Chapter 19: Final showdown
As Apezj was lost in thought, Vulemie was tapping her behind. She wanted to speak to her something is really important
Apezj: Oh hey Vulemie, what is it?
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): I did receive this letter and it did have a weird TV symbol on it...
Apezj: *She is opening and reading*
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): What does it say....?
Apezj: It said met Mr Puzzles at the studio....
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): Studio huh?
Apezj: Yeah but he did metion to come alone, don't go with anyone
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): Who is Mr Puzzles....?
Apezj: How could I say this? Mr Puzzles was a weird TV guy who was manipulated and brainwashed the SMG4 Crew except Saiko and Melony for some reasons.... He wanted to use them for his entertainment, also wanted to make his best show..... Not only that, do you know what is his main goal? It's to get the friggin 5 stars, you got that? He wants every show has 5 stars....
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): *She gasped* so he wanted to use them for his show? That's totally illegal....
Apezj: *Sighed* I know but I am freakin glad that Mario was safe and sound. He was completely free from Mr Puzzles's control but.... the SMG4 Crew is still.....
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): Do you want me to get the others to help you....? I don't think you can handle him because he had a great strength....
Apezj: I....
Just before Apezj finished her setence, another pressence was nearby. It was Yokepi who was eavesdropping a whole conversation between Apezj and Vulemie. She was clentching her fist in determined
Yokepi: I'm not gonna let that TV bastard to kidnap the SMG4 Crew... We have to rescue them and free them....
Apezj: But how....? They were trapped inside his own TV head.....
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): Oh looked who's here
SMG12: I will help, we can defeat Mr Puzzles together as a team
SMG16: Me too I will join in
SMG21: Don't forget about us *as he winked his robotic eye*
SMG22: We will try our best to beat that Mr Puzzles's arse
SMG28: *She nodded her head while floating with her meddium wings* I will come
Ani: Hey big sis Vulemie and my friend Apezj, we will help you two
Kairma: Don't forget about us, this is gonna be our real battle
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *She was holding her splattershot* let's do it but does anyone know the location where the SMG4 Crew being held?
Atlas: *He was searching on his phone* oh dear Lord... I think right now he was forcing them to participate in for his show
Ezra (Kairma's evil counterpart): God damn it, that must be some kind of an unknown void.... Now how the hell are we supposed to save them...?
Olesa: *She was thinking* hold on a minute.... Is that an opera that far away from the SMG4 Castle....?
Sozineo: Oh? Now that you metion it, my insicts are telling me that this opera is where he was succeed got 5 stars and he would even brainwash the viewers to watch his show as well....
Alize: *She was holding her gun* aye partners, I am real in reality and oh man... This situation is getting tense.....
Hozi (Kairma's old friend): But what are we gonna do....? We can't just be a sitting duck and let him change the reality once he gets those 5 stars....
Lynx (Ani's old friend): Hm... I think I have a plan but it's gonna be a risky one..... So who's with me...?
Cazokai: We are, we will be on your side. Oh we are gonna be a big team
Faizalita: That's right because we are sticking together, nothing can stop us
SMG1: I will join this team, oh yeah. Time to show him the true power
SMG2: *He chuckled* can't wait to see his reaction when he sees everyone is standing up to him
Saiko Bichitaru: *She is holding her big hammer* time to smash his TV head, I like to fight against him
Melony: *She is taking out a sword* the battle between us and Mr Puzzles was on....
Mario: Don't forget about Mario, Mario just want to watch a TV :<
Time skip for many shows that Mr Puzzles made. He is finally achieving his goal was 5 stars yet he was also hosting "Mr Puzzles show spetacular" then the SMG4 Crew were singing together in their boring voice. Mr Puzzles was forced them to smile during sing that, he was thanking them for helping him reached to 5 stars. But then before he continued his special show, Mario was appeared. Mr Puzzles was irrated yet he did brainwash Mario. Once again, Mario was tripping and he was breaking a few things that made Mr Puzzles loose a bit control. The SMG4 Crew were gaining their control back a bit, SMG4 was whispering to Mario that do what he does best. Mario then excited to ruin Mr Puzzles's special show by rambling; doing a stupid thing. Hozi and Lynx were secretly leading the SMG4 Crew back to the SMG4 castle without getting noticed or caught by Mr Puzzles. Meanwhile in a castle, everyone was setting up everything that included a small stage. They were helping SMG4 to get 5 stars by doing a silly show, after that SMG4 almost had 5 stars but then... Mr Puzzles had enough then he decided to retire the SMG4 Crew, Luigi blocked them yet he got shot.... Everyone was shocked but to their surprised, Luigi was now becoming himself as the Meat Mallet. That's when the final showdown was began
Yokepi: *She is kicking his stomach hard* ha that's what you get!
