GenderBender Shorts ~3~
Summary: The same story, the same backstory and still in One Piece universe.
The characters genders have switched however.
Drawing by @Angrykorean93 from the Strong Discord Server.
Male!SB x Female!Mihawk
After Silver Blood already trained with Mihawk but before Strong events.
Silver Blood (Male Name) has been in Mihawk's island for the past few days. You had the urge to visit the world's greatest swordsman, and like you always do—you follow your urges. If your gut said something, you tended to follow it. Your gut although has put you in precarious situations, situations you would've never imagined. Situations where your life would be changed or altered. You didn't wonder much about whether it was your gut or your heart that made you join CP9, either way, it doesn't matter now. Your just satisfied with what following your gut has brought you.
Right now, in the kitchen part of the castle that used to belong to the royal family of this kingdom—with it's elegant furnishings of black and white of kitchen appliances and a wooden pantry filled with supplies as well, you attempted to make the one meal you could.
Chicken and rice.
You moved your hands, your forearms being shown due to you having your sleeves out the way as you chopped up the raw chicken into pieces with an impressive chef knife. Your muscled arms that held controlled strength showing off as well, due to you taking off the long sleeved shirt and just leaving you in your white tank top. You didn't like having any pieces of clothing in the way while you were cooking. You were terrible at it after all. You would rather not have any more accidents occur again. That dreaded cake incident was already enough. Not to mention all the others...
You picked up the pieces of raw chicken, not perfectly cubes like Mihawk can do, an odd shape that is not quite defined with a word really. But eh, it'll taste the same. You tossed them into a bowl and added the spices you wished, the rice in the background already cooking in its pot with the correct measurements of water needed for the yellow grains. You flared your senses for a moment, double checking where Mihawk was. Seeing she was still in her lounge room where she usually read, by the large panned window that has the sun that is so rarely seen in this island in. She's probably drinking a glass of wine like she usually does as well, taking refined sips after every few pages of her book. Golden eyes not straying, completely enraptured by its contents with her usual intensity. But, you've noticed the times where those powerful piercing eyes glimmer with interest. Her brows that are usually creased between her brows relaxing for a moment in surprise, her eyes matching it as her eyes quickly skim the pages as she took in the world she is seeing with those words.
After seasoning the chicken, you put the chicken onto the oiled pan that was already hot and waiting for its task. The pieces of chicken sizzling as you used the wooden spoon to move the chicken around as it cooked, making sure all sides of the odd formed pieces of chicken were getting cooked as your thoughts continued.
You'd get lucky each time you saw it, if you happened to be in the same room and attempting to meditate but your eyes not being able to stray from the powerful woman's face. Hoping for the next time to see her face change like that. You would quickly whip your head away or close your eyes tightly if you saw her eyes glance your way, attempting to look like you were meditating the whole time and totally not staring like a creep. Oh God, you are a creep aren't you?
Here you are, trying to cook dinner for them to surprise Mihawk and hoping you don't mess this up again. And maybe she'll rise those brows and lift her full lips into a small smile at the taste just so you can see that expression again—
"You're cooking."
You gave an unmanly shout of surprise, almost dropping the wooden spoon as you turned towards the entrance of the large kitchen.
Mihawk leaned against the doorway, relaxed in her blouse with her coat now where in sight. One arm under her chest which only made it puff out more while the other still held her glass of wine. She was tilting her head just a tad, golden eyes taking in the scene quickly with barely any noticeable change. Full lips in that never changing frown, her finely made cross earrings moving slightly at the movement of her head. She than turned her eyes towards you, your face holding a slight flush in embarrassment at your reaction as well as getting caught.
"Why didn't you tell me you were gonna cook?" Mihawk stepped in, still holding her glass of wine and her arm under her chest as she stepped up towards you. Analyzing your work with critical eyes before once again turning towards you. "Didn't I say before that I should always oversee? Although, I see you've chosen the safe option." Gold moved pointedly to the chicken and than to the rice and stayed there as she awaited your answer.
She sneaked up on me again! You thought, surprised and flustered all at once. I was too distracted after I first sensed her. Ugh! Stupid brain being a creep.
"A-Ah well..." You dropped your head into a sigh, your handsome face forming a small pout from the corner of Mihawk's eyes. Mihawk hid her mouth with a sip of wine, your shoulders low as you continued to cook the chicken with the wooden spoon. Moving it this way and that. "This was supposed to be a surprise. I was gonna call you from where you were reading so we could eat together in the dining table...and I don't like feeling like I'm imposing on you. I want to help you around here. I just...well, I just wanted to cook for you. work hard."
