Chap 9
Chapter 9
Tiffany flinched suddenly at the sound of her alarm and lazily slapped on the snooze button, hoping to sleep some more even though she told herself to wake up at this specific time and no later. Yet when Yoona called out her name loudly, she knew no sleeping would take place anymore.
"Tiffany unnnnnnie!" Yoona yelled, saying 'unnie' in her trademarked annoying way. She barged into the room without permission - but that was pretty much what she does all the time.
Tiffany sat up lazily and scrunched her face, "What do you want? it's only 9AM in the morning!"
"I told my friend Seohyun I would be helping her volunteer at this medical center." Yoona explained using hand gestures.
Tiffany groaned grouchily, "Okay? what does that have to do with me?"
"You should come along! make a special presence to meet the patients there! and ionno, sign autographs?"
"No! why would I do that for? I need to catch my beauty sleep" Tiffany spurned.
"Well, it'll be good for your publicity, plus it's volunteering! you're helping people!"
Tiffany scratched her head, "Why the sudden are you so nice to do this stuff? who's this Seohyun girl anyway?"
"Just a friend that's all."
"Right, you're just trying to get into her pants by impressing her aren't you?"
"Is that what you always think of me? trying to get into every girls' pants?"
"My bad, now shoo and let me go back to sleep." Tiffany said lastly before laying back down cozily in bed - but not for long when Yoona pulled her back up.
"Come with me!" Yoona pleaded. She remembered about that 'post' Yuri posted on her blog awhile ago, it stated how Seohyun was a big fan and even wanted an autograph of her sister - too bad that didn't turn out too well. But Seohyun would be overwhelmed with happiness if she brought Tiffany with her. "What a perfect plan...―"
Tiffany glared at her, "What perfect plan? are you thinking out loud to yourself again?"
Yoona palmed her face, "Oh crap, that habit needs to go away."
"So?" Tiffany asked. Wondering what other excuses Yoona had in mind in order to make her come.
Yoona resorted to the last possible way to beg Tiffany to go with her, "Pleaaaaase? you're the greatest sister in the wholeeee entire world!" Yoona said flatteringly, moving around to sit by Tiffany's side on her bed and began to massage her shoulders diligently.
"I knew you would do this to me again." Tiffany muttered, getting off her bed as she finally gave up to Yoona's ways of begging.
"It works doesn't it?" Yoona smirked. "Hurry and get ready! we have to leave soon!"
"Aish this girl. I spoiled her way too much"
"Who's the girl that's gonna come help us?" Yuri asked Seohyun as she washed her hands thoroughly with soap under the sink. Every Friday, she and Seohyun would have a day off to come to the local medical center and help out elderly patients who cannot take care of themselves anymore because of their sickness.
"My new friend, her name is Yoona." Seohyun answered, also going over to the sink to wash her hands.
"What kind of Yoona is she?" Yuri asked curiously.
"Huh? what do you mean?" Seohyun asked back in confusion.
"I mean, what's her last name?" Yuri corrected the oddly stated question earlier.
"Uh, I think it was Im. Im Yoona. What for, unnie?"
"Nothing, I was just making sure of something." Yuri explained. If it was 'Hwang Yoona' then there would be a chance that it was actually Tiffany's sister, but as Seohyun just explained to her - the girl's family name was 'Im' not 'Hwang'.
"Ah! there she is!" Seohyun said happily as Yoona walked into the main office (with Tiffany still slowly lagging behind, of course.)
"Kwon Yuri! it's an honor to meet you! my name is Yoona, Im Yoona." Yoona immediately bowed and held out her hand for a handshake.
"Nice to meet you too?" Yuri said awkwardly to the younger girl as she shook the hand held out to her slowly.
"I forgot to tell you, Yoona reads your blog!"
Yuri's expression immediately brightened and she now shook the hand more rigorously, "Oh it's a pleasure to meet you, Glad you like my blog!"
"I love it! Seohyun told me that you and her travel around a lot? I love all the pictures you have taken." Yoona complimented her.
"Yeah, haha." Yuri laughed, "I pretty much hitch rides with Seohyun to all these locations. Glad to have her as a dongsaeng." she rubbed Seohyun's head like a child.
"Unnie stop it! you're messing up my hair!" Seohyun pouted.
