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• ⦾ ℏ 🅘 ℂ 🅞🅝🅝🅞🅡 ⦾ •Ⅎ🅔🅔🅛

You ran as fast as you could, making sure he was correctly in that location using your tablet as you took an automatic taxi. You ignored the weird looks you were getting at the station lobby, because you only cared for one person in this whole damn place and damn it Connor needs you!

You stopped in front of the reception desk, placing your equipment bag on top perhaps a bit too hard. The Reception Android blinked at you and you interrupted it before it got a word in.

"I am looking for Lieutenant Anderson and the prototype android they sent here for the deviant investigation. I must see them." You demanded, jaw tight. Uncaring. You were normally more kind to other androids, but!


Connor needs you! Where is he? Where is he?! Is he alright? Please let him be alright. You won't be able to take it. You can't take it.

Damn ra9 to hell and back if it hurt my Connor intentionally. Damn this. Connor!

Your hands shook atop the reception desk, but your hand tightened to hide it as you took a small breath to calm yourself. Perhaps Chloe should've come too. But someone has to take care of your cat.

"I see. Do you have authorization?" The ST300 smiled at you warmly but all you did was quickly take out your CyberLife ID card impatiently and handed it to her, her scanning it now no doubt in her hand.

"I am a CyberLife programmer that created the advanced prototype RK800 that is helping in this investigation." You said tightly. "Please, I saw on the news about the recent broadcast that a group of androids planned in Stratford Tower. The RK800 may have been—" Hurt, you want to say. "—damaged when it was investigating the area."

For a moment, the android's LED turned yellow. You thought you got through to her but she just shook her head at you, smiling apologetically as she motioned for you to take back your card.

"I'm sorry, there wasn't any news of your arrival. I'm afraid I won't be able to let you through unless—"

You reached out and grabbed her outstretched hand, her LED blinked yellow once more.

You stared into her bewildered eyes, pleading as you squeezed.

"Please. The model—he's, he's a friend. I need to see that he's alright. I need to."

Her LED processed yellow, her brows deeply furrowed as she looked at their hands and back up at you. The ST300 cleared her throat unnecessarily, and gave a small smile, taking back her hand with your ID. She made another scan and handed it back to you.

"My apologies. It seems I made a mistake." She motioned her head at the clear doors to the right, LED back to blue. "Feel free to go in. They're trying to find more evidence at the moment."

You grabbed your ID and your equipment bag, and gave the most grateful look you could muster in your anxious state.

"Thank you."

You then turned towards the doors, not being able to see the bewildered ST300's look nor how she clenched her hand that you grabbed, her programs still stirring at your touch. You walked through the doors, the security guard letting you in since you passed the android's check in despite the little stir you caused when came in here running. Once you went through the doors, you ignored the curious looks sent your way, and surveyed the room.

You spotted a head of perfectly kept brown hair and a familiar pressed android jacket, back facing towards you as he sat on a desk looking down. You immediately moved forward, nerves fueling you. Secretly glad the Lieutenant was nowhere in sight since you weren't sure what will happen, for you noticed something.

He never looks down doing nothing. Connor is simply not like that.

His head moved up as you approached, turning towards you and you noticed his hands had that coin you gave him months ago. Must've been fiddling with it. It seems so long ago, the first time you gave him that. Connor giving you that confused pout when you handed it to him, you smiling gently at him.

Where has the time gone, Connor?

Brown chocolate eyes blinked at you, head tilting with LED yellow as he stood up from his chair, coin back in pocket.

"Doctor (Y/N)? I—we weren't expecting you. What are you doing here? Does this have something to do with CyberLife?" He asked, curious. But you spotted something in his tone. Something that shouldn't have been there. Never.


You swallowed, holding back from bringing him into your arms and whispering comforting words into his ears. You miss holding him. It kills you each time that you must hold back from touching him too familiarly, afraid of what CyberLife could do or might say. You just want to hug him tightly, to take him far, far away from here. Far from this place that is forcing Connor to make choices that aren't even controlled by him.

You forced a smile on your face, Connor glancing at it for a moment before moving back up to your eyes, LED still yellow.

"Hi, Connor. I'm here to see if everything is alright, for myself. I'm not here on behalf of CyberLife." Your perceptive eyes noticed that Connor's shoulder relaxed just a pinch. No one else would've caught it, but you did. You always pay attention to Connor after all. "I saw the news and, well, it sounded like there was some trouble. . .?"

You weren't lying, not really. The news did cover there was a shootout on the roof of Stratford Tower, a stray Android that was left behind by the original group. But that wasn't the reason you were here. Your readings from the nanobot inside him deeply disturbed you, everything too high and you can tell from looking at him right now that something was bothering him. His face looked too pinched for your liking, and brown eyes that are usually wide or focused look faraway. His LED was still yellow too.

"I. . . see." He said, needlessly fixing the cuffs of his jacket and you wonder if he actually sees anything at all. "The situation at Stratford Tower was handled accordingly. There was a—a deviant up on the roof. Wounded. Once we found it hiding in a bin, it started shooting wildly and managed to catch me on my right shoulder." Your eyes glanced at where he said, there was still blue blood and a hole in his jacket. Why didn't he contact you that he needed repairs? You frowned. Good thing you brought a few biocomponents in your bag. And clothes.

"A shootout then occurred," he continued summarizing, "but I was afraid that the soldiers would terminate the deviant and therefore not be able find valuable information that it would have. So I—I—"

"Hey, Connor! I'm back, sorry I took so long, fuckin' coffee machine was going haywire on me so—who the hell is this?" A haggard man with grey hair reaching his chin walked towards them with face contorted to a frown, a cup of coffee in hand. This was the Lieutenant. "Were you telling a civilian information about our case? You know we can't— what are you doing?"

As he was talking, you put your bag and ID down, walked towards him and grabbed his coffee cup and put it down on the desk that was next to them.

You then swung your backhand and slapped the Lieutenant, causing his face to turn to the side.

If people weren't looking at you now, they definitely were. All eyes were on you from every officer in the room, you thought you heard a rambunctious laugh from across the room but you only kept your narrowed eyes on the man before you who put a hand to his reddening cheek.

"Doctor (Y/N)—" Connor began, in shock but was interrupted.

"What the fuck?! What was that for?!" The Lieutenant yelled, putting his hand down and glaring you. You glaring right back.

"That was for willingly damaging my android, you dirty man!" You retorted. "What kind of person are you that hits someone that's just trying to do their job?!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?! Who are you?! Are you talking about Connor?"

"Doctor (Y/N)," Connor interjected weakly, putting a hand to your tense shoulder. "I don't think this is a good idea nor necessary. Perhaps we should just—"

"Yes, I'm talking about Connor." You answered tensely at the Lieutenant, too angry for you to reply to Connor. The man in front of you hurt him. He pulled a gun on Connor. He chose to do that, no one else. "What were you thinking? Hitting him? Or were you even thinking at all in that alcohol induced brain of yours?"

The Lieutenant scowled deeply, his eyes then glancing down at your stuff that you put down on Connor's desk.

"You're one of those CyberLife assholes I see. Let me guess, you're that famous creator that Connor can't shut up about? Funny how I never even heard of you." He sneered.

