ep 0: the beginning
(Oh hi there! This is my first attempt at writing a story, so please excuse any mistakes. I would really appreciate any feedback or advice you could give me. Thank you so much. The story is about Tobias Slysons, who is frustrated with his foolish supervisor.)
Tobias: *He sits in his office, feeling bored and discontented. Initially, he thought that getting promoted would bring more comfort, but it hasn't turned out that way according to his expectations. It's even more tedious than he imagined, having to deal with piles of complicated documents every day. He takes the stack of papers and signs his name, "Tobias Slysons," with the precision of those who use expensive fountain pens. He exudes an air of sophistication and responsibility but also a hint of childishness because he doesn't want to bury himself in such a quiet room. However, all his frustrations fade away when he receives a phone call inviting him to a meeting with the company's top executives. He picks up and a few seconds later, he is filled with excitement again. He uses his power to teleport to their office.*
Tobias: "Hello, what's going on, gentlemen?"
Executive 1: "Take a seat; we're all here. We will discuss the main issue." *The TV is turned on for a presentation.*
Executive 2: "As you all may have noticed, natural disasters are gradually striking the Earth, causing complete devastation in many areas. Therefore, we will gradually assign tasks to each person."
Executive 1: *As others are assigned tasks, Slysons feels a lack of trust from them, and they leave him for last. After assigning tasks to others, the two executives give Slysons a stern glance.* "You will be responsible for cleaning up the aftermath of natural disasters."
Executive 2: "That's right, around the areas that have been buried."
Tobias: ?! *He hears it as a mockery of his abilities, and he gets angry, starting to act childish, stomping his feet on the floor like a frustrated child.* "W-What?! Why do I have to do the 'environmental cleanup' work for you guys? I can do much more than that! Give me a different task; otherwise, it's like I'm being too underestimated!"
Executive 1: "Listen, Slysons, we're not underestimating you. This is just a temporary assignment, and we have the ability to change it if it doesn't go according to the initial plan, okay?" *He explains with a tired and authoritative tone. In reality, he doesn't like Slysons' attitude because he acts like a child, but his leadership skills are quite good; it's just that he hasn't found the right job for him yet.*
Tobias: ".." *He mutters something under his breath, too low for anyone to hear what he's saying. He clenches his teeth and walks out, leaving everyone behind.* "What is temporary? He doesn't know anything! I can solve all the problems!" *He shouts in desperation, kicking a trash can to express his disappointment after being assigned a tedious task.* "FRUSTRATING!"
Tobias: *He sits back at his desk and arranges everything in despair. It's so lonely and empty here, and his finger keeps drawing circles on the desk. He lets out a heavy sigh, enough for everyone to see how bad his mood is.* "Sigh... *He doesn't want to do those menial tasks that his boss assigned him. They are so boring! They don't allow him to showcase his talent as a genius. Everything always goes so smoothly, surprisingly without any mistakes.*
Kranken: *rushes to Tobias' office door and quietly knocks three times* Sir Slysons? This is our current situation. Please have a look.
Tobias: Hm? *He doesn't hesitate to snatch the report from his subordinate's hand and attentively reads it, completely oblivious to his surroundings* Oh, is that so? *He tosses the papers back onto the floor, a humiliating act for Kranken*
Kranken: *hurriedly picks up the papers that his boss had thrown down, with a displeased expression on his face, suddenly remembering* Ah! I forgot to mention that we have a new employee responsible for environmental conservation, sir.
Tobias: A new employee? *He asks with a curious tone* And who might that be?
Kranken: Yes, her name is Rhea Sawyer!
Tobias: Rhea? Quite an unusual name, who names their own daughter like a 'satellite'? Ridiculous *He chuckles with a teasing, mocking, and childish tone* Very well, ask her to meet me at 6 p.m. today. Make sure you note it down, Kranken! I don't want you to rely on your 'talented' memory and end up forgetting to schedule appointments again *Kranken hears this and grumbles about his boss in his head, feeling frustrated, then replies*.
Kranken: Yes, sir. I'll take care of it. See you another time *He exits the room, walking away with a heavy stride*.
Tobias: *He hopes that his new toy will surpass his imagination, eager to see it*.
Rhea: *she knocks on the door three times*.
Tobias: Hm? Ah, please come in.
Rhea: Yes? You called for me? *A woman around 30 to 35 years old enters the room, with smooth brown hair and a slender, tall figure. Truly a beauty*.
Tobias: Oh? I heard you're the new member, right? Here. These access cards will allow you to enter the required areas, but of course, they won't open all the doors *He opens a drawer and hands her a green and a red card one by one* Have a good time.
Rhea: Thank you, sir *She bows and turns to leave, but she's stopped by his voice*.