Yoona laughed upon seeing Seohyun show aegyo to Yuri, but then she noticed Tiffany was nowhere to be found yet. "What the heck? where is she?" Yoona looked around for any trace of Tiffany.
"Where is who?" Yuri and Seohyun asked in unison.
"I brought someone here with me to help out with the volunteering too. I'm sure you guys have met, hold on a bit." Yoona said, bowing before she hastily scurried out of the building and there she was; Tiffany limping with her one broken heel. Yoona ran over to her and examined the heels.
"What happened?"
"It got stuck in the sewer lid cage thing on the ground." Tiffany mumbled irritatedly, holding onto Yoona for support.
"Why did you wear heels anyway? not to mention a freakin' 3 incher." Yoona told her, helping her walk towards the entrance.
Tiffany scoffed and retaliated. "Excuse me, but heels are my pride."
"Yea yea" Yoona rolled her eyes.
As they reached the main entrance, Yuri immediately knew that familiar face, the face that's on TV commercials every time she turned on the TV, the face that -
"What? are you serious?" Yuri said out loud, breaking up her own thoughts.
"Huh? what?" Seohyun asked.
"Look." she pointed to the figure limping towards the door.
Seohyun gasped and open her mouth wide. Watching as Yoona approached her with Tiffany by her side.
"This is Tiffany, my sister and I asked her to come help volunteer with us today."
"Wait, what, you're her sister?" Yuri asked Yoona bewilderedly, "You two don't have the same last names?"
"Oh, right. My dad gave me my last name as a tribute to my uncle who had past away. So I don't have the same last name as my sister's."
"Interesting.." Yuri nodded, and looked at Seohyun whose shocked face was still there as she stared at Tiffany.
Tiffany just stared off to one side and tried not to make any eye contact with Yuri.
"Ti-tiff-any.." Seohyun muttered incoherently.
Yoona quickly nudged her sister.
"Sorry about last time, here's an autographed picture, courtesy of me —" Tiffany said, before Yoona nudged her once again.
"WHAT!?" She yelled at Yoona. But Yoona just made a gesture with her hands.
"Courtesy of me and Yoona." Tiffany added.
"Oh my god, thanks!" Seohyun cried out happily, practically 'hugging' the photo.
Tiffany exhaled her breath and crossed her arms, "You're welcome."
"So, I'm sure you guys have met before right?" Yoona asked, smiling.
"Oh yeah, totally." Yuri answered nonchalantly.
"No hard feelings right?" Yoona asked again.
"Oh yeah, absolutely" Tiffany answered back composedly.
"Ohhhhkay, so what do we do today?"
"I need another person to help me out with Mrs. —" Seohyun started, but before she could finish, Yoona cut in.
"I'll do it!" Yoona rose her hand quickly as if everyone was fighting for the position.
"Okay, so Yoona will be helping me out with Mrs. Kim, Unnie, you can show Tiffany what to do around here."
"Hey, I'm just here to sigh autographs that's all." Tiffany appended.
"Yeah yeah, we can do that later when there's a gathering at the end, but as for now - you come with me." Yuri remarked, pulling Tiffany with her.
"My heels!" Tiffany yelped.
Yuri stopped in her tracks, "Aish, didn't I tell you not to wear heels when you know you're gonna be walking a lot?"
"Hey! those heels are expensive!"
"Do you want to be limping around all day?"
"A pair ruined heels versus limping, what will you choose?"
Tiffany groaned, "A pair of ruined of heels."
"Good choice." Yuri smiled, slamming the heels into the sidewalk's curb so that the 'pointy' part would be detached from the whole heel, making it's appearance looking like flats and wearable like one too.
"There, slip them on." Yuri said, handing the newly transformed pair of 'heels' to Tiffany. After Tiffany place wore onto her feet, she stood up and walked around to get a feel of the shoes.
"Much better?"
Tiffany nodded.
"Next time don't wear heels, specially these stilettos, it's not good for your feet."
Tiffany scoffed, "As you may or may not know, heels are my pride. Without them, I'll get lost in the wild."
"Uh, what's that suppose to mean?" Yuri asked bemusedly.
"Pft, and you call yourself smart."
"What you said made no sense!" Yuri countered.
"Without my heels, I won't be as tall, and thus lost in the crowd full of tall people. It was an expression!"
