(Seventeen / CheolSoo) The Playlist
AU / Slice of Life / Romance
Seventeen / CheolSoo (Choi Seungcheol x Hong Jisoo)
To JadeFlume,
Thank you for making our ship feel like home,
and for every little sweetness that I am so lucky to be given.
"I cannot do it."
Suddenly, Jisoo stated. His face went pale and his muscles tensed, followed by his whole figure instantly hardened like a rock. A very stubborn one, as Jeonghan mentally made a remark inside his head, before letting out a long sigh and rolling his eyes.
"Hong Jisoo, my darling, Mister-I-kayaked-through-the-Amazon-rainforest-in-5-days-nonstop-and-even-lived-with-the-Indians-for-the-next-entire-month-though-understand-nothing-of-their-language-and-even-conquered-the-Everest-at-the-age-of-20, why does the cold feet stay with you frustratedly long this time? I've told you a million times that it's all gonna be alright, no, even fantastic if it still doesn't meet your demand, and I swear that if you dare to make me say it once more I will use this necktie to cover your mouth then throw you straight into the church until it's done. Now tell me which one do you prefer: the pastel blue or the bordeaux one?"
"The pastel blue."
"Good. Then please take off the ridiculous polka dot you're having on. It's ruining your costume and annoying your best man to the very best that I cannot fully devote to the task as I know I can."
Jisoo mumbled a few words like "but it's your choice at first" as he unbuttoned his collar, and Jeonghan shot him a glare, his hands tightened the knot at such a dangerous level that took more effect on making Jisoo stay quiet than any other kind of warning. Frowned, Jisoo turned his head to another man, who was reading a magazine on the white leather sofa, not too far from them.
"Wonwoo, how did you manage to come through your anxiety before your wedding day?"
The mentioned guy startled. He was sitting with his back against them and facing the mirror the whole time, of course he didn't miss any second of this dressing up session and everything (especially everything) in between. And doubling of course that he was impressed with the way Jeonghan was able to smoothly say his super long and sassy sentence in just one breath, yet still had enough energy to hold his hands firmly as he showed those two neckties for Jisoo to choose. Or the way Jisoo didn't realise or seem to be affected by it at all, just kept on whining while his face went paler and paler to the point that Wonwoo didn't think could ever be possible for human beings (which impressed him even more). Or the way he tried everything he could to blend perfectly into the atmosphere, and in the meantime, fighting the urge to just sneak away from this awkwardly funny situation (which clearly impressed him the most).
And how he wished that he did. Because obviously, the daily torture under the name of Hong Jisoo had stricken back again. And again.
Slowly (and hurtfully) looking up from the fashion catalogue, Wonwoo blinked innocently.
"Well, as I told you before, I didn't have much... well, issues to deal with at that time so..."
"If there is someone deserving to be questioned, that will be me." Jeonghan interrupted, and Wonwoo had never felt more thankful toward the guy than he did right now for their entire time of knowing each other. He fixed the crease on Jisoo's shirt and straightened the red rose tucked in his best friend's chest pocket. "I've never actually get involved in any serious relationship and why on Earth I am here, being the chief manager of costume for three weddings already... Oh could you please get in here and deal with the moan of your husband-to-be, Seungcheol? He's literally making me crazy."
The white velvet curtains lifted up as a head popped in, a cheerful sound of laughter followed into the dressing room. Seungcheol stood at the doorway, looking breathtakingly gorgeous with his classic tuxedo on and his signature grin all over his face. Jisoo gasped, and Jeonghan let out a small snort, giggled for the first time of the day. Really, this brave, stubborn and calm friend of him could actually be more cheesy than anyone if he truly wanted.
Seungcheol took a few steps toward the centre of the room, slightly leaned in as he placed a kiss upon Jisoo's forehead, his eyes sparkled with gentleness.
"Darling, you look brilliant. And Jeonghan, I could never thank you enough for being superbly caring, responsible, and of course, for creating dress code for all of us with your blessed high taste."
Jeonghan rolled his eyes.