Tobias: ... Wait? Did you forget something? You seem a bit rushed *He stands up, leaving his chair, and suddenly a walking cane made of expensive wood appears in his hand, with a handle made of pure gold. He is wearing a white dress shirt, a dark red bowtie, and tailored pants* Haven't you been shown around by Kranken yet? If not, I guess I'll take on that task. Hello, I'm Tobias Slysons, 35 years old. I'll help you explore the surroundings *He eagerly laughs like a child who just got a new toy*.
Rhea: Oh, yes *She's a bit surprised but realizes she should reintroduce herself*.. um... I'm Rhea Sawyer, 30 years old.
Tobias: Well, well, you'll likely have many men pursuing you because of your looks* he says it in a flattering manner, but in truth, she does look quite beautiful at her age* Let's see, where should we start? Ah, right* he moves closer to a console and takes off his jacket Let's begin the sound of applause is heard as both of them are swiftly transported to different locations, leaving Rhea astonished by what she's seeing*
Rhea: *She remains silent, a hint of surprise on her face.* How can you do that?... How?
Tobias: Well, *he signals for silence and moves with his graceful demeanor,* this is the garden. It's quite extensive and mostly used for outdoor experiments for trainees like yourself. *He chuckles softly.* Interesting, isn't it?
Rhea: *She pays attention to him, then smiles, but her gaze shifts to his jawline, where a fang tooth is missing in his lower jaw. She hesitates, afraid to ask him, fearing he might get angry and leave her on her own or, worse, let her get lost since she's not yet familiar with the layout of this area.*
Tobias: *He glances at her, sensing her slightly anxious and worried mood. He can't let a newcomer go without asking their superior, as it would be dangerous for the employee. He raises his voice to dispel the uneasiness surrounding her, his tone warm and gentle, as if having a casual conversation before going to sleep.* Do you have any questions, Miss Sawyer?
Rhea: *She startles when she hears him ask like that. She quickly shakes her head.*
Tobias: Uh, alright then?
Rhea: Uh, but do you have a glass cleaner? *She notices her glasses are quite dirty, hindering her vision.*
Tobias: Oh, of course, I always have one with me. But by the way, those round glasses suit your face. *She knows it's not a flirtation because there's no hidden meaning behind it. She knows he's just complimenting her for finding a perfect match for her face. She has spent a lot of time researching which glasses suit her.*
Rhea: Um, yeah, your square glasses are--
Tobias: Cool, right?
Rhea: I mean... they're smudged.
Tobias: *He looks at her for a moment before noticing his own glasses.* Ah, I see. Sometimes it happens, or is it often? I don't know anymore. *He takes out two glass cleaning cloths and hands one over to her.*
Tobias: *He is on the phone and getting frustrated about something. He moves to the balcony and leans against it, his eyes widening as he hears that his favorable plan has been abandoned. He is genuinely surprised.* Excuse me?? That's the best plan for us! He couldn't be in a hurry to brush it aside!!
Listener: ...but we can't do anything about it, sir... *The person on the other end falls silent as Tobias shouts into the phone.*
Listener: ...but... then what should we do?
Tobias: What? Oh... HE thinks I'm more peculiar than he is? At first, he couldn't do anything for this headquarters. I had to handle everything, but the way he rejects our only path... Wait a moment, I'll think of a solution. Goodbye. *He hangs up the phone and clasps his fingers together, bringing his face close and contemplating.* ...Tch, he's truly despicable. I bet he had to bribe his way to become a director. *He trembles with anxiety, his mind in a state of confusion and fear. Maybe he needs rest right now, but he doesn't want to... be hasty? Worried about the headquarters? His eyes narrow. His current feeling is like being in water with hungry crocodiles, their jaws ready to tear him apart. He has one more week to think, and he must be cautious and try to persuade his irresponsible boss, or else the headquarters will be in danger or worse than before.* ...Damn it... KRANKEN!! I need coffee right now...
Kranken: *Upon hearing Tobias' voice through his speaker, he quickly gets up from his chair and starts making coffee for him.* What's the surprise? *He grabs a cup and places it in the coffee machine, then leans against the edge of the table with a tired expression, having not gotten enough sleep. His eyes are half-closed, but he can't shut them. Oh my, it's already 3 AM? Is he planning to kill someone? He pours the coffee into the cup and swiftly brings it to Tobias. Before the cup is even taken away, Tobias collapses onto the floor and continues his much-needed sleep.*
Tobias: Thanks, Kranken. *He lifts the cup of coffee and takes a sip... then glances at his plan, picks up a pencil, and starts drawing.* Mhm... Okay? Huh? He didn't put any sugar in it... Psst, tomorrow he'll face a punishment... Kranken! You weren't right from the beginning! Well... let's get back to work then... He's someone who likes flattery, logic, and money... Hmm... *He pauses for a moment.* AH! I've got an idea! *He exclaims happily and slumps onto the desk after completing his plan. His black and white streaked hair falls behind him after a tiring day.* Mmm... -
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