"Haha, I thought they made up already or something." Yoona said, glancing over to Yuri and Tiffany who was quarreling with each other.
"Oh! Yuri unnie came back home last week and she told me a lot about Tiffany. She said how she wasn't as bad as she thought, and I was glad!"
"Yep, my sister may make you want to pull her hair out sometimes, but she's really not what you see outside her shell..she's actually..vulnerable." Yoona sighed, "Anyway, so what am I helping you with?" She asked, following alongside Seohyun as they make way through the hallways.
"Every Friday I would come here and help Mrs. Kim Cho Hee..this is the room." Seohyun said, placing her index finger on the door number. "Room 203". She politely knocked on the door, and until she heard a faint, croaked voice that said "Come in," she opened the door slowly and bowed to an elderly person around the age of 60 who was currently taking in a bag of IV fluid connected by her wrist.
"Seohyun, darling!" Mrs. Kim said softly but happily, waving her hands to get Seohyun to come over and Seohyun gave her a hug. "I came to visit and take care of you today, and I brought a friend with me too! she'll be helping me take care of you also. This is Yoona." Seohyun said, grasping lightly onto Yoona's hand as she bring her over next to her.
"Hi, nice to meet you Mrs. Kim" Yoona bowed the way Seohyun did earlier, and Mrs. Kim let out a hearty laugh, "I'm glad you're here with Seohyun here today, she usually helps me alone and I know she feels bored."
"No! I got you to keep me company, I'm not bored!" Seohyun retorted, but Mrs. Kim just laughed again and stroked her cheek gently, "I know, I know, but it's nice to have company right?" She asked, Seohyun, but also glanced over to Yoona for an answer too.
"Right." Yoona and Seohyun said together simultaneously.
"Good girls." Mrs. Kim chuckled, and coughed violently afterwards, causing Seohyun to quickly bent over and pat her back, "It's time to drink your medicine, I'll be right back." She bowed and Yoona did the same as they left the room.
Yoona looked behind the door after her and looked back at Seohyun, "What is Mrs. Kim sick with?"
Seohyun looked at her and sighed, "Heart disease, and aids"
"Aids?" Yoona looked at her bewilderedly.
"Her grandson contracted the disease, and for some unknown reason he felt the need to make his grandma have it to by transferring it to her while she's asleep by an infected needle."
"What the hell? is he even human!? why would he do that!" Yoona said angrily, tightening her fist.
"We never knew, he jumped to his death the next day. He was her only family member left" Seohyun answered, sighing once again.
"People..I just don't get people these days." Yoona exasperated, she then stopped walking, and held Seohyun's hand.
"I'll do my best to help you with Mrs. Kim." She vowed before pulling in Seohyun for a hug. Yoona knew she was taking advantage of Seohyun right now, but, she was sincere. Seohyun just blinked her eyes shockingly at Yoona's action before she heard Yoona spoke again softly.
"You're..really kind."
"Hey," Yuri said, nudging Tiffany who was standing next to her stacking up papers in the office.
"What?" Tiffany exasperated.
"We're cool now with each other right? friends?" Yuri asked, smiling.
Tiffany stepped back and looked at her, "Why the sudden?"
"Jeesh, just answer."
"No, not really." Tiffany rolled her eyes and resumed stacking up the papers.
"Haha, oh c'mon, after last week and all, we even told secrets to each other, and that's what friends do right?" Yuri laughed, nudging her once again causing Tiffany to be pushed a little to the side.
"No, not really." Tiffany answered brusquely.
"Haha, c'mon now." Yuri nudged her, yet again.
"OKAY, YEAH, WE'RE COOL, WE'RE FRIENDS. THERE! YOU HAPPY?" Tiffany shouted, causing people to look her direction before her cheeks heated up and she felt embarrassed. "Look what you did!" Tiffany scolded her.
"If you said yes earlier then this wouldn't happen." Yuri scoffed but quickly changed her expression, "I'm glad we're friends now." She nudged Tiffany again.
"AISH." Tiffany said irritatedly and picked up her stacks of files to the other side - where Yuri won't be annoying her anymore. As Yuri also picked up her files and made way to her side as well, Tiffany pointed her index finger at Yuri, "Don't you come here."