You felt Connor release your shoulder and move to stand next to both you and the Lieutenant, now looking at the man with a frown.

"Lieutenant, that's uncalled for. We really should move to another room—"

"Well, well, well. What do we got here?" A new voice came forth, highly amused.

The three of you turned towards the newcomer, who was sauntering at them with an arrogant look in his youthful face. You heard the Lieutenant curse and saw Connor's eyes flick to the side at you before looking back up, moving his body slightly to be in front of you. You blinked at the movement, and it's hidden meaning.

"Looks like you finally pissed someone off so much they gave you a pimp slap, Lieutenant." The newcomer smirked at the man before turning towards you, motioning his head. "What'd you do to this little lady, huh? Got a little too drunk like always and got rough?"

Your lips turned down.


"Doctor (Y/N) is a renown programmer and engineer over at CyberLife." Connor answered, LED blue. "She is just here to check me over for my damages I sustained when the Lieutenant and I were investigating the Stratford Tower."

"Beat it, Reed," Lieutenant Anderson said, annoyed. "This ain't any of your damn business. Go be an asshole somewhere else, we don't have time for any of your shit."

The man named Reed laughed, it sounded eerily familiar. This must've been the man who laughed so loudly when you hit the Lieutenant.

There's trash everywhere, you observed with an internal scowl as Reed spoke again, eyes on you in interest despite Connor's body being slightly in front of you.

"So you're a person from CyberLife, huh?" Reed asked, a sardonic smirk on his lips. He jutted his thumb towards Connor. "Tell me this then, are machines really going to replace us all? Even the police? Plastic pricks everywhere while we are left out to dry?"

You moved forward at his comment, anger coming twofold but Connor's arm stopped you. You side glanced at him, seeing that his brown eyes flicked down worriedly towards you before giving a meaningful look towards the Lieutenant which he caught.

"I suggest for you to get out of here Reed before you get yourself your own slap across the face. It seems our infamous CyberLife Doc here don't take kindly to disrespect towards her children." The Lieutenant said sarcastically, crossing his arms and leaning against the corner of his desk. Connor sighed.

"That's because you hit someone that was just trying to catch a deviant!" You argued, moving a step closer despite Connor's arm pressing against your chest. "Why would you hit Connor when he was just trying to accomplish his mission? Or are you so used to doing everything half-assed Lieutenant?"

Reed whistled as the Lieutenant stood up once more, pointing at you erratically despite Connor's advice for them to stop.

"Don't give me that shit! And Jesus! Does Connor here always tell his life story towards you, mother dearest? Just looking at you is giving me a fucking migraine!" The Lieutenant went to rub the bridge of his nose, face in a scowl. "And what do you know anyways? How would you feel if someone left you dangling off a ledge of a building?"

Everyone around you is really pissing you off. They just don't get it. They'll never get it.

"Lieutenant Anderson! This needs to stop, and how many times do I have to tell you that Doctor (Y/N) isn't—"

"Oh yeah?" You glared, (e/c) eyes in slits. "Well, if you were asking the right questions instead of just immediately raging like a drunk bull then you would have found out that you would've been fine if Connor left you there to catch a deviant or not! He didn't have a choice! And you're here aren't you?"

"Damn," Reed cursed, a shit eating grin on his face as he looked between you and the Lieutenant who put his hand down to glare right back at you, "this is way better then I thought."

". . . Oh. I get it now." The Lieutenant's lips turned up, but you could tell it was just for show. "Guess I can't blame Connor for how detached he sometimes is, I could all blame that all on you. The parents are always at fault for how people turn out."


Your eyes widened then quickly went to slits. As the old saying goes, you will hit a bitch.

"Excuse me?! Are you calling Connor a mistake now?!"


"I didn't say that! You fuckin did!" Anderson shouted, stepping closer to you."I mean, what kind of person says he doesn't have a choice on what he did! I mean he didn't shoot that—"

"Hank! (Y/N)! I said enough!" Connor commanded, his body fully between you and the Lieutenant, expression tight with LED flashing yellow. He glanced between the two of you, jaw clenched. "That is enough. Both of you."

You don't. . .you don't recall a time where Connor ever yelled at you, although you've seen him do it to others if the situation called for it due to his adaptability feature. You glanced at him, jaw slacking at when you caught his eyes, he looked away quickly.

You felt shame course through you.

Forgive me, Connor. I've failed you more then I thought.

Wait a minute. . . That's the second time he's called you by your name and not your title the first time was when you were having an anxiety attack, when he was comforting you like the Android he is. Is Connor, is he. . .?

"What has been going on over here that has all of you standing there like dipshits?" A tall man came rushing out of the Captain's office, must be Captain Fowler. Immediately the officers who were gawking before dispersed. Thankfully Connor did the explaining on why a huge argument was happening in the middle of the police station, you finally taking a breath to calm down. The Lieutenant doing the same as he also answered the Captain's questions. How you didn't appreciate intentional damage on him that was caused by the Lieutenant and you were here to repair him after the Stratford Tower.

The Captain took all of this in with a nod.

"Alright. Hank, no hitting our Android here anymore. Lest we piss off all of CyberLife." The Lieutenant gave him an exaggerated okay sign with his hand, back to leaning against his desk with pressed lips. "Doctor (Y/N), feel free to repair our prototype here. The Observation Room is free, that is, if you got the supplies to repair him. The Lieutenant and the Android gotta keep trying to solve a case here after all."

You gave a nod. "Yeah, I brought equipment in my bag just in case. I heard about what happened in the Tower."

As well as other things, you thought to yourself.

The Captain gave another nod and looked at the Lieutenant. "Hank, go with her and the android in the room."


"Now hold on a minute."

Both you and the Lieutenant talked at the same time, making the both of you glare at each other. You chose to speak first, eyes back to the Captain respectfully.

"I'd prefer if it was just me and Connor in the room, most people aren't comfortable seeing one operate on an android."

"I agree with her," the Lieutenant said, straightening, "Not about the operation crap though. Jeffrey, I don't think me and her in a room together is a good idea for anybody."

"I don't care about what either of you think!" The Captain turned their back towards them and started walking back to his clear glass office. "Make sure you watch them, Hank. Civilians shouldn't even be in that room. And damn it, Reed, get back to work!" The Captain threw over his shoulder before he went through the door of his office.

"Man, well, it was nice while it lasted." Reed commented, still with that insufferable smirk that you want to hit off. You hate people like him, you wonder if he hurt Connor in any way too? Reed walked away but not before stopping near you, Connor's hand on your shoulder once more as the arrogant bastard leaned. "Thank you for the show little lady, it was fun."

"Shame I couldn't lengthen it for ya," You replied, giving the man a cold smile. "I would've loved to wipe off that stupid grin off your face. Not many people know this but," You leaned forward slightly yourself, smile widening. You felt Connor look at you intently, probably wondering on what you're doing. "We actually use real skin for androids and that mouth looks like its needed elsewhere? Would you like to volunteer?"

You heard the Lieutenant give a choked laugh, surprised at your words no doubt. As well as Reed's face that was turning pale. His face then morphed into a scowl, moving to open his mouth but Connor stopped him.

