Maybe the time flies away so fast,
Leave me your picture in the past,
The memories I try to keep in me,
You gave me the world I want to see,
Beside you forever is my desire,
When I am weak, you give me the fire,
But the memories will turn into whispers,
Someday the beautiful flowers will wither,
My heart, my world was flooded in tears,
I scream in desperation, but no one hears,
My heart break in pain, sadness embraces,
Remember your smile, tears cover my face,
Lonely melodies echo in my heart,
The sky has only mourning doves,
Grieving, my heart was torn apart,
Cold raindrops over the sky above,
Maybe time goes by really fast,
Maybe tears cannot solve anything,
Maybe everything I want is too far,
Maybe now the effort is just nothing,
But all is enough to remember,
The moments we are together,
All will be part of my heart forever,
A love we have for each other,
Thank you for letting me know what love is,
Even though you are not here, you still alive in my heart.
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