Demons, Mafia, and Gangs ~1~
Summary: Life for (Y/N) has always been chaotic. From you having your own gang in the Grand Line District and constantly fighting with your ultimate rivals that you begrudgingly respected, to having everybody else hate you because your blood happens to be different and you being a delinquent.
When you're parents die though, things change. You start to live with your best friend, Smoker, and have to move to a different and new school that is away from your friends.
But hey, nothing can get any worse though right?
Beep Beep Beep
You grunted and reached out a fist, promptly smashing the alarm clock as you rose up from your bed with a yawn and rubbing your eyes with your other hand. You looked over to your other hand and groaned.
"Great...another one. Smoker is going to kill me," you said as you stood from your bed and stretched, cracking your shoulders and neck as you picked up the dented alarm. Probably the twelfth broken alarm since you've stayed in Smoker's house.
"What time is it anyways—" Your eyes widened as you dropped the alarm, and quickly ran to put some clothes on as you fell down the stairs to get to the kitchen. Making a pained
yelp out of your lips, but with no visible injuries on your person.
"7:15 AM?! This is my first day, and already Smoker is going to kill me!" You yelled out, trying to put on your school uniform as you messily tried to find some breakfast. This was truly a horrible and troublesome situation for you. You transferred to this new high school called 'New World', since you got kicked out from your previous one.
Which made sense.
You had your own gang after all, running amuck in that neighborhood with your gang, causing trouble to everyone.
But not only that, it was because of your strange condition that caused your blood to have a tiny of silver in it. Making every student and classmate around you call you a monster, for your abnormal strength and your condition. It was okay. Even though you don't have friends besides your gang, it was always okay. When the school had enough of you—teachers and students—they kicked you out. It didn't help you didn't really have a home anymore, both of your parents dead a few months back. Thankfully, your best friend has his own place, and suggested for you stay here.
Smoker was the best.
But he had a temper.
He also went to your school, but only for the Night Class since he worked in the day to pay for the house. You were hoping you would have a class with him, but when you found that information out, you did your best to hide your hurt with a carefree smile.
You can make new friends on your own.
But you gotta make it on time to make a good impression. So you ran out the door with a piece of toast in your mouth while trying to button your blouse with one hand, and zipping up your pants the next.
"SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT! PLEASE HAVE ME MAKE IT ON TIME!" You shouted, quickly dashing past unsuspecting citizens who blinked and wondered what caused this cloud of smoke next to them.
A post it note laid within the house untouched on the kitchen counter, reading:
'Good luck on your first day, (Y/N). Try to make some friends, but stay away from your English teacher. He's bad news. -Smoker'
Doflamingo was having the time of his life. He grinned as he dodged a hook in the middle of a street, all humans already gone from the area. Knowing to not mess with these 'men', who were famous for being known in the mafia business. Specifically, two heads of two different Mafia families.
Doflamingo whipped his hand out, and moved a finger down, only for the other man he was fighting to dodge backwards. Causing him to land a few feet away from his grinning self, while his favorite playmate with a hook looked heavily annoyed.
"Aw, what's wrong Croco-man? Irritated you can't get a hit in?" Doflamingo teased, but good 'ol Crocodile just inhaled his cigar calmly with eyes tightly closed. Suggesting that the man was indeed irritated.
"I'm just irritated you have the nerve to be in my territory once again today," Crocodile replied sharply, silver eyes opening and narrowing at him, "You seem to want to die early flamingo, you usually prefer to hinder myself and subordinates during the night where we thrive. Starting to grow bored from annoying me?"
Doflamingo actually didn't know himself.
He for some reason did not want to rest his eyes earlier, for beings like him don't really need to sleep. The blond bespectacled man felt that something would happen today, something interesting. Something that can possibly make this boring mundane life with the same routine unique. So he went out, decided to see if it was something to do with Crocodile or anywhere really. Ignoring his servant's and subordinates question and pleas for him to return to his humble abode.
He still feels it. But perhaps he was wrong.
Doflamingo internally frowned at the thought, but gave a mocking grin towards his rival.
"Grow bored from you Croco-man? Why, never! Fufufufu~," He laughed with his hand out in the ready, "You're too much fun. Just wanted to change things up a bit."
Crocodile hmphed, smoke curling in the air from the cigar between his teeth.
