18-08-30. Hanging out with Yangyang and Qiu'E
Today, I hung out with Yangyang and Cherry, one day before Yangyang's birthday and 3 before Cherry leaves Vietnam.
After all the time I've spent pondering over the way I approach humans and our interaction, I decided to keep my distance, only to see the difference.
Most of the time, when I am in a group of 3 (including myself) and feel like the other two don't really get along, I would try to interact with both and make sure that noone is left out. It is exhausting, and frequently enough, I can sense the tense in the air as either is pleased. Thus, I would blame myself for not doing well enough to help them get on better with each other.
However, it is almost the first time I've ever maintained silent the whole time tonight. It was even more awkward, as nobody said anything before, during and after the meal. All we did was to play with our phones when waiting to be served and after that, when the table was set, all we said to one another was "Pass me the jar, please!".
The night ended earlier than I expected, as no sooner had we finished dining than Yangyang left for home. I stayed with Cherry and accompanied her to the next destination where we chatted a little bit while sipping some lemonade, trying to keep the conversation intimate but comfortable enough for both, we did not mention her sense of belonging, or our drifting apart.
That was the moment I realized we weren't the person one another thought of first when troubles came any more, we are just not equipped to help and console each other, and we simply find that from someone else.
It will always be a pleasure to sit back down and talk to each other about how we are doing, but we have to accept that we can not always be there (and take part in each other's life) any more.
The night has had me realize something:
1. It might be better to leave them alone with their phones, because the more they talk to each other, or even to me, the more visible the conflicts between them, which will only result in a more distant/ aloof relationship.
2. Our relationships don't change, we do! It's sad, but it's simply just that. We might love and cherish each other as ever, but we don't have that many things in common any more, conversations run out of common topics to go on, and interests drift so far apart that we cannot do anything together. That's when you realize you aren't the person they think of first when troubles come, you are just not equipped to help and console them with their problems, and they simply have to come to someone else.
It will always be a pleasure to sit back down and talk to each other about how you are doing, but you have to accept that you can not always be there (and take part in it) any more.
3. Be nice to others, always! But remember to keep yourself away from toxic people/ relationships/ moments!
Make sure you are not disheartened by their words. Talk to them when you are pleased, don't bother to find comfort from them if you know they are only to say negative words.
You have the right to maintain silence when their words oppose with your belief, only continue the topic if you know that you are discussing the matter on different perspectives, not arguing over something irreconcilable.
It is ok to maintain relationship with them, but don't let them hurt yourself!
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