Apezj: *She is charging at him and turning off his power* now you are powerless, Mr Puzzles
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): *She was punching his leg* how is that huh?
SMG12: *She is blocking his magic bullet by using her sword* oh I can dodge it, piece of cake!
SMG16: *She is sitting on his left shoulder then messing up his TV screen* oh come on why do you be menacing? You are like a walking comedy villain that straight out in comedy show
SMG21: *He is shooting Mr Puzzles with a gun that appeared on his head*
SMG22: *She is blowing a sprinkle at Mr Puzzles's screen* geez that should leave you a dust....
SMG28: *She is doing her spinning kicked right at his chest* even your size was Huge but sorry to break it to you Mister, you are no match for us now!
Ani: *He is playing a loud volume with his guitar* oh can you feel the music to your screen? It's called out to you
Kairma: *He is punching Mr Puzzles's musscles* oh that would be hurt
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *She was throwing a splat bomb* get exploded, you psycho!
Atlas: *He is throwing a bunch of onions to his TV mouth* I bet you got spicy from that, deserved....
Ezra (Kairma's evil counterpart): *He is releasing a big illusion hole that made Mr Puzzles thought that he was falling* you had a nice taste of my trick, you big maniac!
Olesa: *She is holding a stick then hitting with it* take this and this and that!
Sozineo: *He is holding a walkie talkie and trying to communicate with Alize* get ready, that TV arse was nearing you
Alize: Roger that, I am on it. *She is right behind Mr Puzzles and shooting him from behind with her gun*
Hozi (Kairma's old friend) & Lynx (Ani's old friend): *They were doing their double kicked straight out his lower private part*
Cazokai: *Throwing his spear at his hand* that made you caught of guard so surprised ha!
Faizalita: *He is throwing a banana peel which made Mr Puzzles slipped over it* haha that's what they called a flatted pancaked. Because of your flat body on the ground looks like it!
SMG1 & SMG2: *They were holding hands yet they could feel the meme energies were slowly merging together, they were throwing it at Mr Puzzles which caused him left in pain*
Saiko Bitchitaru: Received this hit from me, you Puzzlevision rip off! *As she slammed her harmet at his right shoe*
Melony: *She is slicing his TV screen with her sword* encore you meanie TV!
Mario: *He was watching the final fight with a popcorn* this popcorn seems good, Mario had a good time
Luigi: *He is hitting him by himself* haha!
Bob Bobowski: *He is shooting Mr Puzzles with a two gun*
Tari: *Her robotic arm was switching into a revolver then shoot*
Meggy Spletzer: *She is shooting his screen with her usual splattershot*
SMG3: *He is throwing two bombs at Mr Puzzles while grinning*
Fishy Boopkins: *Throws a toy hammer at Mr Puzzles's back from behind*
Mr Puzzles: Seriously you dumb fish, that's what you called fight...?~ *Then he was hitting Fishy Boopkins with his hand and he was fuming with anger* ENOUGH!~~
SMG4: *He is recording everything then he is seeing a screen showed 5 and a half star* guys we did it... We made it to 5 stars, we finally won. Victory was ours!
Everyone was cheering and Mr Puzzles slowly sinking down to his normal size. He realized that he was defeated, all the 5 stars were broken yet a crybaby image appeared on his TV screen. He just wanted to make the best show yet his whole body was backed into his TV head. Kairma was holding Luigi the Meat Mallet then sending him to a sky by hitting it while his expression was fulled of determined. Everyone was finally relaxed and Mario was still watching TV.
Hey everyone it's Ngọc Thiên, I did try my best to write this chapter tho and I could tell that this chapter was a final showdown. I did also write almost like this movie, it's called SMG4 Movie: PUZZLEVISSION but add a bit different is instead of SMG4, Kairma was sending Mr Puzzles's TV head on the sky. Anyways see you later in a final chapter, have a nice day everyone :>
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