Chapter 2: Meeting the SMG4 Crew
One day, in the SMG4 castle. Kairma was still process eveerything and he was blushing a bit when he was thinking about SMG4 who gives him a dry clothes. He was using all of his courage to express his feelings towards SMG4, so he was going straight to SMG4's room and knocking on a door.
Kairma: *He was knocking on SMG4's room door* hey um SMG4, may I talk to you?
SMG4: *Was opening a door* oh Kairma, come in and yes what is it you want to talk about?
Kairma: *He was stepping inside SMG4's room and sitting on a bed* um remember the dry clothes you gave me?
SMG4: Hm yes I did remember that and why?
Kairma: Well because... Because I... um.... *He was playing with his two fingers* I think I have a crush on you, SMG4.... You see, after you gave me a dry clothes. It makes my body feel warm and even my new appearance in your universe was making me feel extreme um.... great. I um.... I do like you for real.... I really really like you..... *He was holding his hand while looking deep into his both eyes* SMG4 I do love you in a romantic way..... I know it's kinda weird since we both males but my heart was racing even faster when I thought about you.....
SMG4: *There was a small blush shown on his face* oh dear, I never knew you felt that way Kairma... Well honestly I have to say this... I am feeling the same way as yours, Kairma.... *He was stroking his hair* you know, when people said "love at a first sight" which means they were in love each other when they first met. For example, you were falling in love with me so you were loving me at a first sight....
Kairma: *His face turns pinkish red and he finds the right word to say* um I... I.... I wanted us to be together, SMG4. I think I will be safe around you...
SMG4: *He was chuckling then bringing his face closer to Kairma's face. He was kissing his cheek* there, I know you want it because I can see your cheeks were rosy. I can tell you really love me heh, you find yourself adorable you know that
Kairma: *He was taken aback when received a kiss from SMG4. He was laying down on a bed and his whole face was completely red like a tomato*
SMG4: Oops, I think I did break you. Hehehe my bad but I really enjoyed this every moment....
Back to reality, Vamy was going to KiA's house and then he was searching for him everywhere. Unfortunately, there was no sign of him. Vamy seems worried about his best friend KiA until he was seeing a portal. The portal was shinning as it was sucking Vamy in, too which leads Vamy lands his face on the ground. Vamy was looking at his both hands as he was noticing there's something really different. Vamy sees a man who has black beard wears a dark purpish overall, his hat has a skull on it. A man was cleaning a cup and he was aware of that new visitor's pressence
?????: Hello there new visitor, welcome to my café. I'm SMG3 how can I help you? *As he asked him in a polite way*
Vamy: Um hey um I'm Vamy, nice to meet you. Sorry for entering your café without your permission but I am looking for my best friend KiA. Have you seen him?
SMG3: You, too Vamy and sorry no... I haven't seen someone is KiA. Can you tell me what's going on? *He was raising his eyebrow while looking at him*
Vamy: Well it was an early morning, KiA have discovered an unknown portal that sudden appeared at his house. He called me on his found and thought tha I was the one who pulls a prank on him. I was at my house and then his phone was hung up. I searched everywhere at his house but couldn't find him. Until I found an unknown portal that KiA talked about and it sucked me in as well.... *He speaks fast while panicked a bit*
SMG3: Woah woah calm down, take it easy Vamy so you said an unknown portal was appeared at your best friend KiA's house then he was disappeared right after that... Hm.... Anyways, do you want some coffee? You look kinda exhausted....
Vamy: Yeah sure, I would like a cacao coffee please *as he was sitting on a chair while rubbing his chin with his left hand* why do I feel like my whole appearance was completely way far different.....?
SMG3: I think that's because once you were transported into this universe, your appearance was changing which makes sense why your appearance was different. And about a cacao coffee you ordered, I will do it right away *he was turning on the coffee machine and pressing the button. He was even add a bit of sugar in a cacao coffee* hey do you want me to add a bit of a sugar?
Vamy: I mean sure since it was your own café, SMG3. So what universe is this?
