LTD equivalence
Unit 5: translation equivalence
Equivalence in translation: is the relationship between a source text (ST) and Target text (TT) that allows the TT to be considered as a translation of the ST.
Equivalence was a relationship between two texts in two languages, rather than 2 languages themselves.
I. Quantitative equivalence (Munday)
One-to-one equiv (earth hour- giờ trái đất),
one-to-many equiv : More than one TL expressions are equivalent to a single SL expression. E.e bamboo= trúc, tre,nứa
One-to-part-of-one equivalence (A TL expression covers part of a concept designated by a single SL expression.e.g Cá tính =stylish? Fashionable? Smart (She looks smart in the black coat).
Nil equivalence: no TL expression is equivalent to a single SL expression
Eg: Internet = “Mạng Internet”
NOTES: Some strategies to deal with non-equivalence
* culture-specific concepts: concepts from the source culture which are unknown in Vietnamese
E.g. bachelor party, hen party, “Phở”
Suggested solution: Translation using cultural substitution or using loan word, explanation
* The target language lacks a specific/general term (HYPONYM/ SUPERORDINATE)
E.g. Mặc áo – đi giầy – đội mũ – đeo kính
Þ Wear shirt/shoes/hat/ glasses
Mẹ chồng/ Mẹ vợ => Mother-in-law
Dì/cô/thím/mợ => Aunt
Rice => Lúa, thóc , gạo, cốm, bỏng
Solution: translate with more general/ specific words in particular context
* Some idioms are misleading
E.g take someone for a ride,
Have a bun in the oven
*Different collocation between 2 languages
Ex: Break the law – phạm luật
Break the record – phá kỉ lục
II .Meaning-based equivalence: (see Koller)
Denotative, connotative, pragmatic, text normative, formal equivalence
Denotative equivalence is one in which the SL and TL words refer to the same thing in the real world. This is the referential identity between SL and TL units.
Connotative equiv
Besides denotative value, SL and TL words should produce the same communicative values in the mind of native speakers of the two languages
Or the equivalence transmitted by specific choices between synonymous expressions with respect to level of style (register), the social and geographical dimension, frequency, etc.
- Connotation of speech level: elevated, poetic, normal, colloquial, slang, vulgar
- Connotation of socially determined usage: student language, military language, aristocratic language…
- Connotation of geographical relation or origin: American English, Australian English…
- Connotation of medium: spoken language, written language…
- Connotation of stylistic effect: pompous, artificial, euphemistic…
- Connotation of frequency: common, uncommon
- Connotation of register: normal usage, technical, medical…
- Connotation of evaluation: positively evaluative, ironic, pejorative...
- Connotation of emotion: using emotive language to describe a given topic
Text-normative equiv
The SL and TL words using the same or similar text types in their respective languages.
Faithfully yours Trung thành của bạn?
Kính thư?
Pragmatic equivalence
The SL and TL words have the same effect on the reader Or mainly aiming at the receiver, to whom the translation is directed
Also called “communicative equivalence”
Formal equivalence
Possibilities of formal equivalence with respect to categories such as rhyme, verse form, rhythm, special stylistic forms of expression in syntax and lexis, word play, metaphor and so on.
Formal equivalence is particularly used in translation of poems, songs, etc.
Also called ‘expressive equivalence”
III.Function-based equivalence: (see Nida)
Dynamic equivalence, formal equivalence
IV.Form-based equivalence: (see Baker)
Equivalence at word, sentence, or text level
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