Chapter 7
The sky had turned itself into an autumn atmosphere.
No more sultry scenes, the typical chirping of summer. Now the weather was chilly, the sky was clear, and the leaves were turning color.
Although the weather was still so beautiful, there had been quite a few strange things that happened to people who have finished the sixth grade, as we already know.
These days Kiyo also started to see suspicious signs of the orphanage, which he had noticed since last year. And since the day he caught his upperclassmen being dragged away, his heart was no longer peaceful.
However, he still had to stay calm and not let anyone know that he was aware of the abnormality of this place. Yes, keep calm.
Going back to today, according to Yuri's words, it was his class's turn to plant vegetables.
There are eleven students in the class, and this job only requires five to six people.
She chose five strong and skilled kids to take on the job, and Kiyo was one of them.
Tomoyo ran out, but tripped.
"Miss, let me go with Kiyo!"
"No, you're weaker than him. Stand up Tomoyo." - Yuri turned back.
They were taken to a small, well-cultivated plot of land. She gave each of them a pair of gloves, a shovel, a bag of rotting manure, superphosphate and said:
"Here, you will dig a hole here first, then drop the manure there. Mix it with the soil and put it back in the hole, and then I will guide you further. Each of you dig a hole, you don't have to wear gloves yet."
Kiyo put down his bag, gently picked up the shovel, and stabbed the first hit into his own land.
Why is it so heavy? He plowed hard, till it became a round hole about 50 cm deep.
Remembering the teacher's words, he squatted, took the other bag of fertilizer, and peeled it off. This distinctive smell was indeed unpleasant to him, but he grimaced, still grasping them, dropping them on the ground. But do I need to let it all go?
As if reading his mind, Yuri watched from behind and said:
"Just let it all in"
At this moment, he poured all the manure into the hole for a moment, then stood up and picked up the shovel.
The next step is to mix them with the soil. He took the topsoil, plowed it up, and mixed it with where he had just dropped the fertilizer. And so on, mix well until the hole is filled.
"Are you done yet?" - Yuri asked.
At this point, everyone is done.
"Let me see..." - She said as she looked around at the results of her children. "Very good! You guys did a great job. Now, since you just applied the soil, it will take more than two weeks to do it. You guys go wash your hands now, it's almost time to eat. Don't play around or mess up with anything here.."
They hurriedly left the place, and went to the bathroom.
Waiting two more weeks must be a long time..
A day later..
A week later..
Until the second week, when Yuri called out to her kids who had cultivated the land before.
Kiyo reluctantly followed her out there. Now the soil seems to be more humid than before?
"I think growing spinach is the most suitable for this season. Now I will guide you to sow the seeds."
She gave each of them a bag of seeds.
"This vegetable likes moist soil and doesn't like high temperatures. Watch me sow the seeds."
She bent down, dropped them so that the seeds were 6 mm above the ground, then turned around and said not to sow too close together, 5 cm apart, let the other plants grow better, then sprinkled straw, sprinkled a layered earth-covered the place, and watered it. She gave each person a handful of seeds, telling them to do as she told them to.
Kiyo was a person who seems to be more considerate than the others, he found his place, carefully dropped them on the ground, sprinkled a layer of powdered earth over the seeds, and then took the straw that had been cut short, covering it.
He watered it with clean, warm water, making sure it wasn't flooded or too little. This is not difficult at all.
"Whoever has finished can go back to class."
Kiyo said nothing, and just went to class. Since he had already completed the quest, there was nothing more to do.
Next week the seedlings would grow, and next month there would be new vegetables to eat.
Who knows, but this made him satisfied enough with his results.
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