"I believe that was a dismissal, Officer Reed. Unless you do wish to volunteer on behalf of a CyberLife and those in the station?" Connor cooly questioned, lips quirked up as he rose his brows.

Damn. Do you love his adaptability feature.

Reed scoffed, turning away. "Whatever," he purposefully bumped into the Lieutenant's shoulder as he walked away, muttering about CyberLife crazies and plastic machines.

"Shit. . .glad I ain't the only one in your hit list, Doc." The Lieutenant snarked, a smirk tugging his lips. "You sure put him in his place, shame you didn't hit him though. Makes me feel like you got the outs for me or something."

You moved to grab your bag and your ID on Connor's desk, Connor's hand leaving your shoulder at the movement as he observed you.

"Yeah, well. You can say that. I got sort of a grudge towards you." You replied bag on you and Lieutenant muttering 'fair enough' as you motioned your arm in front of you. "Shall we go to the room?"

The Lieutenant nodded giving an exaggerated frown as he did, leading you to the Observation Room which was close to the right corner of the room. Connor was walking behind you, you heard a sound of a coin being flicked.

Something's wrong. He's nervous.

You've noticed it when Connor was trying to explain to you on what happened today at that news tower. He kept stuttering. He's not supposed to, nor have his voice so shaky when he was trying to explain to you about that deviant. Something happened up there.

You've noticed things about Connor ever since last night. These. . . changes. Changes you always knew within you that he could achieve. Changes that you would absolutely love to stay. He'll be happy like this. That all you want.

Connor to be happy.

But, you won't get your hopes up. Connor, things can still go down another road. Another turn.

Another path in this elaborate labyrinth filled with other labyrinths in this story.

What are you planning, ra9?

All three of you entered the room, you immediately telling Connor to take off his jacket and shirt so you can properly get a look while the Lieutenant leaned against the wall by the door with crossed arms, observing. Once Connor took off both layers of clothes and sat atop one of the chairs in the room, the Lieutenant released a disbelieving chuckle.

"Holy shit, they really do create all of you perfect don't they?"

You were going through your bag to help you find the correct tools to do this small exchange of biocomponents, ignoring him. Connor tilted his head.

"Something on your mind Lieutenant?" He questioned, looking at the man.

The Lieutenant scoffed.

"Yeah you can say that. Your specialty is supposed to be being a detective, right? That's why you got all them weird stuff in your program that lets you fuckin lick that blood right in front of me like the weirdo you are."

You ignored his words once more, but your right eyebrow did arch at the Lieutenant's tone. It was joking.

Connor nodded, signaling for the Lieutenant to continue.

"You're an android that is specifically designed to be a detective, but was it really necessary to make you have a six pack for everyone to see?"

You couldn't help it, you chuckled, causing both men to look at you. One with a raised eyebrow and another with an always curious stare. You waved a hand at them lazily, glancing in amusement at Connor as you laid out the supplies on the desk table in the corner of this room. He stared at you, lips slightly parted.

"Don't mind me. Connor, you can explain." You smiled, and it you felt it reach your eyes. It's been too long since you showed it to him and he knows it. Cause he was staring at it before he looked away to face the Lieutenant who watched the exchange with furrowed brows.

"Right. Well." Connor leaned back against the chair, still deciding to fiddle with his coin in his hand. Making the coin roll between his fingers. "Ever since Kamski created the first android, the ST200, it has been CyberLife's intention to allow androids to be able to integrate successfully with humans. So everything is to the last detail, from eyes to marks on the skin such as freckles to even the amount of hair on an androids head. Everything for humans to not feel uncomfortable at the presence of androids."

"Too late. . ." The Lieutenant muttered, which both you and Connor ignored. Polite like you told him, good.

"Which I explained before to you yesterday at your lunch, the reasons on why my voice is this particular mix of certain frequencies and why my appearance is like this."

"Yeah. Did Momma Doc help with that?"

You decided to answer this time, ready to stare at Connor's wound on his shoulder once you set up your laptop.

"No actually," you answered, deciding to play nice to observe more interactions between the Lieutenant and Connor to get a read on it. "I actually needed help with that from fellow designers back at CyberLife. I couldn't really. . . do that on my own. Connor is anatomically correct in every way." The Lieutenant made a show of a disgusted noise at your statement, commenting to Connor that he was just perfect all around. You spotted Connor's lips go into a smile.

Did I judge too harshly?

You were beginning to wonder. Connor doesn't smile like that at just anybody. His smiles have always been slight ever since you told him about his odd open mouthed smile so perhaps the Lieutenant doesn't get how important this is. How important it is for him and Connor.

And there you go with your hopes raising again. You better calm down before you get hurt. Like you always do.

"Oh," you spoke again, looking back at the Lieutenant, "And I'm not Connor's mother. That's just weird."

"Weird?" The Lieutenant brows furrowed, one arm being released from being crossed over his chest as he moved it. "How is that weird? You created him didn't you?"

"Doctor (Y/N) isn't my mother, Lieutenant. I've already tried informing you of this fact before. She's my creator." Connor answered for you, moving his shoulder back so you can get easier access to look at it, hand on his synthetic skin.

"You keep saying that. What the fuck is the difference? You were basically born because of her, how is that not a mother?" The Lieutenant sounded exasperated but you decided to stay silent.

No. Not cause of you.

Connor stayed silent as well, looking down in thought at his hands which held the coin you gave him before turning his gaze towards you. You flashed a smile at him, giving a slight shake of your head.

"Fine. You wanna stay silent, go ahead? Can't you ever give me a straight answer Connor? You didn't really give me one when you let those girls go."

You paused, feeling Connor's body tense under you hands.

Girls. . .? I never asked him how he got that injury last night. I was too distracted at seeing him again. Did Connor let a deviant go?

You looked at Connor, who was avoiding your gaze with LED yellow and then looked back at the Lieutenant.

"What girls?"

"Huh? He never told you?" The Lieutenant inquired, crossing back his arms once more. "At the Eden Club, there were two deviants. Connor got injured cause of one with a screwdriver. He had a chance to shoot them but didn't." The Lieutenant then glanced down, expression thoughtful. "The deviants, the androids. . .they just wanted to be free and be together. I. . .damn it. I don't know what to think anymore."

Connor doesn't either from the looks of it, your eyes back on him as he still sat there tense. Head bowed.

This, there's been more changes then you thought. This—this is great! Connor is—

CyberLife is watching.

Your heart stopped. Along with any sort of explanation or having you grab him close. Connor, he's acting this way, this distance and tense because of you. He thinks that for some reason you'll share Amanda's disappointment in him. She must've said something to him, that witch.

No, you said something too.

"Accomplish missions without you sacrificing your life."

Connor thinks I'm disappointed in him. For failing a mission.

You clenched your jaw, moving towards your supplies at the desk table and moved back towards Connor who was avoiding your gaze with tools in your hand.

"Huh. Well, Connor should know that he doesn't to hide anything from me." You said, then asking him to remove his synthetic skin so you can unlock the panel to his shoulder to replace the broken biocomponent which he did. "Connor."