"I don't believe you. But," Crocodile prepared an attack of his own, his lower body turning into what seemed to be sand and had his hook on the ready, "I'm going to have to teach you another lesson about keeping away from my territory. Prepare yourself flamingo."
"Fufufu~, come at me Croco-man." And so with a jump, his hand out in the ready with a grin with Crocodile giving a jump of his own with his hook above ready to slash downwards. Not noticing a trail of smoke next to them who gave a shout of alarm.
Doflamingo blinked. And looked up to find the reason why his hand suddenly stopped and why Crocodile wasn't attacking him with his hook. While noticing Crocodile looking down as well.
They both saw a girl, a human girl, in between them in an odd crouch. One hand was around his own wrist, which explained why his attack stopped, while her foot was against the sand man's hook and was keeping it in place.
"..." For the first time in what Doflamingo believed to be in years, maybe ever, he was in a stunned silence as he looked down at the human with a curious frown. He noticed Crocodile narrowing his eyes quickly, to hide his surprise and their wide-eyed look before. They must have both thought the same thing.
'This human girl, stopped our attack?'
The girl quickly jumped away from her position between them, and just started running once more but not before turning her head and raising her arm in a wave, "You guys shouldn't be street fighting in the middle of the street! Be careful next time!" And with that, she turned her head back around, seeming to run faster then before. But Doflamingo didn't miss how her hand that was up in a wave was shaking, nor how her one leg couldn't keep up with the other.
Doflamingo glanced at Crocodile, seeing how his eyes were still on the girl. He didn't miss it either. Doflamingo looked at his wrist that was stopped by the human, noticing it was pink but quickly fading from her vice grip. Doflamingo slowly grinned, and put his hand to a fist as he began to shake in excitement.
This is what he was searching for! This change! This feeling of excitement mixed with curiosity!
This is wondrous.
He didn't even notice he was laughing to himself before Crocodile scowled at him.
"Stop laughing. This...she was a human. She stopped both of our attacks." Crocodile observed, but Doflamingo noticed how the scarred man had an interested tone. Also filled with curiosity, just like what he was filled with. Except for the eager glee part that he was feeling. "That not normal. I haven't seen her before either." Crocodile continued, taking an inhale of his cigar and pulling it away from his mouth. Glancing down at his hook, that didn't have a dent in it from what Doflamingo saw, so the girl wasn't that powerful. Still...
Doflamingo laughed.
"This is perfect! Don't you think Croco-man? Finally something different in this boring old world!" He raised his arms dramatically in the air, while Crocodile just looked at him blankly. "This is truly wonderful..."
Crocodile furrowed his brows at him, putting his cigar back between his mouth as he looked at him knowingly.
" you were bored you annoying flamingo. No wonder you were acting strange," Crocodile moved his eyes up towards the sky, closing them, "...I was also growing tiresome of this routine. Perhaps something will change in this town..."
Doflamingo jumped, and quickly put his arm around the sand man's shoulder while ignoring his growl at him in warning.
"Ah, yes! You get it ol' Croco! I wonder who will see that mysterious girl first, hm~?"
You were cursing as you ran, a limp in your step. Moving past the civilians in the very busy district that held your school, New World. Muttering 'Excuse me's' quickly, and then started cursing again.
"Damn it! I'm really going to be late! What were those old guys?!" You yelled to yourself, ignoring how some random people looked at you sideways in concern. Your irritated angry expression then formed into a serious frown.
'Seriously, those men were strong,' you brought your shaking hand up to your face, trying to clench it only to grimace as you ran, 'I've never met people that could do this to me before. They're strength was monstrous as my own. Maybe even more...'
Your brows then furrowed, sweat going down your temple at your next thought instead of the hardcore running you've been doing.
'They also dressed like weirdos too. Are those the Mafia guys Smoker warned me about when I first came here?' You thought, remembering how serious Smoker was on you staying away from strange looking guys in the streets. Saying that this town has a Mafia and gang problem and you shouldn't be involved in those kinds of things again. You were kinda sad at his rule, but you didn't mind it. Your gang back in Grand Line town would always be your only gang. Your thoughts then went to your number one rival gang, specifically the leader.
