Chapter 20: Return to a real world
After the whole battle of Mr Puzzles, everyone was doing their daily task. Suddenly SMG4 was secretly making a portal that appeared. Kairma was confused yet he asked him
Kairma: Um SMG4? What is this portal leads us to?
SMG4: It's to your real world, silly. I think it's time for us to say goodbye. I am actually missed your four, we have such the adventure together
Ani: But what about our new names?
SMG4: Your new name shall be keep, for now... Once you returned, the memory of my universe is still in flesh.....
Cazokai: *He looked at everyone* oh my god I'm gonna missed this universe.... We had so much fun.....
Faizalita: Me too but just remember we're belong to our real world, doesn't mean our memories would be errased.....
SMG4: That is true... *He is trying to hold back his tears* thank you so much for being in this universe..... We wouldn't forget this moment.....
Kairma: *He is wiping SMG4's tears* SMG4 it's okay to cry, we can visit you at anytimes we want
Ani: Mhm and I can't wait to taste a different kind of coffee in SMG3's Bomb Café
SMG3: Heh I would always welcome you there, buddy
Cazokai: So this is our last time right?
Faizalita: Yup.... But we promised that we would come to this SMG4 Universe....
SMG4: *He is smiling weakly then waving goodbye* so long you four, goodbye
Everyone: *They were also waving goodbye to Kairma; Ani; Cazokai & Faizalita*
And so the four stepped inside a portal yet they were returned to a real world. Now their names were KiA; Vamy; Namlkun and Bảo Mập. The four were in KiA's house as his room was completely cleaned. KiA was glancing as his younger sister who named is Thảo
KiA: Hey young sis, what are you doing?
Thảo: Oh well I was drawing a photo of my SMG4 OC, older brother. Her name was Silva, I did watch some of SMG4 videos. It was comedic and epic
KiA: I see, who did clean my room?
Thảo: Oh your room.... I did see your wife was cleaning your room while you were gone..... So where have you been?
KiA: Oh yeah right I forgot that I had a beautiful wife. About that, it's a long story but right now I need to relax....
Thảo: Seems like you are tired, older brother. Why don't you take a shower and have a lunch with me? It's now 11:00pm....
KiA: Ah right, I need some food now....
Meanwhile with Vamy, he is seeing his younger sister Tâm is sleeping on the couch. He is quietly carrying her and putting her on a bed, then he is noticing that Tâm's eyes are slowly opening. She is quickly hugging him
Tâm: Big bro Vamy, you are home. Oh god, I thought you are kidnapped or something
Vamy: Woah woah easy Tâm easy.... It just I have a long adventure but I will explain to you later, where is Xuân? (Note: I didn't know what Vamy's big sister name so I come up a name for her is Xuân)
Tâm: Oh you meant our elder sister? She is doing her business in her room
Vamy: Ah make sense... I think I need- *then he is falling asleep in his bed*
Tâm: Big bro, get some rest okay....? *As she is slowly putting a blanket covered his body*
Xuân: *She is now cooking some delicious food at a kitchen* my dear young siblings, it's lunch time....
Tâm: Coming! *She is going downstair*
With Namlkun and Bảo Mập, they are living a different house yet they are finally taking a break after the whole SMG4 Universe. They seems had lunch with their own family and everything is going back to normal
Hey everyone Ngọc Thiên's here, thank you so much for reading this whole story. It's my own idea to came up this crossover between Team Lầy and SMG4, anyways this is the last chapter. Hopefully you would enjoy this new story. So anyways have a nice day and see you later :3
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