I don't mind spending everyday
Out on Your corner in the pouring rain.
Look for the girl with the broken smile.
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved, and she will be loved.
Maroon 5 - she will be loved
"Just as I said this is the hell holes lunch room" ash said with a slight grin on his perfectly defined face. "Hmm" I hummed silently. "So where do you sit? I asked. " well if you care to know I sit right over.. there" ash said as he pointed to the corner of the large cafeteria with seats vacant. " I could feel you judging me babe, but it's okay I get it. I know I seem like the guy who would probably have lots of friends and shitt but honestly I'm not I'm just Ashton. Feel me?"
"Yeah ash I 'feel you' but can we just go sit down now my feet are getting tired" ohhh Yeah Yeah of course"
As ash and I walked to the vacant table across the room. I realized that he was really quiet. "Hey are you okay? You seem kinda quiet.." "Yeah I'm okay" he said with a timid smile. "Um okay?" I said moving away from him slightly. Ashton grabbed my hand and said in a soft voice " I'm sorry love I've just been thinking a lot and I'm just sorry" he said with a frustrated look while running his hands through his hair.
"Ugh fuck your so sexy" I said "what?" Ash said with a slight smirk "nothing haha.. " I said my cheeks getting as red as a tomato. "Don't worry babe I think you're pretty
beautiful and sexy babe"
"Um no ew I'm fucking ugly I don't even know what your talking about" I said with a slight blush on my cheeks.
"Wait , what did you say?" Ash said " I said that I'm fuc-" I suddenly was stopped mid sentence when Ashton was suddenly pulling me out of my seat and out of the lunch room.
Ash where are we goi-" I was cut short when Ashton was suddenly pushing me into a wall(gently).
He put my wrist up against the wall and said gently "you are beautiful do you hear me. Don't ever say that again you are the most beautiful person I have ever met in my entire life and Im 17. I wish I could show you how beautiful you are princess"
"Thank you Ashton , that was just thank you no ones ever said that to me before" i said as tears were threatening to spill from my glossy eyes.
Ashton let go of hands and softly held me in his arms as he said "You will be loved and I'll show you".
Hey you guys!! I'm so sorry for taking so long to update & im so sorry for the short chapter I really hope it'll be longer next time 😔 but thank you guys so much I love you ❤️❤️ thank you so much for reading until next time loves😊
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