SMG3: *He was putting a cup of cacao coffee on a table* it's called SMG4 universe. Let me tell you something, SMG4 was a funny meme guy who is a Youtuber that makes blooper videos. I'm a part of his main crew
Vamy: *He was taking a sip of it* wait did you just say "SMG4 Universe"? Oh god.... Which means KiA was in this, too. I must find him, I am so worried about his health and his safety.... And you said you were a part of the main SMG4 Crew, is that right?
SMG3: That is indeed true, Va- *he gets interrupted*
Before SMG3 was finished his setence, there was a silhouette. It was a human girl who has an orange hair, she was sitting right next to Vamy. She was curious about this new visitor so she decided to speak up
???: Hey SMG3 who is that new visitor in your café?
SMG3: Oh *ahem* that's Vamy, he's from a different world that has transported into this SMG4 universe....
Vamy: Um hi I'm Vamy, what's your name?
???: The name was Meggy, Meggy Spletzer. I used to be an inkling before I was a human, I was also the Splatfest Champion. Besides, I loved playing sport and wanted to be a coach to teach everyone about strength and physical
Vamy: Oh I see so you were now a human. I must say you look amazed as a human, Meggy
Meggy: Heh thanks Vamy *she was looking at a new message* hey looked it's SMG4 who send this message. He wants to gathered us around the main lobby at his castle. Come on Vamy!
SMG3: Wait wait hang on a sec, I think SMG4 needs to give Vamy a new name too, doesn't he?
Meggy: Oh right almost forgot, me and SMG3 will show you the SMG4 castle
Vamy: Um alright *as he was finished drinking a cup of cacao coffee* man this coffee was tasted so good. *He was standing up and following them*
In the SMG4 castle, the main SMG4 Crew was in the main lobby as SMG4 was making an annoucement. But before that, he saw another new visitor Vamy was in his castle so he was welcomed him in a greet way
SMG4: Greetings another newcomer, welcomed to my castle. I'm SMG4 the host of this castle and you are?
Vamy: I'm Vamy a best friend of KiA, your castle designed was neat and amused not gonna lie
SMG4: Oh? A best friend of KiA, wow that sounds cool ok so I will give you a new name. What about Ani? I think Ani was suited for your nice personality
Ani: Sure I would love this new name and was he in there?
SMG4: Yes I will call him out, oh Kairma someone wants to meet you!
Kairma: Ye? Wait... *He was looking closely* Vamy is that you? Oh my god dude! I'm so happy to see you!! *He was tackling hugged him tight*
Ani: Me too dude me too, oh KiA I was looking for you everywhere. I couldn't believe that you were actually here!
Kairma: I know and let's listen to what SMG4 announced....
SMG4: Attention everyone I will make my announcement, ok first of all we have two newcomers were Kairma and Ani. Please welcome them everyone!
Meggy: Welcome, welcome to the SMG4 castle!
SMG3: *He was smiling in a friendly way* wow two newcomers in the SMG4 castle, that would be nice
???????: Hey there you two, I'm Saiko Bichitaru or just Saiko for short *as she carried her big hammer over her shoulder*
?????: Hi um my name is Tari *as she was waving a little while feeling shy*
??: Hi I'm Bob Bobowski, a buisnessman who loves money and a rapper. Pleased to meet you two *he was waving*
??????: Hi I'm Fishy Boopkins or Boopkins for short. I love watching anime, I hope we can get along *he was showing his cheerful side to them*
????: Hi I'm Melony, a human female watermelon who loves to sleep and loves the cute things. It's my pleasure to meet you two *she was making a cute face while looking at both of them with excited*
??????: Hello it's a me Mario, wahoo! Mario has 100 IQ, Mario loves the spaghetti! Mario wants to meet you two :> *his eyes were derby while looking at both of them*
?: Hi I'm a Luigi, I'm a Mario's twin little brother. I'm a timid person but I can hang out with new visitor like you *he was speaking in his nervous tone*
Apezj: Hello I'm a new SMG4 character and also a part of the main SMG4 Crew, Apezj that's my name. My ability is to read people's emotions, I will use it for good so no worries
??: Um heya SMG4 did create me as your evil counterpart Kairma but don't worry, I changed for the better and I would become an improved person to help everyone. I wouldn't cause any harms to them well the name is Ezra. SMG4 did add me as a member of his main crew
??????: Hi there I'm Silva or Sil for short. SMG4 creates me as Kairma's younger sister. I'm also a part of the main SMG4 Crew and I can't wait to see what ahead us
????: The name is Vulemie, you see SMG4 did create me as Ani's big sister. I think he would like to have a big sister so here I am now, I'm also join in the main SMG4 Crew
???: Oh? I guess it's my turn then, I'm Olesa a new human that created by SMG4. Myself was wanting to be a part of the main SMG4 Crew and my dream was coming true! It's nice to meet you two
????????: Hi I'm Sozineo, a young man who was always come to help and support the main SMG4 Crew. *He was bowing his head at both of them* the main SMG4 Crew will always welcome you two here, newcomers!