"You miss the most important part lad. I truly deserve an award of tolerance, and I would win it three times in a row due to the number of hours that I've spent putting up with your partner. He gets hesitation at least five times a day. Really, why does he have to move in with me at this time, why don't you lovebirds just stay and comfort each other?"
Seungcheol laughed. Wrapping his arms around Jisoo's waist from behind, he smirked in a playful tone.
"Because you know how we are, we will run away and hide and may cut off all the connections if we get too scared, and none of us would want it to happen, so I guess, yeah?"
His breath hovered near Jisoo's neck, making him let out a small chuckle. Jeonghan raised his hands into the air, totally defeated.
"Don't wrinkle his vest, Seungcheol."
* * *
This was one of a few times – or the second time, to be exact – that Mingyu was driven so out of control he didn't know where or what to start anymore.
It could be a lot easier, it could really be, he mentally screamed as he scratched his hair crazily while frustratedly looking around, trying to keep everything going in the way it should, and had to go. It could be a lot easier if Soonyoung didn't come up with a different idea of arranging tables every one and a half hour, Jihoon's piano was delivered in time so that he could go through enough rehearsals to meet his strict demand of perfection, and Hansol wasn't as insane as he was due to dealing with countless foreign guests that after nearly ten hours he didn't recognize who spoke Korean and who spoke English anymore. The poor kid even rambled with Mingyu for fifteen minutes, constantly switched between his two mother tongues before realising how stuttering he was, then loudly groaned and decided to go to sleep, leaving the whole mess behind.
Mainly plus that he was the one in charge of all there, and he hadn't slept for two days straight since he needed to think of a possible way to fit the ridiculously large collection of souvenirs into reasonable places for decoration. A task which Seungcheol and Jisoo had politely emphasised quite a lot and only counted on him to fulfill. Because who on Earth could manage to put an Inca poster next to a giant stuffed Hello Kitty and still miraculously made some senses out of it but him?
How nice to be that talented.
His jeans pocket slightly buzzed as he tiredly brushed his reddish eyes. Mingyu picked it up, knowing who was on the other side of the line without even glancing at the screen.
"Mingyu? I'm calling to tell you that we're not gonna come back tonight. The costume still needs to be fixed in some details, and won't be done until 6 A.M. tomorrow, so that after receiving it we will head straight to the church from here. Is that okay?"
Wonwoo asked, sounded a little bit hesitated.
"Is everything alright there?"
It was quite late, some of the staff from the wedding organization team had to lighten up a few lanterns and lamps here and there. Yet Jihoon was still in his rehearsals, and Chan, losing his balance from a long day running around, had just accidentally tripped on his own feet and shoved a Gothic painting to the ground. Nervously glancing around, he picked it up in a flash and put it right back on the wooden chair. It was nothing, except for the fact that now the face of the lady in the picture was covered in dirt and green grass.
Mingyu snapchatted the whole scene for Wonwoo, torn between wanting to turn into Godzilla mode and wanting to burst out real hard.
God knew how long he would enjoy his sleep after all of these things were over.
* * *
Much to Mingyu's surprise, the wedding went quite smoothly.
Despite having just a few minutes to rest, Jeonghan still successfully managed his role as a priest, reading the wedding vows without a single spelling mistake or wrong pause. Hansol greeted every guest in their appropriate languages and tones, together with the helpful assistance of Junhui and Minghao. Jihoon, as perfectly as ever, played all of the most beautiful melodies he had ever played, while Seungkwan and Seokmin sang in their angelic voices. Even the lights, the flowers, and the wines were exactly like how Mingyu imagined them to be. It made his smile grow wider and wider as the sun slowly went down and all of the tables were set aside, making an empty ground for people to dance.
But that joyful and relaxing feeling didn't last long. As Mingyu should have always kept in mind, he and the rest of the lads were at the wedding of Seungcheol and Jisoo. And to those two, the definition of steady was as strange as the definition of ornithophobia might sound to normal people.
"Jeonghan, Mingyu! Seungcheol and Jisoo are missing!"
After three classic waltzes, the crowd seemed to be a little bit settled down. Chan briefly walked out from the dressing room, lowered himself as he whispered to his team, wearing a frightening look on his face. Mingyu let out a long sigh, might be the longest one he had ever had in his life, while Jeonghan giggled in defeat.