You do a lot and have done a lot for me, Mihawk.
That's what you wanted to convey to her, the embarrassing words not wanting to leave your lips. But your eyes rose up and glanced to the side to meet hers, you think maybe she got it.
Mihawk was leaning against the island behind you, seeming to stare straight into your soul. Her lips twitched, her hand placing the glass of wine atop the island behind her. Moving both her arms to cross in front of her chest.
"I don't recall ever saying your presence was imposing on mine." You gave her a disbelieving stare over your shoulder. "Outside from that," she smoothly corrected. "I see you're upset that I ruined the surprise."
"No!" Mihawk's eyes turned towards you, only to see your neck. You lowering the heat of the oven, the chicken now ready and glistening. "You...never ruin anything, Mihawk. You couldn't." Mihawk stared, eyes seeming to glimmer behind you. You laying your hands on the countertop as you leaned against them, the arms flexing as your head bowed. "I'm just sad I'm still slow at this cooking thing. This really sucks. I'm just sorry you got a lame roommate."
A beat passed.
You felt Mihawk step up to you and grab your wrist, you blinking and lifting your head as you let her.
She had your hand between her own, yours large and filled with history of punching trees down. Rough and sturdy, shaping the story in Mihawk's eyes how this man before her has fought tooth and nail to arrive where he is now. Like she has. Her own hands holding their own history, significantly smaller from your own but capable and holding power to hold up Yoru. Elegant and pale, slim fingers but not like a noblewoman would have. For her hands also shows a history. A story.
The story of how she became the world's greatest swordsman.
She traced fingertips against your knuckles, you giving a small chuckle as you said that kinda tickled. Not realizing that those chuckles gives a tickle to her senses and spine.
Her eyes turned up to connect to yours.
"You don't ruin anything either." Your eyes widened slightly, spotting the softness. "As if a student of mine will disappoint. I do not recall however, you becoming a roommate once more here. Last I checked you are still a house guest of mine."
You released a sheepish laugh, moving your free hand to scratch behind your head. Your cap moving slightly with the movement, as Mihawk stared at the way your lips can go wide and how at ease one can feel with a laugh from you.
"Yeah, sorry Master."
Mihawk's eyes flashed and she stepped closer, the both of you now chest to chest. Your body turned hot, her being able to feel it with the hand she was still holding as you stared wide eyed and speechless at the close contact.
Mihawk lifted your hand, palm up, intense golden eyes on round (e/c) ones—and placed her lips onto it. Her eyes seeming to convey their own message, trying to reach you.
You may stay here and come back as often as you'd like, (Y/N).
She released you and you started stuttering like you tend to do when it comes to close proximities of women. Wondering what that was about as Mihawk just turned and lifted her glass of wine once more, taking a sip with lips lifted up. You taking notice of it, but not liking how it was from your own expense. Mihawk merely stating that she has said before for you to not call her by that title, it was your own fault. Your face turning into a confused scowl. Either way, the both of you sat in the dining table with the red chairs, Mihawk naturally at the head with you sitting next to her with the plates in front of you. You continuing to complain and that you'll just tease her back as you put forkfuls of food in your mouth. Mihawk doing the same, but gently and her eyes soft and her lips still quirked up.
Mihawk turned towards you with a lifted brow when she noticed you stopped talking, only staring at her with an odd expression. Her asking a silent question.
You blinked and you felt heat on your neck and cheeks, feeling rather pleased.
"Oh—er, nothing. It's just—you...really do have a nice smile Mihawk."
Another beat passed. Mihawk just stating to you to continue to eat your food, her lips still up as she went to sip her wine as you shouted that should mean a thank you. Your words than eventually moving onto a story of your adventures since the last time you've been here, muscled arms moving this way and that as you talked animatedly as she listened.
You do not realize the impact you have, Silver Blood (M/Y/N). Mihawk thought, knowing full well her golden eyes aren't their usually impassiveness but holding that touch of softness within. Her able to hide her curling lips when she takes a sip before straightening it again, although they still were twitching upwards at times from what you would say. You truly do not.
I...don't know what to say to this?
This...was pretty nice to write. I guess it just showed off SB's relationship with Mihawk more, since I haven't been able to fully explore that in Strong yet. In a way, I think it kinda feel likes a Shanks x Mihawk at times due to SB can be easygoing. But...SB isn't really smooth. Well, she/he is. But in their own way.
Either way! Hope you enjoy! 💗
Thanks again to @Angrykorean93 from the Strong Discord Server for the art!
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