His sad brown eyes turned towards you, lips in a frown. LED yellow.

How you wish to erase that expression off for good.

But your wishes are too grand. Everything is out of your hands now, it's on ra9.

You gave him a soft smile, stopping in your movements from replacing the biocomponent with a new one. "You can tell me anything okay? There'll never be a time where my ears aren't open. And I can never be disappointed in you, Connor. Never."

Connor pursed the inside of his lip for a moment, before releasing it. Sweet chocolate gazing into your (e/c) eyes, trusting. And you gaze back, because when do you ever tear your gaze away from him?

"Never?" He asked ever so softly.

Your smile warmed, hand moving to go to his shoulder as you squeezed.


Connor's LED turned back to a calm blue, the peaceful color matching his face as his eyes softened along with a small smile.

Your eyes moved towards your laptop, which you placed on the ground, typing away.

"I'm going to check quickly if my Thirium is working on you, Connor. Meanwhile, tell me about what happened today, you were trying to explain earlier." Before the both of you got interrupted, but no need for grudges to remain. Connor seems to be fond of this man despite the Lieutenant hitting him.

You felt a step come closer to you, you glancing back to see the Lieutenant having a worried expression on his face at the same time Connor's LED went back to yellow and he tensed once more, playing with his coin in a rapid pace.

"I actually don't think that's a good idea." The Lieutenant advised, "That deviant. . .Connor was holding onto him as it moved to kill itself."

Your heart froze as the Lieutenant continued.

"Connor— he, he said he felt it when it died. He felt. . .scared. If that's even possible."

Your round eyes turned back towards Connor, his LED now back to red, eyes lost as he looked down.

"You—Connor—I—" You stopped, at a loss, but then a glint of determination appeared in your eyes. You turned back to your laptop, taking out the hard drive that was in it, then opening up a tiny latch that had a chip in it. You moved your hand up with the chip to show Connor, not that he was really looking at you in the first place.

You were never supposed to look like that, Connor. Forgive me.

You're supposed to be helping protect him, but all you can do is watch at the sidelines. Only watch until he gets injured from an injury he isn't supposed to receive because you built him fast and strong. Your role is only to watch and get benched in the sidelines, that's your story.

Your patience is wearing thin. No more.

"Connor, I'm going to put this chip in you real quick to go through the tests that my Thirium is working, alright?"

He gave the slightest of nods and you went forward, putting the chip on top of the new biocomponent in his open plate shoulder, that you closed to run the test. You turned back towards your laptop, focused on the screen as you typed away. The Lieutenant gave another step closer, you allowing it because it seems he cares after all.

"Hey, is he gonna be alright? Connor, are you okay? Talk to me, son."

Yes. He definitely cares. It seems their story is going alright. Again though, you can't put your hopes up. You typed faster.

"I'm okay. It's—it's nothing." Connor answered, voice shaky. "The connection to the deviant must've put something in my program that is making me this way. I'm sure Doctor (Y/N) will fix it." Connor's LED turned yellow, and his eyes held confusion as he blinked. "Huh. That's odd."

The Lieutenant tilted his head, stepping closer to lean his arm on the desk with your supplies. "What?"

"One of my programs just went down—"

Your arms immediately went around Connor's shoulders, holding him and you breathed him in. You nuzzled your head into his neck, feeling him. It's been too long.

You pulled back, hands on his shoulders meeting wide brown eyes as you gave a happy smile. The Lieutenant's jaw slackened.

"It worked! Yes! I'm so happy it worked!" You released a laugh, bringing Connor close again before pulling back once more. "Listen well, Connor. I only was able to bring down the Zen Garden interface for three minutes. Anything longer and it would've been suspicious. You and I have three minutes before everything is back online and we have to pretend it was an error caused by me."

"I—I don't understand. Amanda's gone?"

You gave a nod, laughing in relief once more as Connor only stared at you in shock.

"Hold the fuck on." The Lieutenant, Hank, cut in. "Who the fuck is Amanda? What the fuck is happening?!"

You fixed a stray hair on Connor's forehead, surely from you due to your sudden hug, humming with half lidded eyes. It's been too long since you touched him like this. You missed it. Connor let you do as you pleased, watching carefully.

Where has the time gone, Connor? Everything is coming to a close.

"Amanda is a A.I., or rather V. I. at least to me, that is in Connor's head. She watches and gets all of Connor's reports on his missions for CyberLife. " You quickly explained, hands still grazing somewhere on Connor's face or shoulders. "That's why he has to accomplish all of his missions, no matter the cost. Or at least try to." Your eyes went towards the Lieutenant, who looked flabbergasted with that open mouth. "And sorry about earlier, Lieutenant. I'm fond of Connor and I don't appreciate anyone hurting him. I'm telling you this because you seem to like him too."

Connor turned towards Hank, brows raised.

"Is that true, Lieutenant?"

Hank bit his lip, looking away from the android's curious gaze.

"Pfft, who'd like a plastic prick like you around?"

Your smile turned to a smirk. "Oh yeah? I think I heard you call him son earlier."

Connor nodded, lips twitching. "Yes, I heard that too. Do you see me as family, Lieutenant? Should I inform you that I'm not exactly built with the intention nor have every feature as a YK500 or YK400 for that matter?"

"Ah, fuck you. Both of you."

Your eyes went back to Connor, turning his head back towards you with a hand upon his cheek.

"Connor, I need you tell me what happened today. From you." You felt Hank was about to talk again but you interrupted. "He needs this Lieutenant. Now, come on Connor. What happened?" You gave him an encouraging smile, rubbing your thumb atop his cheek.

His LED flashed yellow as he looked down, fiddling with his coin. You moved your
hand atop of his, shaking your head. Telling him that he doesn't need to do that with you here.

"I—as the Lieutenant said and I was explaining earlier, there was a deviant that was hiding on the rooftop." Connor began, LED flashing. Your squeezed his hand in comfort as Hank looked on. "A shootout occurred, which caused my injury. And then, when I successfully reached the deviant and went to probe it's memory I. . ." Connor paused, closing his eyes briefly before opening them once more. "It killed itself when I was connected to it. I felt it die, Doctor (Y/N). Like I was dying with it."

You looked at him, cause that's all you could do. Only look at Connor's pained expression and just stare. You want to help him. You want to help Connor and tell him everything is gonna be alright. Even though you aren't even sure yourself. You don't know anything and yet you know everything.

You're cursed. And for Connor, always for Connor, you wished you weren't.

"Go on," you said, gently. Always gentle with Connor. Never hurtful or cold. How you miss this. You continued to rub your thumb soothingly on his cheek, lips in a smile for him to look at.

"I. . . (Y/N), I was scared." His voice cracked, you didn't know it could sound like that. So broken. "I didn't know what to do so I just pushed it away when I focused on the information I got from it, a place called Jericho."

"I got leads that probably can help with that," Hank interjected, looking down at the both of you with a cocked head. "When this is done I'll see what we can do."

"Never mind that," You dismissed, they're still not asking the right questions. "Connor, please talk to me more. About what you felt. You were scared, why?"