'I wonder if he's having fun without me,' You smirked, 'Nah. ' Your eyes then brightened when you saw the large and impressive school gates and noticed a security guard by the gate. You stopped your running feet and cursed.
" am I supposed to go in now?" Your eyes scanned the area, trying to asses how you're going to get in. You grinned when you saw a tree with branches next to the brick wall that surrounded the school, it was out of the security's line of sight so it was perfect. You went towards the tree and climbed, not caring about how some leaves got stuck between your hair. Once you reached to the point where you think you can jump down from the branch you were on to the other side of the school, you did. While taking the branch with you and causing it to fall on your head.
"Ouch!" You clutched your head in pain and looked at the branch in a glare. "Shitty branch! You managed to bruise my head." Your eyes turned wide. "GAH! IM LATE!" So you got up from your fallen position and sped through the front doors trying to find your class. Man, you can make it! You can still make it to your first class! You're going to do it this year! You're going to make a fresh start and new friends.You're going to actually try in school without any fights or skipping too. No more dirty looks from student's and teachers alike.
No more.
Your eyes turned determined as you slowed your pace to try to find your classroom.
'2B...2B...2B... AHA!' You grinned once you found it, and without thinking you slammed the door open.
Only to see a suited chest standing in front of the now open door, the student's in the room looking at the scene with wide eyes. You sweatdropped. You really need to learn how to think things through a little bit more. Just doing what you feel is right is going to get you in trouble one day.
"Ah, (Y/N)-san I presume?"
Yeah, you're screwed.
You then began to analyze the teacher before you, trying to see if he would be one of those stiff-assed teachers that always seemed to have a dirty scowl or remark thrown towards you in disgust back in your old school. But...he doesn't seem like them. He's young looking. Probably high 20s. And...he has the reddest and brightest hair you've ever seen.
You nodded at his question. "Yeah, sorry about being late...Shanks-sensei?"
The man nodded with a close eyed grin and laughed.
"Dahaha! You can call me Shanks if you want. I don't really like formalities. But whatever works for you is fine with me!"
Your brows furrowed at the man in mild confusion. He's different. You returned his grin with a smile. A good different.
You have a feeling you've found you're favorite teacher.
Shanks moved back and motioned for you to come into the room, as well as putting you in front of the classroom for you to introduce yourself and say what you like since everybody else has done it already. You decided to just go for it.
"Yo! I'm (Y/N) Karasu, and I moved from Grand Line town. I like..." You stopped yourself from saying fighting and had to pause for a moment. Do you like anything else besides fighting? You've never had any other hobbies besides that...Eh, you'll just say something normal. You want a fresh new start after all! Gotta make some friends!
"Protecting my friends! I'll do anything for them."
You didn't notice Shanks' eyes flashing when you spoke your name, but you did see his wide grin as he clapped you on the shoulder.
"Woah! You've got some spunk, keep that up. But this is the last time you're going to be late alright? I'll let this one time slide for you." You blinked and then gave a grin. Yeah, favorite teacher alright. And score! He's your homeroom teacher too! Shanks then told you to sit by the only open seat available, which was in the back by the window. As he then turned to the chalkboard and began writing on it with a cheerful hum.
You were walking, feeling pumped about the new year and actually paying attention in school and making new friends and—
"It's her. The monster with silver blood."
Your eyes darkened, your enthusiasm immediately drilling away from your thoughts as soft whispers went around the room as you walked to your seat.
"I've seen her before, fighting with her little gang of delinquents like she was a Yankee. Completely crushing her opponents with just a split lip. "
"You saw her bleed? So, is it true?"
"Yes. When I got closer, I saw her blood have a silver tint in it. Like—like she was an alien or something."
Without anyone's notice, Shanks eyes hardened, the chalk in his hand breaking as an unreadable look crosses upon his face.
"And now we have her as a classmate?"
"Oh my God..."
"We just have to stay away from her. Won't be hard I think, she's a delinquent. She'll probably just skip all her classes without even learning anything."
"Probably fail all her exams too...her old school must've hated her."
By this point, you already sat down, your head lowered with clenched fists on your lap. You knew it... somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew it. And that voice rose once again, the one who knew this would happen.
'I told you,' a dark voice in your head said mockingly, 'these people, these weaklings would never accept you. You're different. Have you seen your blood?'
