Nhảm và nhạt
Author: Nah, chap này hơi kì tý-
Author: Nhma kệ đi, đọc đi cho zui^^
"Russ family are chilling outside"
Mandy (Rusmany): папа я голоден
Russia: Позже я отведу тебя и твою маму в ресторан, моя принцесса.
Germany: Können wir zu Hause essen? Ich habe heute ein leckeres Rezept fürs Abendessen bekommen
Russia: Твой выбор
Mandy: Мама, ты приготовишь мне курицу? ..
Germany: Natürlich!
Mandy: Спасибо! я люблю тебя больше всего мама
Germany: Ich liebe dich auch Mandy!
"They come home"
"When they come home, it's 7:32 already"
Germany: Ok, ich koche Abendessen. Rus, du musst die Kleider waschen //beginnt zu kochen//
Russia: мое удовольствие, любовь
Germany: Mandy!! Sie müssen sich ein wenig ausruhen
Mandy: Да, я отдохну, мама
"Skip the scene from Russia's family to Finand's familyyy!!"
"They're playing with their cats"
Finland: Sena, tule tänne
"Sena (his cat's name) approach him"
Finland: Kiva..
Estonia: Ma olen nii näljane, võib-olla lähen suppi keetma.
Finland: Ei, teen sen puolestasi. ilo on minun puolellani //nouse ylös//
Estonia: okei, aitäh..
Finland: Ei ongelmia rakkaani
"Continue skip scene to Vietnam's family--"
"I love them loll"
Vietnam: Nè, đói khum my loveee~
Cuba: Nah, I don't.. (I can't find the language, so I'll use English for her. Or because she prefers English-)
Vietnam: Oke, nhma chị đói waaaa.. Baby nấu cho chị ít mì được khumm...
Cuba: Fine.
Vietnam: Then kiu baby, love u so muchhh~
Cuba: No prob- //goes in the kitchen and starts cooking//
"Skip the scene to Poland!!"
Poland: jestem taki znudzony..
Author: //appears// Hello Polskaaa!!
Poland: Oh cześć!
Author: I'm so bored
Poland: Ja też..
Author: Wanna play somewhere?
Poland: Oczywiście!
Author: Your choice
Poland: Czy możemy iść do kina? Jest nowy film, obejrzyjmy go
Author: Sureee!
"They go to the cinema and watch the new movie"
Poland: Kocham to!
Author: Love it too lol
Poland: Jestem głodny, chcesz zjeść pizzę?
Author: You'll pay?
Author: NAHHH-
"Cut the scene"
Hết rồi!
Xin lỗi tại tnhien có ý tưởng viết linh tinh ấy mà
Mà hoi, baiii
Love you wahhh!!!
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