wednesday, 6th December 2017
Today is the first day I try to write something about my daily life and It makes me so exited 😆😆
I planted some vegetables such as Lime (I know :)) It's not vegetable but dont mention it), Red Onion, Garlic, Radish, Carrot. Oh my, I really want to see them when they're grow completely.
I still do not have a boyfriend but I don't care about that much. My destiny will jump out nowhere and I only need to do is waiting. Yaahhh.
My mom has gone Vung Tau for 4 days and I really miss her. Don't know when she come back home 🏠 😭
Yahh. Wattpad has count word tool and I already type 113 words so I stop right here to sleep.
See My Diary tomorrow 😆😆
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