"(Y/N)—Doctor (Y/N)—"

"You can drop the title Connor, I'm here. I'm here for you. No one's watching you. Watching me. But we have limited time," You explained quickly. You don't want the time you have to be wasted. You have to hear. You have to.

I have to know.

Your hand moved towards his chest, like that time so long ago. After his first mission and you repaired him, and you felt like he was something more. You always felt like he was something more. Even before.

Before he was made.

"Connor," you pressed your hand against his chest more firmly, trying to catch his eyes since he was gazing down. Looking at your hand against his chest with a troubled expression. "Come on, tell me. I'm here. What do you feel? What did you feel under my hand when this happened?"

"My blood was pumping through my synthetic veins, I felt it. I never felt it so," Connor swallowed, "So strong before. All I felt was feeling being shut down. Terminated when it shot himself. But after that second, I just felt." You decided to not comment on his slip up, only listening. A hand went to meet yours on top of his chest, him looking at you with troubled eyes.

You wish you can wash away that expression from his face permanently. You really do.

This world wasn't meant for you to grant your wishes.

Your brows furrowed, the hand upon his cheek touching him soothingly. Hank's eyes following the motion, brow raised but intent on Connor's words.

"You felt. . .? You felt what?"

"My thirium pump regulator. It was pumping so fast, I thought it would burst out of my chest. It felt—it was so strange." Connor stammered, finally looking up at you and your breath hitched. He was gazing at you, deeply. Meaningfully. You saw your own fears reflect back at you with those eyes that surely will be your end. "I was scared, (Y/N). I really thought I was going to be terminated. The last thing that went through my mind was how you were going to be disappointed in me."

Connor, you always try so hard. So hard.

Your lips parted as he continued, rambling as he just looked at you. Eyes focused on you like you were always focused on him.

"I didn't want that. I don't understand. I don't understand why. I simply never do with you. My programs always seem to stir whenever I question about you, or if I'm sometimes near you." Connor said, tone getting more and more broken. "The fact that I don't even know your last name is causing everything to from my processors to said programs go haywire."

Well, that you knew why. But. . .

One must ask the right questions, Connor.

"What else?" You demanded more then asked, because you knew something was deeply troubling Connor. Everything else could've, but there's one thing that can make him like this. It's what you tried to explain to him all those months ago.

That he's alive.

"I felt—" Connor's LED flashed red. "I felt myself—"

"You used the word 'die' when I'm not even alive."

"I'm a machine. Easily replaceable."

"I-I don't understand, Doctor (Y/N)." He stepped back, LED yellow, as you put your hand back to your side.  "A heart beats. I don't have one.

"There's nothing to forgive." He replied to your apology quickly, eyes turning from your form to the ceiling. "You can yell at me all you want. I won't get hurt by it, I'm just a machine. I'm nothing."

"I felt—"

An application appeared on your laptop just as Connor's LED flashed to yellow. You took back both of your hands, frowning deeply.

"Oh, it seems something went wrong, let me fix that." You turned towards your laptop that was upon the floor, and began typing away.

"Yes, " Connor made a show of nodding, following along with his LED still flashing yellow. "The interface went back up. Good thing you're here, Doctor (Y/N)."

You felt your heart being squeezed like how you squeezed Connor's hands. You're back to titles. You asked Connor to deactivate his skin on his shoulder to open the plate again to reach the chip.

"Huh, well. I'll be outside waiting for you guys to finish." Hank pointed his finger at the door, going along with whatever was happening before he left out the door. You really did misjudge him. He just doesn't know how lucky he is, being able to choose.

Once you were finished and got everything you needed, you packed your stuff as Connor went back to dress himself with the new pressed and clean clothes that were in your bag. You gave Connor a fleeting smile, still half dressed with a few buttons still to go to cover his fit chest.

You put a hand to his arm, giving it a slight tap, before releasing it.

"Gotta go, Connor. Tell me if you need anything." You turned towards the door to walk out but was stopped by something grabbing your hand.

Your head turned towards Connor, who was gazing at you in bewilderment and then down at their clasped hands which he caused. He looked so confused. As if it was instinct to just grab you and hold your hand within his own like this.

We're always grasping at hands, Connor. You only wish there will be a time where red and blue can mix. A time where it's not only a clasping of hands but more.

You always wished for more, you greedy little thing.

"I, my apologies Doctor (Y/N)." Connor released your hand, moving to continue to button his shirt. "I don't know what came over me. I will contact you if your skills are required once more in the coming days."

You gave a small nod, forcing a small smile on your face. Your acting is really being put to the test. Connor's eyes glanced at your lips and he frowned deeply. You could only remember that stupid question he asked if you forgot how to smile.

With you, Connor, I could never forget.

You turned your back towards the android, and walked through the doors.

You sometimes wish you did. Cause forgetting will hurt less then this.

Meanwhile, you have a few emails to send. And more work for your personal project waiting for you along with Chloe and your cat. An unreadable look crossed your face, a secret pitiful smile playing on your lips as you left the station.

The time is coming closer, Connor. I hope you can forgive me.

. . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . .

They were at Kamski's house. They can finally get some answers in here.

Connor still doesn't quite comprehend on how exactly Hank did it. Yesterday they were scrambling to find any new leads for answers on what causes deviancy, the connection to ra9, as well as any rumors about the location of Jericho once you left the station.

You left. But he wanted you to stay.

He doesn't know a lot of things when he's near you, but at that moment, that moment when you were able to cause an error within the AM Suite program/Zen Garden graphic interface, he felt. . . free. If that's the correct word for what he was feeling, because the pressure of CyberLife and Amanda was getting to him. It seems everything he does, no matter how much effort he puts into his missions, all he saw was Amanda's frown.

But that moment, when you released him from those chains, he knew that somehow a weight was released from his shoulders.

And you were free too.

He recalls your bright smile and your feathery touches that always make him warm, and he doesn't remember the last time you touched him so freely. Connor wasn't aware just how much he missed your touch on his person, back then he just wanted a professional relationship with you.

But now. Now, he. . .

Connor doesn't know what he wants now.

Again, however, he doesn't know a lot of things when you're involved. When you were touching his hand and his cheek soothingly, when you were smiling gently, always so gently. Always soft and warm and kind. You were looking at him with no judgement as he explained on what happened on the rooftop yesterday afternoon. Nor at the revelation of the Eden Club.

You've always been kind.

He doesn't even know why he held such trepidation at your reaction in the first place. Perhaps it has to do with his high respect towards his creator, his deep admiration. It explains the stir of his programming each time you were by him or just at the thought of you.

When Connor left the Observation Room after you left however, he was thrown momentarily out of order at Hank's amused expression and his comments.

"Now I get why you kept denying she's your mother and all that crap," Hank said as Connor grew closer to their desks in the station.

Connor's brows furrowed.

"Are you speaking about Doctor (Y/N)? Have you finally seen the connection between mother and creator is different?" Connor questioned, lips twitching as he went to sit down on his desk that was across from Hank's. Now calmed at what happened earlier at the Stratford Tower due to your visit. You always knew what to do. His creator is the best.

Hank released on what sounded like a snort.

"Yeah, sure. Back to using her title now, huh? Didn't find you to be the kinky sort, Connor."