For once, you stayed silent as the voice continued, telling you that you should just beat them all up. Teach them a lesson. Show them to not speak of you with their gossiping and ignorant mouths. You bit your lip as the voice continued, as well as the whispers around you getting louder and louder. You were about to just stand up abruptly and pound your fist on the desk to shut them up, until someone beat you to it.
You and your classmate's eyes widened, focusing on the hunched form of their teacher with his fist on his desk and his face hidden behind his red hair. Then, he looked up, a calm smile on his face that somehow brought shivers to your spine.
'He...what is this? It's like there's this force trying to lower or weaken chest even feels tight...'
The dark voice in your head even seemed to recoil, and spoke tightly.
'Damn it! This man...! No...not a man...that power does not belong to a mere man.'
The voice then went silent, retreating back into the recesses of your mind while you were left confused and bewildered. What did that voice mean? Your narrowed gaze then turned towards your classmate's, causing your eyes to widen once again.
They were shuddering.
Your eyes turned towards the teacher, his eyes now closed but still with that smile on his face.
"Now that everyone seems to have quieted down," the suffocating force suddenly lifted from your body, you noticing the student's bodies not shivering as feared looks went about, "I shall now begin the lesson." Shanks opened his eyes, his brown eyes seeming to flash with that smile still on his face. "Perhaps from everyone's looks, I hope that everyone here now knows it's rude to gossip." With that, he turned back to the chalkboard and began talking like everything was normal. But those words repeated constantly in your head, that you couldn't control when your jaw slacked.
...he did all that to defend you? When he doesn't even know you?
A warm feeling began on your chest, and you didn't even notice the smile on your lips as you looked at your teacher.
You began to gradually grow closer to your homeroom and English teacher, Shanks. Closer then anyone else. He was your only friend in this school... you did not tell this to Smoker however. When he asked if you made any new friends, you just gave him a wide(fake) smile that you made tons and they're all so nice. Better then the other school. Smoker looked at you oddly but did not question you further, which you were grateful for.
You despised lying to him. He was Smoker, the closest person you have who knows you and you know him. did not want him to worry. That every day, outside of Shanks' classroom, everyone would give you the dirtiest of looks. How their words filled with spite and fear travelled across the school, the teachers doing nothing about it. It seemed Shanks was unaware of how the whole school treated you, for he did not speak one word about it.
From your time knowing him the past few weeks, you knew he was a man to defend and protect. Although, realistically, you don't need it. You can kick everybody's ass here in this school, but you're not like that. As long as you continue ignoring everybody else but Shanks, you'll manage.
Which is what you're doing right now, as you laid on the ground of the roof of the grand school. You gazed at the clouds in silence, one leg bent while your arms were crossed on your chest. You're skipping one of your classes right now, which is your only escape. You skip every class except English with Shanks to not disappoint him. As well as just to see him, cause you've been beginning to feel warm as you listened to him talk or have his eyes on you. This was so you won't be able to see everybody's hate filled looks or harsh whispers of how you were a 'monster'. Just because your blood looks different to everybody else's. You rose a hand up to the sky, looking at it with a frown. You brought your thumb up to your lips and bit down, releasing your hold of your finger as you looked at the blood seeping out from the small cut.
You can see the hints of silver in your red blood, and the voice in your head decided to speak.
'You're different from everyone else. Don't you see? They're right. You are a monster. But a strong one. Don't you hate it when their filthy eyes look at you like you're dirt? Like you aren't the superior one? They're weak,' the voice hissed, and continued despite how your eyes began to narrow with your hand tightening, 'Why don't you shut their pathetic human mouths up? Teach them a lesson. They deserve it!'
You frowned, eyes tight.
'But...maybe I can show them I'm as human as them. I haven't fought anyone yet after all. I...can still get friends.' You answered back in your head. You can feel and practically see how the voice is sneering at you right now.
'Don't be ridiculous! Humans like them would never accept someone like you," you flinched at this, but the voice continued, 'You can never be friends with mere humans! They will always despise you! So just despise them back!'
'...Smoker is my friend. Shanks is my friend too, he lets me stay after school with him to understand my other classes better.' The voice turned silent at this, and you thought that it was over and done with, until the voice spoke again once more. Leaving you frozen.
