunny said, making up the story right on the spot.
"Really?" Tiffany asked in a non-believing tone.
"Yes really! you two should head off now!" Sunny said, pushing Tiffany out of the room; in which Yuri was sitting on the couch waiting while she was on her cellphone searching up and reading articles such as "How to become friends with a person you dislike." and "How to compliment a person you dislike." on
Tiffany frowned upon watching Yuri fiddle with her cellphone and turned her head back to Sunny.
"Do I really have to be friends with her? she's HER and I'm ME."
"They always say the opposites always attract don't they?" Sunny countered, "You'll be fine - look! there's still time before the concert starts at 8, use the time to get to know each other more~"
Tiffany sighed while Sunny just smiled wider at the surrender. "So that's that." She said, patting Tiffany on the shoulders.
"Hahaha okay! so this is the start of a new friendship right?" Sunny said out loud, capturing the attention of Yuri who was earlier giving her cellphone the attention. "How about I give you two a mission?"
"A what!?" Yuri and Tiffany said in unison.
"Oh don't worry, it's not that haaar—" Sunny's voice trailed off when Yuri pulled her to the corner.
"This wasn't part of the bribe!" Yuri hoarsely whispered.
"Do you know how much those tickets cost!? not to mention the backstage VIP passes along with it." Sunny pointed.
Yuri grumbled. "Just because Jason Mraz is my weakness.."
Sunny cracked a smile, "That's more like it, oh and don't tell her that you got the tickets from me, say you knew a friend that had connections at the concert venue okay?"
Yuri frowned, "Fine."
"Ahem.." Sunny regained herself, clearing her throat. "It's not really a
'mission' mission but uh.." Sunny paused, trying to think of ideas to make this work, "Oh! how about you try to learn at least 5 things about each other today?"
"Seriously?" Tiffany scoffed.
"Yes seriously, learn more about each other and report to me!" Sunny said while pushing Tiffany and Yuri to exit the building. "Have fun you two~" She smiled, waving bye to them.
"Maybe this will keep her mind off the Siwon problems and him." Sunny thought to herself, rubbing her temples as she relaxes herself walking into her office.
Yuri hurriedly took off into the driver's seat of her car and buckled her seat belt on, watching her rear view mirrors as she waited for Tiffany to catch up running in her heels.
"Why did you park the car so far away from the building!?" Tiffany yelled, out of breath as she opened the door across from the driver's side and seated down.
"It's your fault for wearing those." Yuri said bluntly, pointing to the pink pair of Jimmy Choo's Tiffany was sporting on her seeminly fresh pedicured feet, with pink nail polish painted on her toe nails.
"High heels are my pride, I can't give them up! especially when I'm surrounded by taller people."
"But Sunny isn't tall." Yuri noted.
"Okay, besides her then." Tiffany huffed, she started to look around the interior of the SUV (a G series Mercedes Benz to be exact), examining the surroundings.
"Hm, good job for keeping the interior so nice and tidy." Tiffany complimented something for once - but it was only because the last time she went inside Yoona's Cadillac, she almost barfed. Tiffany shuddered and stuck out her tongue in distaste when she remembered the look on her face seeing all the molds growing on the food Yoona had for who-knows-how-long in her car.
"Uh yeah, my dongsaeng is always tidying it for me saying how it'll be healthier somehow for me when I drive for long hours because I won't take in 'harmful toxins created from bacterias of a dirty car'" Yuri said, glancing at Tiffany who was still looking around the interior.
"Is that a bike back there?" She pointed.
"Does it look like a bike to you?"
"Okay then it is." Yuri said with full of sarcasm because Tiffany asked for the damn obvious.
"I don't know how to ride a bike."
Yuri laughed, "Are you serious?!"
Tiffany shot a glare at her. "Why? is that so surprising?"
"I learned how to bike when I was 7!" Yuri boasted as she continued with her laughter.
"No one ever one ever taught me how." Tiffany crossed her arm.
"My dad taught me, where were your parents?"
"They were always on 'important' business trips." Tiffany sighed, making Yuri experience some guilt for laughing at her earlier. Sucks to have rich parents owning one of the biggest corporations in South Korea.
"But then you don't even need to ride a bike anyway, you drive a freakin' expensive Audi customed made into a pink paint job - is that like your favorite color or something?"
"Yeah but I still want to learn how to bike, even Yoona learned how from her friends and not me!"
"Yoona?" Yuri asked.
"My sister, Yoona"
"Oh! her? I saw her comment on the post!"
"I saw." Tiffany glared.
"Hey! the post is removed already okay?"
"Uh huh."
"By the way, I saw that trailer for your movie 'The Korean-Egyptian Princess' what an interesting movie plot, not to mention it had such an awesome title for a movie." Yuri said with yet another comment full of sarcasm.