Connor's LED flashed a dark blue, his programming and processors seeming to halt for a moment as his face went into one of bewilderment.

"Pardon? Did you just insinuate that I have some sort of fetish, Lieutenant?" He questioned, deeply confused on what was happening. The Lieutenant mentioned your name and then went to use a word that is mainly used for sex acts. How can one have to do with the other? "May I remind you that since I am an android that I do not have a strong opinion on anything, nor have likes or dislikes when it comes to my other pleasurable features—"

"Oh, god. Just stop!" The amusement left Hank's face, turning to one of disgust as he signaled with his hand. "Just fuckin stop! Jeez, Connor. What are you, a fucking wall that's just built for stuff to go over your head? Don't answer that." Hanks motioned his hand at him before Connor could give his prepared answer. "That, what was happening back there?" The Lieutenant looked at him, head tilted.

Connor's LED flashed yellow, now processing on what Hank was talking about. But Connor cannot comment, Hank should know that due to your explanation.

CyberLife is watching. Don't say anything incriminating, Lieutenant. For (Y/N)'sake.

Connor frowned at him, giving a slight shake of his head at the Lieutenant. Hoping that he would understand that he can't possibly explain on what happened in that room.

Even he doesn't quite understand it really. How a few touches and smiles from you can make Connor feel alright. Feel warm despite him not having his hot and cold sensitivity high. He doesn't understand just how you do the things you do when you're near him.

All Connor knows, is that he likes this feeling when he's near you.

You've always been warm.

Hank scowled at him, leaning his arms against his desk as he also tried to lean forward to get closer to Connor.

"What do you take me for? An idiot?" Hank shook his head. He seems to have caught on to Connor's message that's good. "Look, I just want to know this at least. You've noticed how she looked at me and Reed earlier right?" He nodded, wondering where the Lieutenant was going with this. You looked at them like you look at the other workers within CyberLife, cold and detached. "Alright. Now, compare the Doc's look from how she looked at us and how she looks at you. There, now let's stop talking. I still gotta headache from earlier when she must've slapped me."

The Lieutenant then turned towards his terminal, briefly telling him he's going to try to contact an old contact with the name of David who used to have close affiliations with CyberLife.

Connor could not stop thinking about Hank's words since yesterday and until now, as they're both waiting to be called into meet Kamski. His maker. The one who left just a sliver of draft blueprints for you to use.

His creator.

"You were perfect," you said with a smile once you explained to him once you saw his finished design with outside assistance.

You, you always looked at him with a smile. Or at a semblance of one. Even when you knew CyberLife was watching. Even when you looked at others in the Tower with detached eyes and a smirk that did not fit your lips, you always looked at him with a smile.

"You'll never be nothing to me, Connor. Never."

To you, he was never a machine. You who always stated that he's a 'he' and not an 'it'. You who will always ask him for his thoughts or opinions, who never commanded anything to him. Only wishes and advice. You never forced him to do anything even when you had the means.

"No, Connor. Just you. Always you. You're. . ." You paused, biting your lip and glancing away to the side. "You're more than I originally imagined, Connor. Way more."

Each time he was in the room, it doesn't matter if it was repairs or on reports of a mission or simply observing your incredible tools, your eyes seemed to always move towards him. A hidden look, a flash of some sort of emotion will come forth each time he would meet your eyes and then you would look away.

"It beats, Connor." You corrected in the softest of whispers. "Your chest beats. Like mine."

You're his creator. Kamski may have been his ultimate maker for all androids, but you created him. You made Connor.

And, you loved him.

Him processing it within his software mind made it short circuit, that's how it felt, the closest thing he could describe it as his thirium pump regulator felt like it skipped a pump.

Connor never understood much things about you, it's possible he'll never will. Even though he always wishes he could, to understand you.

And now, with this, this emotion that's he's finally been able to decipher in your eyes and your actions by going back within his memory files, all Connor wants more desperately then ever is to understand this feeling you have for him.

He wants to know.

But the answer may cause him to become deviant, and he's not. Because Connor is not a failure, you did not create him to be a failure. He is not deviant. He can't be, he won't become one.

You. . . love me.

Connor wants to understand, he really does.

But I have my duties to fulfill, I must find answers, He thought as he held a gun to a RT600's head, Kamski taunting him in his ear while Hank was yelling in the other.

"What's more important to you, Connor? Your investigation, or the life of this android?" Kamski motioned his hand to the kneeling RT600, looking at him in complete interest as Connor's LED flashed yellow wildly, his jaw clenched as he held the gun out before him. "Decide who you are."

What is more important to him? What is he?

What am I. . .?

Connor feels like you would know the answer. But you're not here. So, what is he?

Kamski drew closer. "An obedient machine. . .or a living being endowed with free will?"

What am I? I'm—I can't be deviant. I can't! My mission. . .CyberLife is watching. I can not fail. You didn't create me to fail, therefore I can not.

"You can tell me anything okay? There'll never be a time where my ears aren't open. And I can never be disappointed in you, Connor. Never."

How can your voice be so gentle? How can a human be so kind?

"That's enough!" Hank barked turned away and started to walk away. "Connor, we're leaving—"

"Pull the trigger." Kamski commanded softly, putting a hand on his shoulder, but he's not soft like you. Is there anyone like you? Hank turned back towards them.

"Connor don't. . ."

"—and I'll tell you what you want to know." Kamski continued, hand still upon his shoulder as Connor could only stare at the woman that was kneeling in front of him defenseless. No, not a woman. A RT600. Shit, what's wrong with him?

What would you do in this situation, Connor thought with LED constantly yellow, armed hand that appears steady to the untrained eye but he felt his trigger finger give small trembles and his synthetic veins pumping with programming going haywire. Would you release this android for no benefit towards you for finding out the truth? Or would you shoot this android, to get the information that you needed to solve this case?

It took Connor less then one millionth of a second to think of your answer. And none for Connor since he already knew his.

You've always been kind.

And so he released a controlled breath and motioned his armed hand out for Kamski to take it, his LED flashing red as Connor gazed at the still kneeling woman. He couldn't help but disagree on Kamski on this android's beauty.

Connor knows someone far more. . . just more.

Kamski took the gun from him, his eyes still looking at him in interest as he spoke but all Connor could do was stare at the Android in front of him and compare her to you and how she's everything you're not. Connor wishes you were here. Not only to give him advice, but so he can ask you questions that he desperately needs answers to.

You love. . . me?

He doesn't understand. But, he wants to.

"CyberLife's last chance to save humanity. . ." Kamski commented as he walked back to get a look at his contemplative face no doubt that was mixed with confusion, because he just doesn't understand. He feels lost, he wants you here. ". . . is itself a deviant."

Connor's LED still flashed yellow, and his confusion turned twofold if possible as he was staring distantly.

"I'm. . ." He blinked rapidly and looked up, brows down. "I'm not a deviant. . ." He replied quickly, defensively.

He can't be a deviant. He can't. Connor didn't shoot her because you wouldn't have, not because—because—

She's alive. The girl I was aiming at is alive.