"If they don't want us to find them, then they won't give us any chance. Just let them go."
* * *
The wind was blowing through Jisoo's hair in the most comfortable and expected way of a September night breeze. They – which included Seungcheol and Jisoo – were literally driving away from their very own wedding, something sounded extremely crazy but at the same time, so like them.
Jisoo put a CD into the player on their newly bought car. A collection of romantic love songs, as could be predicted from their pianist friend, he thought to himself and giggled.
"What do you think they are doing now? Is Jihoon getting mad and Mingyu's mentally cursing us with every worst word he could ever think of while making an announcement for our absence?"
Seungcheol laughed.
"Surely. And I bet Mingyu is even wishing for us to get lost for good."
"But where are we going? Because to be honest I didn't intend to run away from our very own ceremony, and if you're just aimlessly taking me out, I will surely put all the blame on you and make you take your full responsibility of kidnapping a model citizen when we get back."
He turned to Seungcheol, his eyes were quizzical and filled with hidden excitement, purely like a child. The other guy shot a playful glance at him in response, whistled.
"You won't. You ain't just my husband, you're my partner in crime. And it's what we both agree that's more important, remember?"
Jisoo chuckled. He crossed his legs, making his trousers be pulled up slightly and revealed a silver anklet, which was also a part of their tokens. The first time we met in Times Square, you wore a white Converse Chuck II with your shoelace untied. Then I told you, 'let me tie it up' and you did let me. So this time I hope that you will allow me to do it again, and not once, not twice, but for ever. Seungcheol said as he bent down onto his knee, his warm hands wrapped around Jisoo's left ankle, gently placed their unique vow on when they were standing in front of the God. Completely overwhelmed with this surprise, Jisoo covered his mouth with both hands, his smile reached all the way to his teary eyes while all of their best men were behind, clapping and grinning so happily for them.
Just a flashback of the moment was enough to warm Jisoo up from inside. He tilted his head to see Seungcheol singing along to one of the most famous love songs of all time, his legs slightly moved up and down to sync with the rhythm of the guy who was now his husband. The anklet flashed its silvery, somehow dreamy light due to his soft movement as he watched it, slowly falling for the charming aspect of Seungcheol's craziness, even deeper day by day.
They kept on driving for fifteen more minutes then finally stopped at a large grass ground, somewhere on the outskirts. Jisoo chuckled again when Seungcheol stepped out, opened the door on his side for him in a perfect pose of a gentleman. He took his hand, and the tiny bells on Jisoo's anklet sweetly clanked as they walked onto the green shrub. The sky was so crystal clear with the embellishment of a few stars and lanterns, glowing the whole dimension like a movie scene.
"I know the setlist that Jihoon has made is classic and romantic and all that," Seungcheol smiled, took off a Beats pill from his bag. "but I still want to create one for us by myself." He gently said, a slight pink tint crossed his cheeks, making him look exactly like how he was the day they first met. "You know, since it's the way it all started."
Jisoo briefly kissed on his lips, nodded with an upward curve on the corner of his mouth. The first note echoed on the air and revolved around them as Seungcheol wrapped his hand around Jisoo's waist, pulling him into a dance. A smile formed on Jisoo's happy face when he realised the melody.
"I love this song. 'It's two o'clock on the edge of the morning, she's running magical circles around my head...'" he sang along, his eyes sparkled. "Great movie indeed. I still remember I submitted this playlist countless times to Channel V and they just wouldn't choose mine, never. And I still remember you PMd me like "your playlist is cool" then we started chatting after that."
"Then you flew across half of the world to meet me at the beginning of autumn. The first time you came to my coffee shop and said that you were Jisoo and you just wanted to meet me and that was why you were here, I've thought to myself, you are absolutely crazy. But nothing was crazier than your smile because at the first time I saw it for real, it truly ran magical circles around my head."
Seungcheol said, his voice warm and soft, followed by his small chuckle as they were swinging to the bridge part. Jisoo grinned.
"You dramatic."