'Foolish youngling. They just pity you.' With that, the voice went back into the deep part of your mind, leaving you alone with tight dark eyes and clenched fists.
Damn it...
Damn it.
Damn it!
It can't be true! Smoker isn't like that! And Shanks doesn't seem like that either!
It's not true!
"(Y/N)-san...are you okay?"
You widened your eyes, sat up and turned your head to see a concerned looking Shanks a few feet away from you. His warm autumn eyes narrowed and drew closer to you, him now directly above you.
Is he looking at me in pity...? No...he's not like that. He's not! He's a good teacher! He's your friend!
"(Y/N). What happened?"
You didn't notice your name being called so informally, and tried to put on a smile, to show him you were okay. But even you felt how shaky it was, so you spoke.
"Yeah, of course Shanks-sensei. Why wouldn't I be?" You questioned, looking up at him casually. Trying to ignore your self-conscious thoughts on why Shanks was so nice to you, that everything he does is out of pity for you. You saw his frown, and he crouched down next to your form, the both of you now face to face.
"Then why are you crying?"
'Wha...' you touched your cheek with a hand, feeling it's wetness. You...were crying?
"I..." you thought about everyone's cruel words to you, how you'll never get a friend your own age. you're just a monster. You tried to withhold a sob, and failed. You brought your hands up to your face to try to clear the tears off your face, and try to make it stop.
You truly are pitiful.
Your head was grabbed, your face now on something warm and hard with your eyes widened. Shanks held the back of your head, eyes unreadable as he held you gently against his chest. So gently. So warm.
"People can be cruel. Just know this (Y/N), you're never alone." Shanks soothing voice spoke next to your ear, voice soft and gentle as he held you.
You broke into another sob at his kindness, crying harder. But the warmness in your chest grew at his words, feeling lighter. And you finally knew what these feelings meant. You could not regret them either
For your teacher is too kind to not love.
"The students aren't learning how to control their abilities once they turn of age, the number of incidents has been increasing. We are clearly doing something wrong."
"Hmph! Why am I even here in the first place? As long as they learn the importance of my beauty-I mean love and mating, I can care less on what they do."
"You clearly hold yourself quite high Boa Hancock-sama. These younglings need to learn to control themselves and their inner demons so they don't harm the humans of this world. If not, the importance of this school will prove meaningless."
"It's not just that, the student's have begun turning on each other...just because of the type of demon or creature they are. If we turn even on ourselves, how are we ever going to make peace with the humans?"
"Hmmmm...this is quite troublesome...Shanks-sama, what do you think?"
Shanks snapped out of his stupor and looked around him, seeing eyes filled with concern or confusion within a large meeting room in the New World High School. It seems everyone is expecting him to say something but his mind was still wrapped around one particular special student of his from the Day Class, one he has been watching and growing to care for...
His face turned sheepish, him scratching the back of his neck.
"Eh, sorry Garp-sama. My mind was elsewhere."
Garp's temple grew a vein, "How many times do I have to tell you Akagami no Kyuubi ?! That you put 'sama' in my name—wait." Garp stopped short and looked at the red hair oddly. The others in the room doing the same, some with looks of suspicion.
"Akagami no Kyuubi," the deep baritone of his rival as well as longtime friend spoke from
his spot in the table, golden eyes analyzing him, "You're acting odder then usual. Have something in your mind?"
Shanks sheepish look went away, a neutral expression now in place. He's been thinking about something for awhile, perhaps he can bring it up here? Shanks straightened himself in his seat, arms crossed on the table as his eyes met everyone's in the room.
"I've been thinking..." Hancock snorted, muttering a 'for once' under her breath but Shanks continued without falter, "That maybe we should also focus on half-blood's and let them join the school."
Wide eyes looked at him, few even drew a breath. Garp's eyes narrowed, and opened his mouth but the whale shark demon, Jimbei, beat him to it.
"Half-blood's? Shanks-sama, you already are aware our stance with them. We let them be and live their life blissfully unaware of who they are and if we're lucky, we won't have to deal with the ones who let their inner demon free once they turn of age." Jimbei informed, tone professional but he could hear the mild confusion within the fish type demon as well.
Sengoku, Garp's advisor as well as comrade and ape demon, nodded next to his longtime friend in accordance to Jimbei's words.