That's what Kamski is saying now, he showed empathy towards this girl. Connor isn't supposed to feel empathy. Hank took him by the shoulder, telling him that they're leaving and they began to walk. But Kamski quickly stopped them, once more after he told Connor about an emergency exit program.

"Hold on once more, before I forget. Doctor (Y/N) helped create you right?" Connor turned towards him brows down and he heard Hank curse as he walked back into the room but he decided to ignore the Lieutenant because Kamski has gotten his attention once more. "No, that's not quite right." Kamski shook his head, a cryptic smile on his lips with a hand to his head. Him asking the Android he asked Connor to look for some medicine before he turned towards them. "She created you. With the assistance of those little drafts I made years ago."

Kamski began to walk forward, still smiling and rubbing his temple. Hank moved slightly  in front of Connor, seeming to wish to protect him when there was no need.

"Yeah, what's your point weirdo?" Hank insulted. "So it's true that Doc made Connor huh? Why haven't I heard of her?"

Kamski's smile widened, hands back in front of him as he stopped a few feet away from them.

"Interesting isn't it? She's created so many things for CyberLife, assisted in making unique models. Including a unique gift to an old friend and helped me design it. Even I sometimes forget on her role here, and I knew her for years."

"That might be because you're a crappy friend." Hank retorted, but Kamski continued unconcerned and Connor listened. His LED flashing yellow. He wants to know more about you, although the source can't be exactly credible since it's been determined Kamski isn't reliable.

"Doctor (Y/N) (L/N), the one who assists at everything in CyberLife and seems to know all and yet no one really knows her." Kamski idly said, grabbing a cup of water and pills from the Android and swallowing it.

Connor's and Hank's eyes widened, and Hank cursed about his headache coming back while Connor's circuits went wild.

"You know Doctor (Y/N)'s last name?" Connor questioned, momentarily in awe. "Why isn't her last name in any of my databases? Why hasn't anyone called her by it in the company? It's not even on her I.D."

"Well, of course I would know her last name Connor." He felt like Kamski was mocking him as the man moved towards a black shelf in the corner, going through a black container. "I've known her for years before I left CyberLife, of course. It took a bit of work for me, I admit. And you say it's not on her I.D.?" Connor nodded, LED flashing yellow as his programs felt like they were going erratically in his head. "Well, you're wrong. Her full name has always been on her I.D. In fact, her last name can be found in any record within this world."

Connor's brow furrowed, mouth open. "That's—that's not possible. I would've remembered my creator's name. It—her name would've shown up in my database if that was true." He stammered, in disbelief.

"Yeah," Kamski nodded, picking up a picture frame and walking towards them, "I thought so too. But let me point something out to you guys. Each time you've thought of Doctor (Y/N), or seen her, or right now at thinking of her not having a last name when she does, have you gotten a headache?" He looked pointedly towards Hank, who was rubbing his head but froze. He then turned towards Connor. "And you. . . It's different for you. Do you feel like your programs are on the verge of shutting down? Feel like there's errors when there aren't any because why else would your software act like this?"

Connor couldn't grasp any of this, because everything he was saying were things he's noticed. And Hank must've too because he's staying silent.

"This, what does this have to do with anything? Why does the presence or knowledge of Doctor (Y/N) affect us greatly?" Connor questioned, throwing each question at him as he clenched and unclenched his hands at his sides. "If her records show her last name, why doesn't any of my databases bring it up? Why doesn't anyone say her surname? It's like—it seems it's as if—."

"As if everyone forgets?" Kamski continued for Connor, arching his brows at him. Connor could only stay silent.

What is happening? I need to go see you, this is becoming more confusing then usual.

"There's no fucking way that everyone can forget someone's name like that," Hank spoke up, a mix of frustrated and confusion in his tone. "There's just no fucking way."

"Careful, Lieutenant. We live in a world where androids are becoming deviants. You shouldn't be surprised at something like this."

"'Something like this'?!" Hank reiterated angrily. "Listen, you sick fuck, I don't know about you but not being able to remember someone's last name or even trying to remember causes a fuckin migraine or for an android's windows to crash is just fucking all types of weird! You couldn't even hand me a Tylenol or whatever the fuck you took to make my headache go away."

Kamski released an amused chuckle.

"How about this? I'll be brief on my explanation on this phenomenon and you can go on your way? Thereby getting away from the headache."

Connor and Hank looked at each other, Connor giving a nod. He has to know. What is happening? Why is this happening? Will it cause him to slowly forget you?

Hank nodded to him, but didn't hide his frown.


Kamski moved forward, handing Connor the picture frame he was holding. Connor looked down at it, seeing a younger version of both Kamski and you in the blurry photo. Both of you were in front of the CyberLife logo.

"That is the best picture I have of us together," Kamski explained, blue eyes having a faraway look with a small smile on his face. "(Y/N) and I are close. We're still close. So far, I've been the only one who knows about her. Who really knows her. And the only one where she's told the truth about herself and her role."

Hank rose a brow. "You have a thing for her?"

Connor's eyes carefully scanned Kamski's face to observe his answer, seeing that Kamski gave a small laugh.

"Who wouldn't? With a mind like hers? I didn't care about the headaches I would get when I was by her, but," Kamski grabbed back the picture frame from Connor's hands, him looking intently at his maker's face as the man looked at the picture. "But it wouldn't have led anywhere. So I just got over her." Kamski handed the frame to the woman droid, hands back in front of him as he continued. Connor's tense shoulders relaxed, him not even realizing they were tense in the first place.

"The reason I know how and why (Y/N)'s last name seems to be lost in the bottomless pit of everyone's mind is due to (Y/N)'s explanation herself. You see," Kamski said, moving around them as he talked, "I would sometimes forget myself on (Y/N)'s last name, and when I realized the same thing you guys did— her last name seeming to not appear in any record—I always seemed to forget to properly ask her last name. Each time. It just happened, as if a fog came over (Y/N)'s life and is trying to cover her but can only do it halfway. I found it fascinating."

"A fog?" Connor repeated. "Are you saying that this fog seems to cause an erasure of (Y/N)'s life?"

His maker glanced at him, clear eyes glittering. "Precisely, Connor. Good job. Your creator would be proud of you."

Connor sort of wishes Kamski would stop looking at him like that, but he did like the praise.

"Hey, why don't you keep going, ya sicko? Cause this shit is still confusing for me." Hank growled. "How did the Doc explain it to you? You saying she was aware of this weird shit?"

"Yes, she was." Kamski answered, turning his gaze away from the advanced android and looked up. "It was a few years after I left actually, three years ago in fact, on when she found out. Before, (Y/N) just assumed she had a low presence and was invisible towards everyone else despite her genius and work she put into the androids like me. So she didn't care much for it, but she was doing an experiment. A risky experiment for some new remodeled version of technology that has been outdated since the year 2011. Have you guys heard of the Origami Killer?"

"Shit, that sick fuck who kidnapped kids and drowned them? Yeah, I remember him. I was twenty six years old at the time when all that was happening in Philly." Hank scoffed. "City of brotherly love my ass. What does that gotta do with anything?"

