Chapter 7: Yokepi is here?
(Note: The SMG4 Crew are returned in this chapter. Even Sozineo, Ezra, Apezj, Silva, Vulemie and Olesa as well so keep that in mind)
Inside SMG4's castle, in the middle of the castle lobby. There is an female Animatronic who dressed up a bit same as SMG. Everyone inside it seems curious and examined her. SMG3 was the first one to speak
SMG3: Where did that so-called Animatronic come from?
SMG4: I don't know, never seen anything like this before....
Mario: Ooooooooo was it a spaghetti machine? :>
Luigi: No Mario, this is a female robot not a spaghetti machine
Fishy Boopkins: Who is she? Does she have a name or something?
Bob Bobowski: *He took a note from her hands and read it* "Yokepi"?
Saiko Bichitaru: Yokepi huh? I wondered who is Yokepi
Meggy Spletzer: *She was rubbing her chin in thought* I think that's her name I assumed
Tari: So Yokepi is that robotic's name? Why isn't she moving?!
Melony: Probably because she was in her sleep mode I think. We just wait until she is awake
SMG12: But I still wondered what is this shiny thing on the ground? *As she picked it up and looked*
SMG16: Wait it looks like some kind of a coin or something
SMG21: *His eyes were scanning it* seems like it, this was indeed a coin. That item can be useful I supposed
SMG22: But how can we use this coin? Also I could see her mouth is opened....
SMG28: Now that you metioned it, her mouth was indeed opened. Probably insert coin by putting it inside?
Ezra (Kairma's evil counterpart): *He was speaking in his usual friendly tone* let's try that. Who knows what will happen? So who is inserting coin?!
Silva (Kairma's younger sister): *She gulped nervously* I will do it *as she slowly takes the coin and steps forward until she is in front of the female robotic*
Vulemie (Ani's big sister): Be careful Silva, we don't know what that robotic capable of but we need to keep guard up
Sozineo: *He was nodding his head as he watched Silva* don't worry, we have your back Silva! Just put that coin inside her mouth
Apezj: *She was researching while observing the scene as she stayed silently*
Olesa: You got this, Silva. Fear not, we were not going anywhere and not leaving you behind. You had our words, remember that
The member of Team Lầy were silently watching the scene, Silva was now putting a coin inside her mouth. Everyone was watching from afar, to their surprise. The female Animatronic was rebooting and she was opened her eyes. Her mouth was still opened wided and that's when she was started speaking
??????: *She waved politely* greetings, my name is Yokepi. As you can see, my appearance does seems looked normal but inside of me is a machine. I'm actually an abandoned Animatronic who is a bit of SMG-like
Everyone was shocked to her introduction, Sozineo is feeling pity towards her then he is speaking directly to her
Sozineo: Oh dear, so you're Yokepi the abandoned Animatronic? My name is Sozineo and I feel sorry for you. But could you tell us the reason why?
Yokepi: *Her eyes were moving to the ground as she was speaking in a sadness tone* well.... It just, after the creator did create me. He did decided to keep me stay with him at first.... But then, something is going wrong..... He is simply bored and tired because there is no customer in his restaurant.... And.... *Tears were welling up her both eyes* he blamed me, he told me it was my fault that wasn't enough to perform them.... I tried to explain but he wasn't listened.... He kicked me out of his restaurant and that's the whole reason why I was left like this.....
Everyone was feeling sympathy for Yokepi, Kairma was clentching his fist as he was completely furious about her creator
Kairma: Damn it, he shouldn't scold at you like that. This is unfair for you, Yokepi. I can't believe he is such a selfish man who is only thinking about gained the customers that completely forgot about you.... Do you remember what's his name?
Yokepi: *She was thinking for a moment before answering his question* I think it's.... It's.... Let me try to remember his name..... I think it's..... Enzo....
SMG4 and SMG3 were totally shocked at Enzo's name. SMG4 was in disbelief and SMG3 was speechless. After a while, SMG3 broke the silence by speaking in a horrified tone
SMG3: Enzo? Are you sure that's his name? Is this some kind of a sick joke?!
Yokepi: No I am serious.... I think his name was Enzo...
SMG4: You've gotta be kidding me, I thought he was in the prison for many years ago......
Ani: *He was confused* who is Enzo and why are you two shocked?
SMG3: Well how can we say this.... *Clears throat* Enzo is actually an old friend of SMG4.....
SMG4: Yeah as SMG3 said, I did celebrate his birthday party but then Mario was ruined it.... Enzo was taking revenge on Mario by hiring SMG3 as the assassin but he failed.... So Enzo has another plan.....
Cazokai: *He seems worried* what plan?
SMG3: Well he actually celebrated his own birthday party inside his own house.... Then he hosted some mini games as well..... Until the hide n seek game, he went on full psycho mode.... Mario was trying to find out inside the basement but he trapped.... Enzo was almost blowed Mario up by nearly giving him a birthday cake.....
SMG4: Luckily the police were interfered by driving a police car crashed through Enzo's house.... Enzo was caught of guard and he was arrested.... But he swore one day, he would return.....
Everyone: *Gasped* WHAT??!
Hey everyone it's Ngọc Thiên here, so basically I was thought that Yokepi's creator is actually Enzo who was a psychopath that in his way to revenge on Mario. And the item on the ground which SMG12 found turned out to be a shiny coin. Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you soon in the next chapter and have a nice day. I try my best to write this chapter :'>
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