Trả đơn số 4 #Vũ
Tên khách hàng: Phong
Writer: Thien_Vu_Rainy
Thể loại: nhật ký, 12 chòm sao, "không phải tiếng Việt"
Nhân vật: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini
Saturday, 6/7/2019
Although it has been over for 2 months, I still want to write it down
Let's consider ... a rather "funny" memory.
Even though I don't know what to call it the bug version or something~~
It was such a sunny day when Virgo was walking around.
Then she saw the fanfiction recruiting family of Sagittarius.
So Virgo applied for lover position. Just because she was having nothing to do at that moment!
And then I found out a very interesting thing: I could find Virgo if I saw Sagittarius!
(The same kind of place where the Sagittarius is there is Virgo, and every places they went through would throw a basket of hint.)
Well, two months after Sagittarius wanted to have a boyfriend which not a girlfriend, so Sagittarius went to find him immediately
On April 18, 2019, Sagittarius was walking around a family of ficans, and saw Scorpio recruited by fic. Then Sagittarius applied for a lover position, just like the way Virgo did.
(More information shows that Scorpio first disagreed because of the fact that Sagittarius is a lover of Virgo but after Nhan Ma explained until tired, he finally agreed)
And the very next day, Virgo also appeared in Thien Yet's fic recruitment family as a sister position :))
Since Scorpio has been there, the topic of the talk of Virgo and Sagittarius is Sagittarius telling about Scorpio.
And then in a beautiful evening, Virgo was so angry because of the topic, so that she spoke straight at Sagittarius face about that problem and she felt like gone crazy.
But after all, they made a good hour later.
Although at that time, there was someone who was crying loudly.
On April 30, Virgo recounted that she first swearing on the internet when she was chatting with Scrpio and saw the word: "No" when Virgo asked Scorpio that if he was serious in the relationship with Sagittarius?
And the next day Sagittarius received a message from Scorpio's sister saying it seemed that every time Sagittarius and Virgo fall out, they were dragging her brother as an excuse
And she also said that they shouldn't think that she's scared even if Virgo was older than her.
And at 11:00 on the 1st of May, the Virgo sought Scorpio to ask about his sister's words to Sagittarius.
When she was so angry, she abused him and her sister for million of reasons
In the end what Sagittarius said: Damn you don't know what your words will cause.....
And something that I can't remember.
And then I talked to Sagittarius about the online-love thanks to my experience.
Okay then what the hell is Sagittarius deciding to break up with him? :)))
(I swear later I found myself guilty)
At that time, Scorpio was under pressure to learn something plus a breakup and then he took a suicide drug immediately.
(At that time I was like: :D???)
After that, Sagittarius blocked the main block facebook account of Virgo
Virgo through another account talking to Sagittarius. And then Sagitrarius said it was all Virgo's fault, because she all day saying, she was pressuring Sagittarius to break up... bla...bla...bla....
(Please believe that Sagittarius didn't understand it yet!)
And then the two of them tried to change the introduce part.
Finally, Virgo was changing the wall when she was abducted to cook
When she turned the device off, she was stoned, so the wall didn't fix one sentence: If the friendship was so cheap I don't need it either
(At that time, I laugh loudly when listening to Virgo: >>>)
And then Virgo fixed the wall and left a sentence: I'm always there waiting for you, it's just that you don't want to go back!
Half an hour after Sagittarius removes the block and they talk again :)))
4:02 p.m - Sydney, Australia
#Friendly and gentle Gemini
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