"An agent, with special glasses and gloves that allowed him to detect as well as provide visual aid in a crime scene, was sent there for that case." Kamski summarized, stopping once more in front of Connor, tilting his head at him. "Similar to how Connor is able to scan his surroundings as well as preconstruct actions or events. The technology was called Added Reality Surface, or ARI rather. It was discontinued after the case and never be picked up to get researched again. Until (Y/N)."

"Hold on," Connor crossed his arms, brows furrowed as information went through his head due to his quick research of the case as the men were talking, "the ARI seemed to have required an addictive drug. A drug that would make the user of the ARI heavily dependent on it no matter one's will. Did (Y/N). . .?"

"No," Kamski shook his head, smiling in amusement at him. He really wishes that his maker would stop making it seem he was mocking him. "(Y/N) would never want to play with that kind of stuff. She just wanted to put her own spin on the ARI and hopefully bring it back into the market now sold by CyberLife. A spin where it was possible to preconstruct every action and event possible, like you Connor. But she wanted it to be more like some sort of future analysis reader. Where the user can see all the paths they can take if they do this action or another."

An image of a labyrinth went into Connor's mind, and Connor felt like his pump regulator stopped.

"She tested it out on an android and then herself after everything seemed to turn out good for the android. It. . . It did not go over well." Kamski shook his head, closing his eyes as he swiped a hand across his face.

"W—what happened?" Connor questioned, worry and millions of questions going through his head.

"Let's just say that (Y/N) had an identity crisis." Kamski sighed. "She immediately called me about her findings and told me the reason people don't seem to remember her is because she isn't real in the first place. Or, at least, real to anyone here."

"She thought she wasn't real?" Hank asked, bewildered, crossing his arms. "You sure she didn't use that drug Connor was talking about to enhance the affects of these glasses? Sounds like she was high like a fucking kite."

"No," Connor interrupted before his maker could answer, turning towards Hank with a shake of his head. "(Y/N) isn't the kind of person to risk herself and her mind by using drugs. That reaction. . . Must've been caused by something else."

Kamski nodded, raising a brow at him. "Yes, I thought she overworked herself or something similar. She didn't respond kindly to that, and sent me evidence. (Y/N) cleverly recorded the people around her who she knew have seen her surname countless times, but when she asks them on what her last name was they would have this blurry eyes before they blinked and told her they've never seen or heard her name before. Some even stating they got a headache from their conversation." Kamski tapped his head with his pointer finger, as if to show. "She explained to me that the limbic system part of everyone's brain that is responsible for memory causes a sort of regression once she comes up. Not specifically her presence, but the memory of her presence besides her first name seems to have been erased completely."

His maker chuckled, "That's when I had to tell her that I was doing research myself on why I would sometimes forget her name. Who forgets someone so brilliant name after all?"

Connor blinked at the praise his creator was getting from his maker, despite all the questions whirring in his head, he felt proud for you.

His creator is the best.

"I admitted I researched with my overwhelmingly exhausting wealth I got from my time at CyberLife on memory, and specifically designed a non-addictive last longing medicine that cures migraines as well as memory. I'm the only one who has it in the market and I couldn't exactly give you some, Lieutenant." Kamski turned towards Hank, slightly apologetic. "Sorry, I wouldn't want this medicine to exactly leave this place." Hank shrugged and motioned for him to continue which his maker did.

"(Y/N) appreciated this, but told me to keep the medicine for myself. She continued research on the ARI, and tested it out twice more on both the android she used before and herself in the last two years."

Kamski paused, staring straight ahead. A few beats of silence passed before Connor couldn't take it anymore, his neutral expression breaking.

"And? What happened then? Did she see something else?"

Kamski turned his stare, clear blue eyes seeming to hold him in place. A knowing smile coming up as he walked towards him once more.

"(Y/N) always spoke of you, Connor. It amazed me on how much her interest peaked when it came to you."

Connor's lips turned down.

"I don't understand. You were just talking about (Y/N) two years ago, I wasn't being made yet at that time."

Kamski's eyes glittered, looking him up and down in pure curiosity.

Hank didn't seem to like the new demeanor of his maker, too similar to that of earlier. So he moved back to be in front of Connor.

"Hey, he asked you a question Kamski. Answer it or we'll leave and find the answers ourselves!"

"I find it particularly. . . amusing, Connor." Hank's body in front of him did not deter Kamski from getting closer. "Just how you were able to catch (Y/N)'s attention so easily. But like you said, you didn't even exist back then. (Y/N)'s findings the second and third time of testing out the ARI was much more tight lipped from me, but it didn't mean she didn't tell me things that didn't make sense then but it does now. I didn't have all pieces of this elaborate puzzle in this story yet, but I managed with what I got."

"Alright, ya crazy Steve Jobs 2.0, we're outta here. You keep using words like story and roles and you're making just about damn sense as earlier." Hank moved to the side and grabbed Connor's arm with his hand. "Come on, Connor lets go."

Connor didn't want to go though, Kamski has all the pieces for him. Connor has to solve this. Not just the investigation, but you.

He never really understood you, did he?

Connor's feet were planted against the floor, and didn't move even as Hank cursed at him to do so. Pulling his arm and surely wrinkling his jacket.

Connor's eyes narrowed.

"Kamski, what have you been getting at? What did (Y/N) see?"

Kamski chuckled, seeming to find his hidden annoyance amusing. He turned towards his pool and began taking off his red bathrobe.

"Why don't you ask her yourself, Connor? If she hasn't tried to tell you already on what she knows with her ways."

"What, what does she know?"

Kamski turned his head at him, clear eyes still twinkling and Connor is positive he's mocking him. Something you would never do.

You've always been—

"Your questions about ra9, Jericho, and the start of deviancy of course. Didn't I tell you earlier that she knows all?"

. . . confusing.

. . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . .

. . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . .

. . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . . ◉ . . . ◎ . . .

Oh. My. Gosh.

This chapter, it's SO FREAKIN LONG. JESUS CHRIST!!!

It was NOT supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be 5,000 words only. And look, it's 11,000. TWO TIMES MY ORIGINAL PLAN!!


Welp, I'm just glad I revealed a bit more here with Kamski so I don't have to do it next chapter.

The confrontation between you, Connor, and Hank with all of your secrets comes next.

I liked writing the station scene~ Freakin Reader put Gavin in his place(CREATOR WILL TAKE OUT THE TRASH), there was FINALLY an unsupervised moment between Connor and Reader(well, Hank was there), and just yay!

Kamski and You were close back then. Could've explored a bit more on your relationship with him but meh. I'll let you guys read between the lines.

Connor is a confused munchkin with too much info in his processors to handle! He has analyzed through his memory files and has determined you hold feelings for him thanks to Hank finally telling him to wake up and LOOK AT YOU AND YOUR ACTIONS. BUT THEN HE FINDS OUT YOU KNOW CREDIBLE INFO!!

But, you're also VERY secretive of him. And have unintentionally lied(not really, I just think you didn't say anything) about knowledge of ra9 as well as Jericho when Connor has spoke to you about it but you did not say a WORD. NOT A WORD TO HELP HIM.

Oh gosh, I must sleep. It's like 7 AM and I've been up all night finishing this scene with Kamski.

Feel free to point out my mistakes!

Please comment and vote! ^.^

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