Ani: Oh wow, pleased to meet everyone. We were appriciated for you all to welcome us
Kairma: Yeah and we couldn't thank enough thanks to SMG4 for letting us stay in his castle
SMG4: Oh hohoho no problem you both. Since everyone was introducing themselves to you two. Here is my second announcement *as he was clearing throat* it's about we were going to recreate my whole movie
Bob: Huh? Recreate your whole movie?
Saiko: Like you wanted to start over or something?
Tari: That sounds a bit weird, I think recreated a whole movie must be a bit of difficult
Melony: I totally agreed with you, Tari *as she was hugging a pillow*
Meggy: So let me get this straight, you want to recreate a whole movie because you'd love to?
SMG3: I honestly don't know but what kind of a movie we recreate
Fishy Boopkins: Um guys.... There's something wrong about SMG4, look at him....
Mario: Ooooooooo is SMG4 was laughing like he was happy to recreate that? :>
Luigi: No Mario, something is off about him..... That laughter of his seems creely and unselting....
Apezj: *She was reading SMG4's feeling and she was utterly shocked* no way.... His feeling was.... was..... insane..... I mean, he was laughing like a madman.....
Ezra: Wait what happened to SMG4? This isn't normal.... *He seems concerned*
Silva: I don't think SMG4's health was ok honestly..... He seems kinda insane I think
Vulemie: Ye I mean, SMG4 must be insane over something... Himself was driven into a madness..... *She was feeling a bit of fearful*
Olesa: *She was seeing a note right next to SMG4* huh? I notice a note was right there
Sozineo: I wondered what does it say, I started to have a bad feeling about this....
SMG4: *He was laughing insanely and he was reading a note that wrote by himself. He was looking at his main Crew with bloodshot eyes, he was speaking in his insanity tone* hehehehehehe that's right. We're going to recreate my whole movie called SMG4 MOVIE: IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Ani: WHAT? It's gotta be perfect movie?? I dunno what that means but I don't like the sound a bit
Kairma: Same dude, I don't think SMG4 was-
But then the lights of the SMG4 castle was flickering as SMG4 continued laughing like a madman. He seems insane at any second. Everyone was petrified in fear and horrified at the sight of the leader of the main SMG4 Crew, SMG4 himself was going nuts. Everyone was wondering what happened next as that's the end of the chapter 2.
Hey everyone Ngọc Thiên is here, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter 2 of this new story. I was so grateful for you all to read it. And about what happened to SMG4, find out in the chapter 3. Ok so here's the photo of the main SMG4 Crew that I found it on SMG4 wiki
1. SMG3
2. Meggy Spletzer
3. Tari
4. Saiko Bichitaru
5. Melony
6. Bob Bobowski
7. Fishy Boopkins
8. Mario
9. Luigi
Yup here they are the main SMG4 Crew, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will see you in the next chapter. But I warn you a bit, the next chapter is a bit of horror scene. To those who didn't know "IT'S GOTTA BE PERFECT" movie. How to explain this, ok so basically it was a SMG4 Movie about SMG4 was focusing on making a perfect video at Peach castle before his own castle was built. He was driving himself insane and he was even buying an eldritch keyboard by that an unknown TV popped up on his computer screen. So apparently, SMG4 was loosing his reality that he was going nuts. And so SMG3, Meggy, Mario was coming to rescue SMG4 from that eldritch keyboard. But the Peach Castle was already sinking down deep into an underground because it was completely corrupted by an unknown horrorfic creatures. Oh yes this is the video that I talked about, in the next chapter. They will recreate this whole movie, that's all and love you everyone X3
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