"And those ones who have gone wild because of their demon, we terminate them so they do not harm anyone. Human or not." Sengoku rose a brow at him, "what's brought this on?"
Shanks felt everyone's eyes on him once again, but his eyes did not turn away, silently focusing on the head of this little group which was Garp.
"You guys are aware I also work for the Day Class yes?" They nodded, with his rival commenting that he never knew the red hair's reasoning on why he works day and night. "Well...I've noticed one of my students in my class is different. And because they are different, they're being prejudiced against."
Golden eyes looked at him, "What does that have to do with half-blood's? Unless..."
Shanks nodded at Mihawk's slow understanding. "They're a half-blood. I know." Shanks looked at Garp, eyes serious with lips bordering onto a frown. Garp did a motion of his hand for him to continue, and to elaborate on how exactly he holds this knowledge.
"Her surname, it's Karasu. (Y/N) Karasu."
Gasps and widening of eyes went around the room, a visibly shock Garp with an open mouth was what Shanks was faced with and he waited patiently for someone to say something.
"Karasu?! Like Silver Karasu?!" Sengoku questioned, surprised.
"A half-blood no less...there were rumors and talk that he's been with a human woman the past few years..." Hancock informed, tapping her finger against the table with narrowed eyes.
"Yes," Shanks confirmed, "and from what I've seen and observed, this will bring us closer to both humans and demons with a half-blood in the Night Class. At least let us bring her to start this relationship. Half-blood's have been shown too much hate from both races, we need to change—"
Shanks blinked, looking at Garp whose face was grim. He frowned.
"I said," Garp stressed, "No. We will not have a half-blood in the Night Class. Much less the one you speak of. For you see, Silver Karasu and his lover both died not long ago." Another state of shock swept over the room, even Shanks was taken aback. Garp continued "I was friends with the man, and told me to have his daughter forever live like a human. That's what he wanted, and that's what shall happen." Garp's eye narrowed at Shanks when he was about to open his mouth.
"No, Akagami no Kyuubi. This is final. And if I hear or sense that either you or someone else in this room help awaken (Y/N)'s hidden demon side..." Garp's eyes flashed, red being seen within and his fists growing bigger, "They will face me."
Before Shanks even knew it, the moment he saw (Y/N)'s bloody lips and scratches from a full on fight between a group of cowardly human boys who could not fight one on one after school, he knew he had to do something.
It only strengthens when you said these words:
"Sometimes I wish my life was different...that...people would just accept me for what I am...or just a life that isn't this," he saw your eyes water, and saw your fists tighten to hold back the tears against his desk as you sat on it with him doing the same next to you, "Not this constant everyday life, where people..." your eyes darkened, as well as your tone, "Humans treat me like I'm a monster. Like some sort of demon." Shanks turned his head more towards you at these words, his eyes flashing in set determination. "If I could, I'd choose a different life then this..." And before you even finished, Shanks already turned your head towards him and sealed your lips with a kiss.
He felt his fox ears pop up from his head, and his numerous tails coming out from his tailbone, and leaned back with a comforting smile. Your face was a pure red, eyes wide, which were now blinking scarlet rapidly instead of your (e/c) eyes.
"Wh-what?!" You stuttered, hands coming up on your face, seeming to feel the affects of what he did.
"Nice to see you aren't panicking to the point of screaming, that would've been bad." Shanks ears atop his head twitched, a grin on his face as he scratched his neck.
You looked at him, rolled back your eyes, and fainted.
Shanks blinked, and then panicked.
"Oh no! What did I do?!"
The door to his classroom slammed open, and an angry, familiar , patroller of the school, wolf demon came in with a scowl and growled.
I honestly don't know what this is. ^_^'
One day I thought of this AU in the back of my head as Silver Blood as the main character again.
I just thought it would interesting if there was an AU that was mixed with demons, gangs, and potentially, the mafia. So THIS came about in my mind.
And I decided... I shall continue it.
I'm not sure if I will finish it, but I WILL continue it. We shall see what the future holds.
ALSO, it's not just this AU that has been on my mind. I've had plenty more, and I'm in love with all of them. XD So watch out for those too!
A few AU's will focus on SPECIFIC pairings, so some won't have a reverse harem. Just for THAT pairing. These are for the fans out there~ ^.^
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