Chapter 10: Reality or Simulation (Part 2)
In the previous part, Silva was found herself trapped inside the simulation of a wild west place called Western Spaghetti. She met Alize, a new cowgirl of it even shs was utterly shocked when she heard her beloved older brother Kairma was behind the simulation. She was in denial as she couldn't believe it, Alize noticed that as she tried to reassure her
Alize: Silva my partner I'm sorry but it has to be the truth.... But I assumed you..... You are inside your own nightmare, you had to wake up, matey..... *She placed a comforting hand on her shoulder* actually I am the real person, it is real me.... I also trapped inside this, too....
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): But how is- *her words get cut off*
Before Silva spoke, there was a chilling laughter that come from next to her. Silva was slowly looking and her pupil eyes were widened in fear. The person next to her is indeed Kairma, her own older brother but he seems different. He gave her a creepy smiled on her face and his hand held a metal bat
Kairma¿: Hello my dear younger sister~ Are you surprised to find out that you are in my world hm~?
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): O...Older brother....? What happened to you....?!
Kairma¿: *He was giggling sinisterly* I a perfectly fine, sister~ But I'm afraid I will have to do this~~
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): Do wha-
Kairma¿: Oh you'll find out soon~ But now...~ *Without warning, he was hitting her head hard with his metal bat cause her fell unconscious* hehehe, I will have so much fun to "play" with you, younger sister~~
Again, Silva was slowly opening her eyes and seeing herself was inside a hotel room. She was rubbing her eyes and trying to process what happened. She was looking down at herself and noticing she was now wearing her cowgirl outfit instead of a current outfit
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): Why do I wear this outfit? I don't understand... The last time I remembered is getting hit from behind.... But then again, I wake up in this bed....
Kairma¿: Well well well, my dear younger sister is awake~ How cute~~
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): What the heck was that-
Kairma¿: *He pressed a button on a remote that caused the explosion included Silva inside*
Then again, Silva was waking up at the same bed and the same hotel room. She was perplexed yet she was seeing an villain version of her older brother Kairma behind her. This time, he was touching her that electrocuted her caused her to pass out. Then she was waking up again, she was trying to sneak out of a room but Kairma¿ was slowly carrying her to the river and throwing her. Silva was trying her best to swim up but she was drowning then closing her eyes. Once again, Silva was waking up and it was keeping repeated over and over again like trapping inside a never-ending loop until one month later, Silva was nearly insane
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *She was mumbling herself* please don't toture me.... I am sane.... I am okay..... Please spare me.... Please have mercy on me.... *She kept repeating saying that while her eyes were having a bloodshot as they were twitched*
Alize: Hey are you okay, matey? You seems.... insane....
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *Looked at her while going insane* do you think I am fine....? Of course not, I was being tormented by him.... He wasn't leaving me aloned.... He was enjoying toying with my emotions.... It's been one month since he was doing that.... For the God sake.... It was like a never-ending loop.... Everytime I was fainted or passed out, I was waking up the same bed; the same room like I was respawned over and over and over and over again..... You.... Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a month....
Alize: *She was slightly frowned as she was speaking in an apologetic tone* I am so sorry for not being here with you, matey.... You see, I am trying to how to get you back into reality.... If only I was here, I was able to stop Kairma¿ from harming you..... I think he was tortuing you because he wanted you to experiment what it feels like.... inside a simulation.....
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *She was giggling insanely while having tears* I don't like this.... I want to go home.... I want to live in a normal life..... I don't want this.....
Alize: *She was pulling Silva into a hug* I wish I could help you, matey.... Wait I have an idea but it may be risky.... Come I'll show you *as she was walking down the desert*
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *She was following her while trying to keep herself calm. She was clinging onto her sanity* where are we going exactly....?
Alize: Just wait and see... *Then she was running to the biggest rock, she was using all her strength to lift it up* take a look at this
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): Huh? What is that?!
Alize: Well this is a special tornado that I am making it during your so-called belove brother's messed up west. You see I am trying to create that but at the same time, I am having to play dumb so that Kairma¿ can't find out. I am seeing what's he doing to you and I am knowing myself not gived up trying. After 5 or 6 times, I managed to create this. Once you stepped inside it, you would be able to return back to reality that means you would wake up. Don't worry about me, matey.... I will see you soon, please take good care of yourself..... Matey.....
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *She was gulping and looking at Alize one last time before nodding her head* thank you Alize.... Thank you.... Thank you so much.... You have no idea how grateful that you are trying to help me.... I hope one day, we will meet again and we will be friends.....
Alize: *She was smiling faintly* I glad to be your friend, matey.... Cya in reality....
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): Right.... *As she stepped inside it and disappeared in the thin air*
After Silva was stepping inside a special tornado. She was now opening her eyes at once and looking around, she realized she was inside her own room which means she was inside the SMG4 Castle and she was in reality. She was seeing the real Kairma was sitting on a chair, watching over her. She was tackling him and hugging him while breathing heavily. Kairma was glad to see she was okay, then Silva told him everything about her nightmare that included her own experience about getting herself trapped inside Western Spaghetti. Kairma was concerned about his younger sister's health then told her to get some rest. Silva and Kairma are hugging each other but then Silva was seeing Alize stood outside, she gave her a friendly smiled. Silva was smiling at Alize as well then decided to introduce Alize to her real; beloved older brother Kairma. The trio were chatting each other and enjoying their normal day in the end.
Hey everyone, I did try my best to write this second part. Anyways here's the video that credited to SMG4. It's called SMG4 Movie: WESTERN SPAGHETTI
I wrote a bit of different from that movie like instead of using a g////n to sh00t Silva that caused her to loose her bl00d and then she respawned right at the hotel. It just it kinda made you feels a bit of uncomfortable so I write a different scene so yeah, have a nice day everyone :3
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