LTD methods
Unit 3 : translation methods
Translation methodsà whole texts (general approach)
Translation proceduresà sentences and smaller units of language.
Word for word translation
Literal translation
Faithful translation
Semantic translation
Free translation
Idiomatic translation
Communicative translation
Word for word translation: - Word –order is preserved ,
- Non – grammatical
- Word are translated by their most common meaning, out of context.
- Used for: get sense of meaning
Literal translation: - Sl grammatical structures are converted to their nearest equivalent in the TL
- But words are still translated singlly, out of context
- Used for: pre-translation process -> identify problems.
Basic of poetry translation for whom doesn’t understand the SL
Faithful translation: - words are translated in context but uncompromising to TL.
- Transfer cultural words, doesn’t naturalize, often read like a translation.
- Used for literary translation, authoritative text. Drafts
Sematic translation: - it is more flexible than faithful translation
- Naturalize a bit while faithful trans is umcompromising (nut in order to achieve aesthetic effect)
- Close rendering of metaphors, collocation, technical terms
Communicative translation: - freer than sematic translation
- Give priority to the effectiveness of the message to be communicated.
- Focus on factors such as readability and naturalness -> both the content & are ready acceptable comprehensible to the reader.
Idiomatic translation: - reproduce the message of the original
- Prefers colloquialism and idioms which is not exit in the original
- Outcome: lively, natural translation
Free translation:- reproduce the matter without the manner; the content without the form of the original
- Paraphrases much larger than the original
- Used for: informative translation, in-house publication.
Adaptation : - the freest form of translation
- Preserves the theme, plots, characters only.
- The SL culture is converted to the TL culture.
- A kind of rewriting the text in translation .
- Used for plays, poems, songs, advertising, tourism.
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