Yuri sighed, "Fine." she said, turning her face away from Tiffany and continued to sort through the files. Unknowingly to Tiffany, Yuri was holding in her laughter behind her back. Annoying someone had never been so fun. She smiled gleefully.
"That girl. Aish." Tiffany mumbled, although, she, for some reason, was liking Yuri's playful annoyance towards her.
"I must be out of my mind.", Tiffany thought, shaking her head at the thought of her actually enjoying Yuri's presence. Like seriously.
"Hey everybody! last event for the night, we have a special (or maybe not so special) —" Yuri added, and was met by a smack on the arm by Tiffany, "—Guest today!" She finished her statement and Tiffany walked up the small stage. "Who here knows Tiffany Hwang?" Yuri asked everyone. Tiffany smirked expecting a handful of people saying yes. But, was met with silence.
"She's here to sign autographs today?" Yuri added, picking up one of the stacks of pictures of Tiffany and was met with silence among the elderly people once again. Yoona and Seohyun looked around awkwardly at the silence.
"I want an autograph! I don't know her but she's pretty!" And elderly man rose his hand and said. Causing other elderly mens to raise up their hands asking for an autograph as well.
"Not only that she's pretty, she's a famous actress..also! if you all want, I'll buy some of her movies so you folks can watch on movie night?!" Yuri asked, and was met with cheers.
Tiffany looked at her, "Was she indirectly saying I'm pretty?" She asked herself, unknowingly smiling and was interrupted of her thought when Yuri pulled her - gently this time and led her to sit down on a chair behind a table so the elderlies can come up for autographs.
"You're awesome." Yuri remarked, giving a thumbs up to Tiffany as she watched tons of people being helped by Yoona and Seohyun walk up to the table for autographs.
Tiffany flipped her hair, "I know I am."
"Let's not get carried away now." Yuri said jokingly as she walked down the stairs and along with Yoona and Seohyun to help.
Tiffany smiled looking at her, not noticing that a man was standing in front of her for asking for a autograph.
"Hello?" The man waved his hands in front of Tiffany and snapped her out of her daze.
"Urgh, what is she doing to me." Tiffany shook her head, said sorry to the man, and quickly signed autographs for the people that asked for one.
"Everyone got an autograph right?" Seohyun and Yoona asked through the microphone.
"RIGHT!" Everyone cheered.
"Okay, that will be all. We'll come visit again next week, remember to mark your calendars." Yuri playfully said before she placed the mic back into it's place, walked down the stage and watch people began to return to their rooms.
"Look like it's time to go home. Thank you Yoona..and Tiffany for coming here to help me and Seohyun today, we bought lots of joy to the patients thanks to you girls." Yuri said, giving Yoona a friendly hug. Tiffany was expecting one as well, but didn't receive one from Yuri. Alternatively, she received a hug from Seohyun instead. At least she got a hug.
"Thank you...can I call you unnie as well?" Seohyun asked.
"Sure go ahead." Tiffany smiled and patted her back.
"Thank you Tiffany unnie for coming up here to sign the autographs today."
Tiffany nodded and smiled.
"I'll get the car, Unnie you can wait for me outside the main office." Yoona told Tiffany, looked at Seohyun and smiled, and quickly scurried off.
"I guess we'll go now too." Yuri said, smiling as she and Seohyun made way to the back door where Yuri's car was parked.
Tiffany picked up her purse and made way outside the main office standing there to wait for Yoona. Suddenly a black van came by and 2 people in sunglasses stepped out. Tiffany looked strangely at them but didn't bother. As they began to walk closer to her..."LET ME GO—" She shrieked before being subdued by the two guys. They quickly dragged her into the van and drove off.
Yuri's ears twitched, "Did you hear something?" She asked Seohyun.
"I heard a shriek." Seohyun acknowledged.
"It sounded like Tiffany's." Yuri mumbled just as Yoona ran over to her, out of breath.
"Tiffany unnie is gone."
"Who are you!? what are you doing?" Tiffany yelled. They weren't holding her down or anything, they were in fact, just supervising her.
"Don't worry miss Hwang, we're not kidnapping you."
"This is not kidnapping? answer me! who are you guys!?" She struggled this time, and they pinned her down.
"We're just people who were simply asked to take you to a place you should be.. attending right now."
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