"Yeah yeah, those kind of movies are popular with my fans."
"Some weird fans you have then" Yuri glanced oddly at her.
"Whatever." Tiffany rolled her eyes and lightly flicked her hair, "At least I have fans."
Yuri scoffed, "For your information, I have fans too."
"Rightt." Tiffany said, not caring as she looked at her nails, also freshly manicured and painted with yet another shade in pink.
"The loyal followers on my blog - in which I think you have visited before when you flamed me with your 'threat' emails."
"Your fault for posting that blog up."
"Well, it's your fault for ruining my camera in the first place." Yuri countered.
"You got the check already didn't you?"
"Yes, so we're even now - slightly."
"Whatever, so where are we going anyway?" Tiffany asked.
"Hm, so let's see," Yuri paused, parking in the side curb of a shopping center. "We are going to a concert, I don't think those pink flashy high heels of yours is gonna do us any good if we are going to walk a lot. So hand me money."
"What? you're not gonna rob me are you?" Tiffany said swiftly, holding onto her bag.
"Yes I'm going to rob you." Yuri said sarcastically," - no, give me money so I can buy you a pair of flats so when we go to the concert I won't have to wait hours waiting for you to catch up."
Tiffany grumbled. "Let me go in to pick the flats then."
"Are you crazy? you want a stampede of fans on you right?"
"Yeah I thought so, so hurry and give me the cash."
"Fine, whatever, here!" Tiffany said, handing her two 100 dollar bills, "Pick a nice looking one, I wear size 5"
"Okay, I'll pick the ugliest one they have." Yuri flashed a smile and before Tiffany could reply back to her, she already had long went into the shoe store already.
After waiting impatiently in the car for about 15 minutes or so, Yuri finally exited the store with a bag in her hand and quickly ran back inside her car, handing the bag to Tiffany.
"Here's the change." Yuri said, handing her $150 back, "This isn't no brand store, you didn't have to give me a lot in the first place."
Tiffany just nodded whatever and opened up the shoe box. If Yuri did buy her a pair of ugly flats -
"Hey, it's actually not that bad." She thought to herself as she picked up the shoe and examined it. "What is this?! you have no taste in shoes at all!" She lied, trying to hold her newly found infatuation of the flats.
Yuri scoffed, "Just wear it". Tiffany's face earlier when she opened the box clearly showed that she liked the pink flats laced with rhimestones, but just merely hid it in for some unknown reason. After all, Yuri did have a good taste in picking out stuff, exspecially shoes when she and Jessica used to go shopping together all the time - mostly for Jessica as Yuri preferred to shop and buy stuff alone at her own pace.
Tiffany listened to Yuri's order and quickly took off her Jimmy Choo's before replacing it with the flats Yuri bought.
"Does it fit well?" Yuri asked.
"Barely." Tiffany lied.
"Good so it fits." Yuri said as she continued driving.
"Okay, so where are we going now? there's still 5 and a half hours left before the concert starts."
"You REALLY like to question a lot don't you?"
"And I'll REALLY like it even more if you answer to my questions." Tiffany countered.
"You said you wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle right?"
"Yeah?" Tiffany said, unsurely
"Well let's go teach you how to ride it then."
"Wow are you serious? suddenly you decided to be nice to me?" Tiffany laughed.
"I'm always nice - you as an exception though. I'm only doing this because I pitied you how your parents are always away and you didn't experience a normal childhood."
Tiffany started to frown, "I AM normal."
"That personality of yours isn't."
Tiffany started to glare at Yuri.
"What?" Yuri asked.
"Whatever, I am who I am, and you can't do nothin' about it." She crossed her arm.
"Giving up already?"
"NO!" Tiffany detested.
"Okay, take a chill pill miss, we arrived." Yuri said, making a turn into a big empty parking lot behind the abandoned department store. She got off of the car and made way to Tiffany's side.
"I don't wanna learn how." Tiffany said, continuing to cross her arms.
"What are you? 6? Let's go." Yuri said, opening the door - referring to the fact that Tiffany was almost pouting when she crossed her arm and refused to get out of the car.
Tiffany remained seated firmly in her seat.
"I'm doing this because I was feeling nice and now you give me this?" Yuri said, rising her voice as both of her hands clutched around her slim waist.
"Who told you to be nice?"
"That does it, I won't be that 'nice' person anymore. Get out." Yuri ordered.
"What?" Tiffany asked bewildered, uncrossing her arms. Slightly panicking.
"I said get out, get out of my car. Tell Sunny or someone to pick you up, I'm sick of your attitude problems and like hell am I going to keep up with it any longer."
