something about Me
about me, myself and I…
about me, myself and I…
an archive of mine…
weird name of the weird book by a weirdo :)))chủ yếu là shitpost và mấy thứ tản mạn…
"All right 반복된 시소게임(All right, a repeated seesaw game)이제서야 끝을 내보려 해(I try to put an end to it only now)All right 지겨운 시소게임(All right, a boring seesaw game)누군간 여기서 내려야 돼(Someone has to get off this seesaw)할 순 없지만(Though I can't)"_________________________________________________(free de la hoya x unnamed fictional girl)(available in english)(under maintenance)…
"please don't forget me and all the things we did."(pure vanilla cookie x white lily cookie)(available in english)…
Storyline of "Eyes: Nonogram" by PINKHOONI.WARNING: SPOILERS!…
Bản gốc: haan003…
Bay vào đây đi, bọn mình đang cô đơn 😭…