"Lots of dramatic things happened along our journey that I believe we could actually make a movie out of them." Seungcheol laughed. "Like this song, do you remember when you casually listened to it at a small restaurant on a typical rainy day of London, and you stated that you're sick of this cloudy weather, then decided to take the earliest flight to South Africa the next day?" He tilted his head to the stereo, which had just switched to the next rhythm, and raised his eyebrows playfully. "And before leaving, we even painted rainbows on the hotel walls because we felt that they needed to be a little bit more colourful, which resulted in us being stuck for almost a month, with you helping in the kitchen while I played the role of a waiter?"
Jisoo laughed.
"Yeah, that."
They stopped and looked into each other's eyes for a while, before bursting out once again. A few more songs came up, as they were dancing, laughing, and recalling their related memories to those melodies. The first time they shared a room in Japan. The first kiss they had when they were at a concert of Hot Chelle Rae, the only high school vibe band that Jisoo would go crazy for. The day they successfully sailed through the toughest waterfall in the Amazon rainforest, and under the glorious sunset, Seungcheol turned to Jisoo, soaked from head to toe but smiled to the widest, as he proposed to him.
Started with a forever unbroadcast playlist, we had made our journey around the world and eventually ended up here, with our rings closely laced together. And you and me, we were just only twenty-five.
Jisoo heartily sang along to the lyrics here and there, then on the seventh song he realised that Seungcheol didn't sync with him anymore. He just slowly danced to the rhythm of the other one, his hands never left Jisoo's back as he carefully watched him, gentleness filled his beautiful brown eyes.
"What is that?"
Jisoo tilted his head, smiled lightly. Seungcheol also smiled.
"I just remember the time that you were so sad and stressed and we still weren't able to meet each other, so I recorded this song and sent it to you. Much to being a Coldplay's hardcore fan, I struggled a lot with learning the song that I love the most. I might have sung Fix You hundreds of times, but still I stuttered at the last few notes." He chuckled. "I've never been a good English learner, have I?"
Gentleness also filled Jisoo's eyes as his smile grew more and more lovingly, his finger caressed Seungcheol's cheek.
"You are perfect to me. And you will forever be."
"If I'm so dramatic then you're just so cheesy."
Seungcheol softly teased as he leaned in, their foreheads touched each other in the warmest way. Jisoo cupped his face between his hands.
"Then I hope that I won't disappoint you with this last song."
The stereo smoothly switched and Seungcheol's cheeks turned rosy again. Jisoo's eyes flashed in excitement and understanding on hearing a warm, familiar voice coming out from the machine.
"That's why you didn't agree on putting it in the setlist in the first place, hm? So that you could record a version of your own?"
"Well, the lyrics wasn't totally suited us, so, yeah."
Looking at the blushing image of Seungcheol, as his body tensed a little bit and he nervously scratched his hair, happiness flowed into every cell of Jisoo's body. Right at this moment, he felt like he could fly with so many beautiful butterflies spreading all over his stomach. Reaching out a little further, Jisoo kissed his husband.
"Thank you, darling, for making me the happiest version that I could ever be."
"I have told you once, but I want to say it to you again." Seungcheol whispered. "That I always feel so blessed that I can have you. Your eyes have witnessed all of the wonders in this world, all of the seas and oceans and lands and skies, have woken up to the prettiest sunrises and have embraced the brightest stars in their most innocent way. Your eyes have seen through every colour that has ever existed, from green leaves to yellow fields, from snow white mountain to orange sunset on the desert, and so much more. And those colours blended perfectly together to make your eyes become unique and celestial. And how lucky I am to have that celestial creature to reflect my image, even vowed to see me only, 'till forever."
Jisoo felt his eyes slowly became blurry as Seungcheol leaned in closer, rubbed their noses as he softly continued, shyly grinning.
"Do you like it? The song?"
Jisoo brought their lips together.
"I very much adore it."
He kissed him once more.
"Is this really the last one?"
"For now."
A smile blossomed onto your beautiful lips, and we kissed again.
"We are still kids but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see,
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And you look perfect, I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight." (1)
(1): Ed Sheeran, Perfect
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