Tiffany felt her blood boiled up to 100 degrees inside her. "FINE!" she yelled at Yuri, getting out of the car like she was told. And as soon as she did, she swiftly kicked Yuri in her shin and ran away. Yuri yelled as she clutched her shin, rubbing it tenderly watching Tiffany run away, not that far away from her but she decided to to call it off and walked back into her car, driving off away from the place.
"You-good-for-nothing tan jerk!" Tiffany shouted, trying to catch up to the car, throwing pebbles that hit the back windows of Yuri's car but did no damage to it except leave some dust marks on it. Yuri watched her rear view mirrors and chuckled at the naive girl running after the car - okay crossed that out - who had stopped running after the car, and that was when Yuri was a bit - somewhat worried. She stopped the car.
"There's no freakin signal here!" Tiffany yelled, waving her phone in the air but nada, zero bars was found.
"This is all Sunny's fault! why did I even had to listen to her and go with this jerk!?" She began to break down, her tears running down her cheeks. She was helpless. She hugged her knees tightly as she cried.
"I Tiffany Hwang, THE Tiffany Hwang is a famous movie star! how dare that good-for-nothing girl treat me like that!?" She cussed at the girl, berating her as she tried to stop her tears from rolling down any more but failed miserably. The place was like in the middle of nowhere, nothing surrounded her except the big abandoned building and the roads itself. She suddenly heard a car engine, and looked up. It was Yuri who got off the car and was now walking up to her, she dipped down and tucked her head against her knees.
"Ya!" Yuri said.
Tiffany didn't look up, not with tears still filling her eyes.
"Get away from me, go home. Just leave me here." Tiffany said, with her face still tucked down against her knees. Yuri could tell she was crying.
"Look I'm sorry okay?" Yuri apologized, nudging Tiffany slightly on her arm but Tiffany ignored her and didn't respond.
"Get away." She pushed Yuri.
"C'mon you're not that childish are you? I said sorry, maybe I was acting too impulsive, I'm sorry!"
"Impulsive jerk." Tiffany stated, her head was still not lifted up as she didn't want Yuri to see her weakness.
Yuri sighed and shrugged her shoulders, "Fine, be that way then." she said, turning her body away from Tiffany as she began to step by step walk slowly back to her car, her eyes glancing back at Tiffany.
"Jerk jerk JERK!" Tiffany stood up, picking a small pebble from the ground and threw it at Yuri, hitting her neck.
"Ouch." Yuri groaned, clutching her neck. Maybe she deserved that, she thought in her head. She quickly turned around and saw a still teary eyed girl pouting, her eyes were swollen red. Yuri began walking up to her again, "You really did cry?"
"Shut up!"
"Do you want some ice cream?" Yuri asked, sweets had always been a remedy for situations like this. How lucky and odd when she drove up the road that there was a small ice cream shop, she immediately went inside the shop and bought two ice cream sundaes, which was currently stored in her car as she did planned to use it to cheer Tiffany up and apologize.
"What am I? 6? you think some ice cream will solve everything?" Tiffany huffed at her.
Yuri smiled as she watched Tiffany eat the ice cream next to her, both were sitting on the concrete sidewalk. She scooped up a bite of the strawberry ice cream and began enjoying the sweets as well.
"What are you looking at?" Tiffany said when she caught Yuri looking at her.
"I'm only looking at you because you have a little something-something right here." Yuri said half truthfully, pointing to her chin.
"Jerk." Tiffany said as she began wiping the spot on her chin with the piece of napkin.
Yuri laughed, "So you aren't mad anymore right?"
"No, I'm still mad." Tiffany rolled her eyes, continuing to finish her ice cream.
"Oh c'mon, don't be such a baby." Yuri nudged.
"I'm NOT a BABY!"
"Yes you are~ cry baby~" Yuri sang, teasing her.
"I am NOT!" Tiffany retorted, "I was just merely expressing my emotions."
"Sure whatever you say. Crybaby." Yuri teased once again, watching as Tiffany burned a hole in her chest with that glare she had on... "Just kidding!" she laughed, nudging Tiffany's arm with her elbow.
"So hm, what should we do for the 4 hours remaining before the concert?" Yuri asked, as she rubbed her chin pretentiously, "I still have that offer of me teaching you how to ride a bike you know."
"Forget it, I don't want to hurt myself, I seen people fell from their bikes before and it looked painful."
"If you're careful then it shouldn't be a problem, plus, you got a professional willing to teach you right here~"
Tiffany hesitated and stopped to think about it.
"A once in a lifetime private biking lesson~" Yuri sang to encourage Tiffany's decision.
"So you'll take up the offer?"
"Uh huh." Tiffany reluctantly nodded while Yuri just smiled. Maybe Tiffany wasn't as bad as she thought she would be.
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